The Missoula Democrat from Missoula, Montana (2024)

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The Missoula Democrati

Missoula, Montana

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ifi AIRMED CIRCULATION WOO COPIIS COUNTY pAlNTiftS i Advertising rates made known on application 1 01 THURSDAY DEC 30 1897 8 6 47 27 58 6 95 13 4 80 27 6 1 50' 32 29 33 15 02 119 Persistent 5 54 3 88 Coughs i 26 5 20 43 in 27 355 1 1 66 6 56 9 88 1 9 22 2 A 137 72 14 20 49 48: 81 2 32 10 70 Western Montana Bank 12 46 1 55 6 49 MISSOULA MONTANA in if 22 83 5 44 blk 55 23 1 34 7 90 DRINK BEER 100 35 South 8 01 and 30 1 81 Made by the 28 71 6 33 12 1 Brewery 16 49 6 66 4 15 02 15 02 10 76 19 77 17 17 10 71 8 4 68 6 09 regulate sphere is lots of Methodist I of England was Long' account of his extraordinary 20 7 4 26 The liabilities of Publisher Singer ly as disclosed by the suspension of the two banks of which he was presi dent mount up to the enormous sum of $2650000 By a scheme of bond and stock taking in newspaper the Record he aims to reach a settlement or a term of years Mr Singerly has been at the very front of boom jour nalism in Philadelphia and at an out lay of millions the lead in this respect has been kept The financial co lapse has finally come and the staid old Quaker City is slow to recover from the terrible shock Helena Herald Hamburg dynamite in the Trans vaal is worth $939 per case the Nahn sen dynamite is worth $1087 per case and the American is worth $1122 but the American commands the trade be cause the Rand miners have decided so Roberts our Consul at Capetown im ports that it is the best It is a good thing to do anything well 1 AUTHORITY ON ADVERTISING John Wanamaker the great million aire merchant is perhaps the heaviest advertiser in the world Speaking re cently of his system he said: do the heaviest advertising in dull times Then is when people look most keenly for bargains are anxious to ItnoW how much things cost and when and where they can save money I advertise particular thingsjgive prices and take as much pains with my an nouncements as I do with my stock One big dinner keep the reputa tion of the house but steady good cooking does it I never permit interest in my announcements to lag and never miss an issue in my chosen publica tions Advertising has made my store one of the largest in the Entered at the postoffice a Missoula Mont as second class matter Prepare to swear off to morrow aud to turn over a new leaf on the day fol lowing R1 31 4 1 12 1 1 We fear it is more a case of ristoela than fistula that is bothering Mr Johnsing right now LAMBERT MOLINELLI EDITOR KNIGHT BUSINESS MGR Paid In Capital $75000 Surplus and Profits $18000 7 Electa Cnapter ElS No Meets firfet riday of each inontli at ock in Odd ellows hall Geo Slack Sec Mrs Etta Angbvinb Worthy Matron 12 12 Gen Lew Wallace is a true proph'et when he says: we want Hawaii now we will fight for it fifteen years It is a necessity for the United States if she ever builds the great Nicaragua canal or enlargers her commerce If she simply desires to settle down and do business under other people's flags it may be best to let Hawaii go England or Japan would like to have Chicago Inter Ocean Edward shanks on height He is said to have been nearly seven feet in stature Philippe of rancebOTftlhftaamejtitle Be sure you get Emulsion See that the man and fish are on the wrapper 50c and $100 all druggists SCOTT BOWNE Chemists New York las proved its effectiveness in cur ng the trying affections of the throat and lungs and this is the reason tially STAND ROM UNDER Believers in astrology ar? making predictions of disaster and ot her things for the coming year Old al manac which won notoriety the past year by predicting the Paris fire pre dicts for 1898 a terrible civil war in the United States the death of the czar and the kidnapping of the young king of Spain and that about the second week sf November of that year munication will be opened up Mars 9 48 12 Batlp EtemocraWBessenfler PUBLISHED BY VX By KNIGHT Co A oough which seems to hang on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs 1 nergetic and sensible treatment 7or twenty five years that stand ard preparation of cod liver oil SCOTT'S EMULSION Mo W' why: the cod liver oil par digested strengthens and vitalises the whole sys tem the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation Gm you think of any combi nation so effective as this? 'if It must be admittepn behalf of women that they eiqrfy uhrivaled good fortune in being able to keep out of jail Vital statistics compiled from the last census returns show that for every 10 000 men in America 23 6 of them were peeping from behind bars while of each 10000 women in our country only 2 10 are restrained of their Boston Post To the Eadies of Missonis Having opened medicated Garden City Lodge No 101 I A to the bath and massage parlors nf Tc twaafo fleet I CT a WAAAW LUUV9UAI UX each month in afternoon Mrs Anderson President Mrs ClaraMase Sec Sphere How can a distinction be clearly drawn in all cases between a prayer meeting and other public meetings? And when a woman is speaking in a meet ing how shall we proceed to stop her if $he indulges in a flight of oratory? This trying to giving us Herald Larson Peter lots 15 and 16 blk 23 McCormicks add Little Lynn lots 19 and 20 bl 12 23 and 24 blk 13 Soup Missoula Lancaster George lot 9 bX' vreiginai townsire tor II add Lear Cornelia A lots 9 12 blk 41 Park add Lehmann Max 1 2 NJ 5 14 less 65 acres sec 22 tp 12 20 Logan Andrew 28 1 2 ft in iot ca mggins aaa141 54 Lubecki lot 12 blk 2 Missoula Leigh Mrs lots 29 na blk 32 Thompson Link Sarah SW 1 4 4 51 I TERD KENNETT PRESIDENT RYMAN VICE PRESIDENT A WOL) CASHIER of Meets second and fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 in Odd ellows hall I SHOW said the shirt to the lor Walling a bT ence Laundryman All work guaran teea to give i Sheahan Lodge No 293 orders promptly attended to Meets second and fourth Sunday of each month i i 11 in Union Hall at 8 phone No 13 Wagon Will call YA? I Scott inest line of confectionery in the city at next to the Missoula Division No 262 Bof Meets I office first and third Monday of each month in base ment oi rirst jNavi nanK DiocK at 8:30 John Noonan Albert Busy 1 3 Moonlight oir the sea There are pic tures and dreams in the air for the woman who sits and gazes out over it Pic tures of 'a happy 7 home dreams of a 4 maniy husband it beautiful castles to be built by the loving hands of mutual helpfulness and fillea with healthy happy children Almost without exception these dreams might become realities if mothers would only teach their daughters the most com mon sense facts about their own physical make up and advise them how to protect themselves from the perils of the three critical periods of their puberty or maturity motherhood and the of lire" Women at these times suffer from irregularities aud weaknesses which if neglected will develop into dangerous dis eases and make their whole lives wretched The delicate prgans that make wifehood and motherhood possible cannot be neg lected with impunity If they are neglect ed the result is unhappy wifehood and motherhood will be a menace of death Dr avorite Prescription is an un failing specific for all diseases of these organs It restores them to perfect health I promotes regularity of their special func tions It fits for wifehood and mother hood It tones invigorates and builds up the nerves that have been shaUered by pain and suffering or years my wife suffered from what the doctors called prolapsus of the uterus' writes Mr Harry Chant of nt Haskell Street Dallas Texas She was nervous had cold hands and feet palpitation headache backache constipa tion a disagreeable drain bearing down pains and no appetite She got so weak she could not get around lam only a laborer and was always in debt to the doctors and all for no good as none of them did her any good She began taking Dr avorite Prescription and it seemed to work like a charm She has taken about thirteen bottles and is to day as stout and healthy as any woman in the united States" Directory of raternal and Beneficial 4 A 3 62 '5 28 it com withl 26 81 Jones fed lot 7 blk 24 Lows add 87 Kelly William lot 13 blk 15 I South Missoula Kern lot 18 blk add King lots 19 and 20 blk 62 Urlins add Keep George lots 18 and 19 104 56 1 folic 41 South Missoula Kenney Ophelia in SW sec 14 tp 13 19 3 3 10 acres Kern lots 19 and 20 blk 32 $1 01 add Knox Mrs lots 13 to 24 blk 28 Park add Lion and Bear Claws elk teeth and mineral specimens mounted tc order on 1 short J) Jas Moore 127 HigAve' OiSay! have you tried our you have come again TPulliafa Bros Cor tif errneprv ''1 Official of Missoula county until Aug 16th 1899 Official Paper of the De nocrutic Party Missoula county Official Paper of the American ed zration of Labor of the city of Mis soula tsw 1 4 and 1 acre in NW cor SE 1 4 SW 1 4 sec 2ft tn la io Lalonde Adam A eta 1 placer rlnim irU IQ 1Q 1 11 49 It acres Lewis Daveet al 1 22 int in Mis soula lode lot 37 21 95 Malone Richard Lo ts 7 and 8 2 68 blk 13 lots 1 to an 16 to 201 blk 19 lots 2 to 20 blk 21 aud 6 95 lots 1 to 10 blk 29 Riverside add lots 11 2t blk 2 lots 1 to 67 09 10 blk 8 lots I to 10 blk 11 lots ne to3 12 Cen tral add 95 Marrell Laura NW 81 1 Middleton Lewis lot 6 blk 16 Knowles add oz Mickles Arnold Wl 2 SW1 4 sec 86 86 28tpl4R16 Mitchell Silas 1 2 NE 1 4 NW i av 14 Nw sec 20 tp 13 VI I Io Minnehaa Garrity 20 acres 39 00 SE 1 4 SW 1 4 sec 28 tp 15 I 22 83 Mosley Gaylord SE 1 4 sec 5 td I 20 26 1 3 18 Munger Charles 2 1 2 NE Ll 4 sec 22tpl5 R25 Maier Andrew NE 1 4 sec 30p I ni AV 2 59 Marks Henry' lots 7 to 10b I a ev 1 3 01 Marshall lots 1 to6 ad 9 to blk 18 1 to 20 blk 29 lots 1 to 20 blk 21 lots I to 20 Ilk 22 TERMS SUBSCRIPTIONS One yekr $5 00 Six months 'j' 3 carrier per month 50 Delinquent Tax List County of MISSOULA flontana for the Year 5 Anderson A Lot 8 blk Tw 7 add and lots 19 4 and 20 blk 110 Town Co add 10 57 Albert DenisrS sec 3 tp 14 21 less 75 acres in river ts Amiraux Geo'P 54 jZe sw JZ sec 30 to 13 IS 21 ANlck4 cigar Anderson Anders nwtf A nw 1' J' and lots 1 atid 2 sec18tp 13Risf The Sport cig'ar 16 40 A and Missoula Lodge on first and third Tuesdays at 8 ra at Odd ellows hall 1 i Dixon YW M'v Bbllew I' 1 jt wK A M' Western Sun Chapter No third riday iu each month in I OO' hall at 8 o'clock 111 Geo Slack 1 lgU SjcEMr Secretary DIRECTORS: erdinand Kennett Levi isk A Wolf Charles Otto Ryman Banking Business Trans acted ussy 30x30 in lots i and 4 blk 10 Higgins add 11 88 elton Charles 'A Int in lots 9 aud 10 blk 113 Town Co add T14 ranklin Mrs Mary lot 6 blk 126 Woody add 9 74 raser Elizabeth lots 77 and 102 Town add 5 60 lA Gog erty Lf lot 19blk 5 Mc VJ UllkellS null Gogerty lots 7 an4 8 blk'! Knowles add Gordon Annie lots 17 to 18 blk? 17 South Missoula Gillen Connai lots 10 to 12 blk 14 add GefferyJ red wfseef 22tp 15 25 4 3 15 17 fed w'X sec tp '15y '7 29 50 Garrick l6ts 27 and 28 blk ri' a ivicv ormicKs No 3 26 79 1 Gibbs Emma E' lot 1 and 10 1 ft lot 2 blk 82 Urlins add if J't'l Sltlfl 15 I a ZM ii" 7 1 95 blk 41 South Missoula lots 6' I to 9 blk 33 Homevale Goff Mrs Sarah lots 19 to 24 2 58 blk 22 Park add Green A lot 20 blk" 9 Ori ginal Townsite 2 11 v' Hagan AN estate lots' 29 1 29 auu oik vooks aaa Heider HT 67x120 ft blk 9 42 35 nouievaie Hardy CS lots 3 to 5 blk I Knowles add 00 Hershfield Louis all of blks zv du and 31 Homevale 15 Hillier lots 3 to 5 blk 15 Thompson 84 Haines A lots 21 to 24 blk 12 south Missoula Hibbard lota 16 and 17 blk 31 57 south Missoula Hammond a 1 4 1 4 18 65 sec 22 tp 13n 18 Haines Ernest 1 4 a 3 34 1 4 1 4 and lot 2 sec 19 tp 14r20 1 12 Hewes Edward se 1 4 sec 10 tp 15 22 5 68 Herman Jacob 1 4 1 4 1 4 4Iots 6 7 8 and 10 sec 8 tp 21 29 94 Hardy Samuel lots 5 6 7 8 and 10 sec 30 tp 14 15 Hendricks ritz lots 23 and 24 32 blk 5 south Missoula Heyer Joseph lots 5 4 11 12 17 and 18 blk 12 and lots 1 and 43 2 blk 14 Riverside add Hill David 1 4 sec 28 tp 14 Honsman Harry 2 acres 30 sec 32 tp 13 19 Hargrave lot 2 blk 08 south Missoula lots 9 10 11 blk 18 Homevale add Heyfron Josephine y2 lots 7 05 to 10 and all lots 11 and 12 blk 12 Higgins add Hutter Herman 1 2 of lot 13 and all lots 14 and 15 blk 8 05 Original townsite Herman Jos lots 9 and 10 17 blk 16 school add Higgins P' estate lots 1 and 3 51 2 blk 7 Higgins add 30x88 ft in lot8 30x88 ft in lot 9 and 26x88 ft in lot 10 blk 9 Hig gins add 40x120 ft in lots 7 8 59 72 9 hnd 10 blk dB Higgins add 1 2 int in lot 1 blk 103 2 3 int ft 08 in lot 2 blk 103 and 9 10 int in lot 3 blk 103 Town add 7 47 and lots 12 to 14 blk 12 Mon tana add 3 49 I I Irwin A lot 13 blk 121 Woody 14 85 add lyes 56 ft in blk 21 Mc add I Covenant Lodge No '6 Meets at The finest nickel Clgatc OU' the Ashby Robt estate of Odd ellows hall every Wednesday VSE NE SE la SE SW market at a jml atevens vo Bec 26 tp 13 16 2 SAMUfeLBELtEW Secretary 7 10 04 a block Higgxns avenue' sec 6 tp 21 Missoula Encampment No 5 I 1 1 26 and lots 1 2 and' 4 blk 13 Meets hrst and third 'luursdav in each month 1 ''i i'i Hmi hm a i i i'i imi 1 1U1U3 at kju iu uaci reiiowa nan" I I i A Marshall CP Our job printing department is com 1 and A Logan Scribe oik 66 Urlin add a of Esther Lodge No Meets secxitid I 4 andrfourth Thursday of eajm month at White Plume CelenrJJ 7 1 4 in Odd ellows hall I vory Blair Chas lots 1 to 3 blk 4 Mac TWTxrvc Xf 7 I hmm 4l a a a a am a A Mas Clara Masb me giuuuu yui uwu 8 4 npme Knights of Pythias Laurel Lodge No 11 SVenS and Guinn Meets every Wednesday of each month I Audy block HigglflS aVCHUe I Silver Bow place lots 37 at Castle ball In Odd ellows block at 3 pm I 54 12 100 acres II Lou Knight of Ka's1 CAVS Bernard Henry lots 13 to 16 Withdrawn rom the irm blk 3 Park add and interestvVmo A SSeiU? This is to give notice to all parties and 113 Town that I have this day with Boweo Williamlot 4blk7Mon drawn from and left the firm of Purtle tana add M2eteTsftandlhim copartnership ebndudting Burge Ed lots 1 and 2 blk 32 of hall Dickinson a general lumber and saw mill busi 1 Bq Independent Order of oresters Court Mis 1 ness at spur in Missoula soula No Meets in of hall On the Tvro xv McCormick add second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Montana whictl said firm! No 2 8 consisted of John Purtle and John I Beggs lots 1 and 3 blk 37 Cranston Rec Lynch ompson Garden City Tent No Meets And further that the sai copart Thompson first and third Monday at 8 in Phall nership is hereby dissolved and at an Boyer Isaac lots 14 and 15 blk red VonBistelbostel Commander i i 7 Ci Tin Ed Ward Secretary end and that I will be responsible for 38 lots 33 and 34 blk 16 Thomp Missouia Hive No ill OT Meets first no debts contracted in the future in and hird Wednesdays Of each month in Of the nnme of Purtle Lynch 5r on Knowles add "mrs Jessie eighner account of the said copartnership Bell Alexander 'A int lots 9 Mrs May Huntl John Purtle and 10 blk 113 Town add American Order of Borne Protection Meets Dated at Missoula Montana Dec 1 George lots 3 and 4 blk 12 first aud third Tuesday of each month in of LowS add PT Rec Bickford lots 18 to 21 blk Corbett Rec South Missoula Union Hall Co Directors Meet second Sweet Dotatoes Concord cranps Brayton and Andrews: lA int Monday of each month lots 6 to 10 and 16 to 20 blk 26 fruits and vegetables of all kinds Manitoba add ederation of Labor No Meets every A Tuesday at 7:30 in Union Hall cheap at REILLY Co Br and Barnes lots 6 and Hazelton President 17 to 20 blk 3 and lots 1 to 10 POE Rec ump rpiprv blk 14 Manitoba add Lee Warner inancial White plume celery choice fruits Blackfoot Mulj Co Missoula Typographical Union No 277 and veetables at next to the NW SW sec 28 tp 14 Meets first Sunday of each month at Union hall post Office 16 Duncan McDonbll President 1 re i re 1 Nesmith Acting Secretary HeatldCt LOUlse int in sec 19 tp 13 18 int iri 1459 ev'Monav1 fiOOMS Best in the city 25 cents a night SE NW SE NE SW Union HaiL Monday at 6a0 in Heleua Hotel manager sec 18 tp 13 18 A Meyer I Barry Estate lot 3 blk 2 Donley Secretary Superior Brunswick Now Rnrklev 1nfc 11 Local Assembly No 152 1 Meets first and third Thursdays of each month The Brunswick opposite the and 12 and 9 10 part of 13 blk at 8 in Union Hall ttt 103 Town add A Mix President depot has been leased by Mrs WC xvwu uu Jos Grenier Jr Cowan who having renovated and re ofs Lodge No 6 Meets second and furnished tbe house and replenished Chaffin Moses 1 acre in sec 32 to urtiraaturday of each month at 8:30 in the kitchen is now prepared to offer I tp 13 19 non al Layton President lodging or board or both that will Mrs Belte lots 13 and Noll Secretary 14 36 South Missoula ptease anybody Not only are regular Ciark George lots 13 to 24 International Association of Machinists I meate supplied at reasonable rates blk 12 Homevale Hellgate Lodge No Meets second and I but the short order department is a Curry Helen SE NE fourth Sundays of each month at residence of SE '2 and SE 'NE1 sec 2 Powers at 3 feature of the establishment where Trusdell tp 20 26 and NE sec 11 tp Stubbs every delicacy can be obtained Com 20R26 Box S93 I petent cooks pleasing service and Crenshaw John lot 4 blk 15 Missoula Division No 243 0 Meets I CleaQ aPartments supplied ThompgiW first and third Sundays of each month in all tf I 10t 1 D1K 96 railroad hall at2 pm I add William Dyson Clements Elizabeth lot 10 A Chamrerlin and Trpas I lorence Laundry I I our io snowies aaa me and 4 shall be whiter Clifford John lots 1 and 2 and Eft sec 18 tp 15 22 Caurts and Clusky lots 9 and in tlllr 1 KTa wi oll satisfaction Special Cyri William lots 1 2 and 3 i lele and SIS N1S less 20 acres sac 6 tp 13 R20 Cobban Alice lot 36 and 'A of lot 37 blk 10 Park add post Cornish John estate blks 1 I and 2 and 45 to 48 Homevale lots 10 and 11 blk 33 Union add y3 int in the 5 feet lot 18 blk I 2 and int in lots 19 20 and' 21 blk 2 Original townsite lots vapor 11 to 20 blk 7 and lots 2 to 8 with blk 4 Central add shampooing and complexion special 0 ties am now ready for work Your 60xl20 patronage kindly solicited Rooms 15 Biock 10 Homevale Missoula Lodge No 73 WOW Meets sec mg gms diock ivirs ue woxie a ine 2 lot ond and fourth Tuesday in each month at Odd I Rafter lw I 13 blk 13 and all lotSil4 and 15 ellows hall Simons I blk 13 Higgins add lots 11 David Blackie Clerk snd17 WV 17 add $45 05 Improved Order Redmen lathead Tribe No I I Davidson A lots 1 to 24 blk 7 Meets every Thursday at Odd ellows hall AMmZwnH 23 lots 3 to 24 blk 28 lots 2 to SAMGARRicCterk' 24 block 47 loU 3 to 8 blk 71 Sam Garrick Clerk Longfellow the of lots 1 to 12 blk 76 lots 1 to 24 loved and was loved by the children and blk 771ots 1 and 27 and 8 blk lar A later year8 brightened by many 29 lots 11 to 2023 and 24 blk 29 Meets first and third Thursday of each proofs of their affection It would be South Missoula $66 61 month at 730 pm Harwood Com I hard to recall anything more character 1 Becamp Elots 15 to 16 blk istio and touching than a recent occur 69 and lots 13 to 18 blk 76 rence described by a correspondent South Missoula $4 10 1 Mr A and his family of New York owdell John lots 1 to 6 blk 11 wpta vijriziniz WpsHniriRfpr nhhov I and 15 to 18 blk 12 Montana I corner attracted them cf conrse I add i uowaeii Mrs niiien lots 9 and' 8 10 blk 25 Riverside add and the bust of the American singer lots and 2 blk 15 Maintoba 1 Nellie the elder daughter carried a add roue As they turned away she laid it Darrow George SE 1 4 reverently near the gentle face sec2tpl3R18 Her sister Mabel a child of 8 was Demo Luke 80 acres in missed from the party a few minutes 1 4 SEI 4 sec 2 tp 12 I I IK 18 PaWIfvM Btand on tiptoe to place something with J'4 uaraen i tv spsswstM 1 What were you doing the I Derosier iots 12 and 13 blk 1 lamer asxea wnen sne rejoinea tnem lot 11 blk 15 renchtown had a rose and I any Demmer Peter estate lot 9 blk things the child said bravely I 7 Plains bit off one of my curls and gave Mr Drinkwine 1 2 SW 1 4 sec Longfellow that Compan 15 tp 20 26 I inn Duboise estate lot 2 blk 4 Superior Borrowing Her Word Dickinson Jennie lots 13 and have a piece of news for he 14 blk 33 Thompson remarked ad he sat down at the tabla Patronize Home Industry De Billion is going to be mar blk 3 Central add Can Up ah Donahue lots 1 to 5 blk 37 Can Be ound at All Saloons knew that two Weeks i and lots 11 to 15 blk 37 Made By Union Men add saw her future husband today Deschamps Jos 10 acres in SE he 1 4 NW 1 4 sec 34 tp 15 21 I hot what call Deschamps Elder lot 19 blk handsome He looks 4 Original townsite do you Dickson Chas et al placer Young and Brilliant claim lot 37 less 9 acres Bryan is the youngest man ever nom I haean What you women mean when luated for president of the United States He is the brilliant young orator I Jbat do you undbrstand by our use I Eflgerton lots 5 and 6 blk whose Populistic speeches rattled thel mossbacks of congress in 1892 8 almost whenever miythipg looks very Elhs Mrs Lillie blk 24 mnnh an 'THiimar mmAa I old and verJ outlandish you almost in Homevale ent ccmgraM He is 87 veare aid variably say artistic Etnier Clarence Broken Hill SrnS CwLhUe 1 ree Press lodetP18R27 JI.

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The Missoula Democrat from Missoula, Montana (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.