Ranger Beast Master Build (2024)

The best Ranger Beast Master build for Baldur's Gate 3. Share your trust with a loyal companion, to enable unique combat synergies. Although the build is a late bloomer, the highest tear beasts, are a force to be reckoned with, giving various advantages in combat - total darkness, disarm, etc.


  • Beast Master Ranger Build
  • Leveling Overview
  • Starting the Game - Level 1
    • Races
    • Class
    • Favoured Enemy
    • Natural Explorer
    • Background
    • Abilities
    • Skills and Expertise
  • Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12
  • Maximizing Ability Scores
  • Potions, Elixirs and Consumables
  • Illithid Powers
  • Equipment Recommendations
    • Act 1
    • Act 2 - mid-game
    • Act 3 - Final Build setup
  • Ranged setup
  • Build Mechanics
    • Important Mechanics and Combos
    • Early Game Combat
    • Late Game Combat
  • Build Variations
  • Conclusion

Beast Master Ranger Build

The build at its core is a ranger. This means that you are versatile with using various weapons and are effective in combat. Although you do not get as many direct benefits as other subclasses - Gloom Stalker or Hunter.

However, where you shine, is being able to call help from your beast companions with Ranger Beast Master Build (1)Ranger's Companion. At first, they are okay, but as you level up, they get additional features. The top potential is reached at level 11 with Ranger Beast Master Build (2)Bestial Fury.

There are some very powerful actions that your summons can do - disarm enemies, call for help, create fields of darkness, or summon a spectral sword with your wolf. Cool, right?

I would like to add a unique twist to the build and go with Two-Handed weapons. The build works perfectly with Ranged ones, but I think this gives something interesting to play around. I will, of course, include a section on how to do this with a bow if you are interested.

Thank you to Rookie [Magus Amogus] for optimization tips regarding abilities from Larian BG3- Builds discord.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

1Ranger 1STR - 17, DEX - 10, CON - 16, INT - 8, WIS - 14, CHA - 8
Skills: Animal Handling, Perception, Insight, Medicine
Favoured Enemy:Ranger Beast Master Build (3)Ranger Knight
Natural Explorer:Ranger Beast Master Build (4)Beast Tamer
2Ranger 2Spells:Ranger Beast Master Build (5)Hunter's Mark, Ranger Beast Master Build (6)Longstrider
Fighting Style: Ranger Beast Master Build (7)Defence
3Ranger 3Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (8)Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
Subclass: Beast Master
Scribe Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (9)Cloud of Daggers
4Ranger 4Feat:Ranger Beast Master Build (10)Great Weapon Master: All In
5Ranger 5
Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (11)Spike Growth
6Ranger 6Favoured Enemy: Ranger Beast Master Build (12)Keeper of the Veil
Natural Explorer: Ranger Beast Master Build (13)Wasteland Wanderer: Fire
7Ranger 7Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (14)Pass Without Trace
8Ranger 8Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Strength
9Ranger 9Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (15)Plant Growth
10Ranger 10Favoured Enemy: Ranger Beast Master Build (16)Bounty Hunter
Natural Explorer:Ranger Beast Master Build (17)Urban Tracker
11Ranger 11Spells: Ranger Beast Master Build (18)Conjure Barrage
12Ranger 12Feat: Ranger Beast Master Build (19)Savage Attacker

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Beast Master build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability, especially in the early game.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.

Ranger Beast Master Build (20)Dwarf Duergar
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (21)Dwarven Combat Training
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (22)Superior Darkvision
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (23)Dwarven Resilience
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (24)Duergar Resilience
I love this choice Ranger Beast Master Build (25)Invisibility​ may be redundant with multiple companions, but you can still cast Ranger Beast Master Build (26)Enlarge​ which is a good buff-up without any concentration cost.
Ranger Beast Master Build (27)Wood Elf
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (28)Elven Weapon Training
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (29)Darkvision
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (30)Fey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
Comes with improved movement speed which is extremely useful for melee builds.
Ranger Beast Master Build (31)Wood Half-Elf
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (32)Civil Militia
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (33)Darkvision
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (34)Fey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
Comes with improved movement speed which is good, but extremely useful for melee builds. You can also equip a shield, which is great for improving AC early in the game.
Ranger Beast Master Build (35)Half-Orc
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (36)Savage Attacks
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (37)Relentless Endurance
  • Ranger Beast Master Build (38)Darkvision
A great choice, especially if you plan on going melee. The critical damage bonus is okay, but Ranger Beast Master Build (39)Relentless Endurance​ is what will make you exceptional in close combat.


Ranger Beast Master Build (40)Ranger
Rangers are unrivaled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.

Favoured Enemy

This is a set of abilities unique to the Ranger class. Based on your selection you can get new spells or unique effects against specific enemy types. Generally, anything works here based on your roleplaying choices. I would choose:

Passive FeatureDescription
Ranger Beast Master Build (41)Ranger KnightI recommend this one at least when starting the game. You want the build to use Heavy armor, to accompany that low Dexterity. Later on, with some gear adjustments, this will become redundant.

Natural Explorer

You also get these nature-related boons for the Ranger. These are based on the class experience in nature and how it can survive in different conditions. None of these provide any game-breaking bonuses so pick what you prefer:

Ranger Beast Master Build (42)Beast TamerAllows summoning a Familiar. They take animal forms and have unique effects both in combat and outside. You can use them for scouting or debilitating effects like blindness


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Wisdom.

Guild ArtisanInsight
A great choice, especially as you also get persuasion for better dialogue outcomes.
Folk HeroAnimal Handling
Useful choice, that gives two wisdom-related skill proficiencies.
A somewhat mixed bag. Insight is good, for some game situations, but religion is not related to many impactful things.
This is a somewhat okay choice. Sadly survival mostly shows places that can be dug, and once you see the roll, you can just dig them, even if it failed. So it becomes redundant.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the best Beast Master build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ranger Beast Master Build (43)Strength17 (15+2)This will be the main ability that the build uses. It will give a good boost to damage output and unlock some great options for two-handed weapons.
Ranger Beast Master Build (44)Ranger Beast Master Build (45)Dexterity10Although this primary ranger ability, I am leaving it low for now. The build will be using Heavy armor, for the start of the game, but it will have minor adjustments once you obtain Gloves of Dexterity.
Ranger Beast Master Build (47)Constitution16 (15+1)Having a good Constitution is useful both for survivability and keeping spell Concentration.
Ranger Beast Master Build (48)Intelligence8No need for this ability.
Ranger Beast Master Build (49)Wisdom14This is the main spellcasting ability of Ranger and some skill proficiencies will depend on it.
Ranger Beast Master Build (50)Charisma8Although it is important for dialogues, this would leave the Beast Master build weaker in other aspects.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier and these are Wisdom-related.

  • Animal Handling - this is the mandatory one in my opinion as it fits the build theme so well.
  • Insight
  • Medicine
  • Perception
  • Survival

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Ranger Beast Master to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world.


Ranger Beast Master Build (51)Hunter's MarkA solid spell, that will be your go-to option for bonus action for at least a few levels. It gives bonus damage, which is a great improvement early in the game.
Ranger Beast Master Build (52)LongstriderI recommend getting this spell, as it is a Ritual one, and does not cost a spell slot to cast. Moreover, this can be used to buff up yourself, beasts, and companions. If you have someone else in the group who can cast it, feel free to take anything else.

Fighting Style

Here, you can make a few important choices, that depend on your playstyle:

Ranger Beast Master Build (53)DefenceTake this option if going with melee, and specifically two-handed. The bonus armor class is a great boost.

Optional Elixir of Hill Giant Strength progression

This is optional, and for some people breaks, immersion, feel free to skip it.

Well, there is a trick early in Act 1, after you reach the first settlement - Druid's Grove. There you can stock up on some really powerful potions for Acts 1, and 2 - Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

What do they do? They increase the Strength to 21 until a Long rest. More or less this negates any need to have strength investment if you plan to use them till the late game. This is somewhat gimmicky. If you are interested here is a guide on how to farm Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

With this option, you could set Strength to 8, and pump up that Dexterity. This would result in higher initiative, and you could wear Medium armor from the start of the game. So think about it.

Level 3

You can now choose a subclass for the build and gain additional goodies.


Ranger Beast Master Build (54)Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)A decent action that also works with melee.


Ranger Beast Master Build (55)Beast Master
Ranger Beast Master Build (56)Ranger's CompanionGives access to unique beasts with their unique set of actions and skills.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace yet.

Level 4

Now, you get some other great choice picks - the first feat is unlocked.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace.


Ranger Beast Master Build (57)Great Weapon Master: All InThis is the strongest feat if you are using two-handed weapons. First, it gives a bonus attack using a bonus action if you kill an enemy or land a critical hit. Second, it gives a big 10 damage boost, that comes with a -5 penalty to attack rolls. This is problematic in the early game but can be overcome in various ways. I recommend checking my guide on Attack Roll Increase, to get ideas on how to mitigate it.
Ability ImprovementGet +2 Strength, which is a safe choice in my opinion. It increases the hit chance and gives +1 damage. Only take this if not using Strength Elixirs, otherwise, skip it.

Level 5

This level is a major improvement for the Beast Master as the new class feature is unlocked - Ranger Beast Master Build (58)Extra Attack. This almost doubles your damage output per single turn.

Ranger Beast Master Build (59)Extra AttackCan make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.

In addition, you also unlock the Beast Master feature:

Ranger Beast Master Build (60)Companion's BondA good improvement to the stats of your Companion. This is based on a proficiency bonus, which grows as you level up.


Ranger can also now pick level 2 spells:

Ranger Beast Master Build (61)Spike GrowthA good crowd control spell, that can easily just outright murder some of your foes.

Replace Spells

If you stopped using or did not use any spells from the Level 1 spell list now is the perfect time to switch. I utilized them all, so decided not to take any replacements. I recommend checking these out:

Ranger Beast Master Build (62)SilenceCreates a sphere that silences enemies. Although they can move out from this, it will require them to waste their movement or even use Dash and skip the attack
Ranger Beast Master Build (63)Lesser RestorationThis spell can come in handy in some situations, so I recommend that at least one party member has it. It can remove paralysis, disease, poison, and blindness
Ranger Beast Master Build (64)Pass Without TraceIn the build context, this is not a huge improvement but can be welcome to have in some encounters where you want to sneak past with the whole group.

Level 6

Overall, level 6, is nothing big. We get some additional choices for unique ranger bonuses. However, there is one thing that I would like to cover and I think is the perfect time:

Level 1 Dips for the Build

As I mentioned, the build can accommodate level 1 dips into a class via multiclassing. This can be helpful to improve some aspects of Beast Master, but overall, it won't give anything huge. So here are a few options:

  • Cleric (War Domain) - gives Ranger Beast Master Build (65)War Priest​ feature, allowing to attack with bonus action. Because you have Ranger Beast Master Build (66)Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack, this is not as important. You could also be interested in the Ranger Beast Master Build (67)Guidance​ spell, which is usually cast by a cleric (if you do not have one).
  • Sorcerer - it gives access to a few level 1 spells, one powerful is Ranger Beast Master Build (68)Shield. Moreover, you can pick a few utility cantrips like Ranger Beast Master Build (69)Friends​ to help with dialogues.

So level 6 is a perfect time to take this 1-level dip. But, you will be delaying an upgrade to your companion's upgrade to level 12. You can also do this dip at level 12, instead of level 6.

Favoured Enemy

You can pick any 1, my recommendations:

Ranger Beast Master Build (70)Keeper of the VeilYou get a spell - Ranger Beast Master Build (71)Protection from Evil and Good. It does not use any spell slot. it is very useful in some encounters, just don't forget to activate it.

Natural Explorer

Pick one of the below:

Ranger Beast Master Build (72)Urban TrackerCould be a good choice, if you would like to concentrate on making Beast Master the main pick locker and trap disarmer.
Ranger Beast Master Build (73)Wasteland Wanderer: FireFire spells are abundant throughout the game. Getting resistance to them will give a big survivability boost.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace for now.

Level 7

Overall, nothing significant at this level, just general progression with some bonuses.

Ranger Beast Master Build (74)Exceptional TrainingOverall, a good upgrade, that can help you with picking up downed allies using the summon, instead of the main characters.


As the core, of the spells are picked, you can choose anything that you prefer. I would go with:

Ranger Beast Master Build (75)Pass Without TraceIn the build context, this is not a huge improvement but can be welcome to have in some encounters where you want to sneak past with the whole group.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace.

Level 8

The main highlight of this level is the 2nd feat. The build is slowly but steadily reaching its full potential.

Ranger Beast Master Build (76)Land's Stride: Difficult TerrainGreat passive, that will be especially useful for the melee approach of this build.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace now.


Ranger Beast Master Build (77)Great Weapon Master: All InThis is mandatory if you have not taken it at level 4. The damage boost of 10 is very important.
Ability ImprovementTake the +2 Strength, to maximize your damage output. Skip this if you are using Strength Elixirs.
Ranger Beast Master Build (78)AlertAnother option so that you would be guaranteed to always go first and avoid any surprise rounds with ambushes.

Level 9

The ranger gets access to its highest tier spells - level 3.


Ranger Beast Master Build (79)Plant GrowthI recommend this spell as it does not use a Concentration slot. Overall it's a solid action to have in an arsenal. You can combine this with other similar spells like Ranger Beast Master Build (80)Hunger of Hadar​ for total control of the field.

Replace Spell

Generally, you could take any level 3 spell and switch to something that you do not use, as the next spell will be accessed only at level 11. Here are some choices that are good to get:

Ranger Beast Master Build (81)Conjure BarrageA solid damage spell that attacks in a wide code. The good thing is that you cannot miss using this action.
Ranger Beast Master Build (82)DaylightGreat spell in some situations. You can use it to illuminate areas and get the effect of Callous Glow Ring or Coruscation Ring both for yourself or companions.

Level 10

Unlock class-related passives and features of Ranger.

Ranger Beast Master Build (85)Hide in Plain SightBecome invisible, however, this is inferior to what Gloom Stalker and Shadow Monk have access to, as you cannot move while invisible.

Favoured Enemy

At this stage in the game, it won't matter much what you pick.

Ranger Beast Master Build (86)Bounty HunterThe Investigation proficiency is useful, otherwise nothing special.

Natural Explorer

Pick any of the options.

Level 11

This is the major level where you unlock the full potential of your companions. Be sure to check the mechanics section lower in the guide, where I explain their mechanics.

Ranger Beast Master Build (87)Bestial FuryCompanions gain Ranger Beast Master Build (88)Extra Attack, which doubles their effectiveness.


Ranger Beast Master Build (89)Conjure BarrageA decent option to hide enemies in a wide area.

Replace Spell

For spell replacement, I don't think it is needed, feel free to try out something if you would like.

Level 12

The final level of the build. As I mentioned before, you can use this to take a dip into War Domain Cleric or Sorcerer for some additional goodies. However, this only holds if you do not need a third feat.

Replace Spell

You can replace any of the spells, I leave this to your discretion.


Be sure to have other two feats mentioned earlier - Ranger Beast Master Build (90)Great Weapon Master: All In​ and Ability Improvement +2 Strength (if not using Strength Elixirs)

Ranger Beast Master Build (91)Savage AttackerExcellent feat to be taken late into the game. It gives about 30% more damage to your damage rolls.
Ranger Beast Master Build (92)AlertIf you did not take this, you can get it for an increased initiative and being able to take a turn on Surprise rounds.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Strength if you pick this choice.
  2. Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Strength
  3. Act 2 - Potion of Everlasting Vigour - +2 Strength.
  4. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Strength.

This will allow you to reach 24 natural Strengths. The only way to reach it higher is using the Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength, this will result in 27 Strength.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables you can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Ranger Beast Master Build (93)Oil of AccuracyGives +2 to attack rolls, which minimizes the negative impact from Ranger Beast Master Build (94)Great Weapon Master: All In.
Ranger Beast Master Build (95)Diluted Oil of SharpnessGives a bonus attack roll and damage. It is a good coating if you can apply it before combat.
Ranger Beast Master Build (96)Potion of SpeedYou can chug this potion before combat, or during combat using bonus action. It gives another action point that gives an additional attack or one more spell cast. Sadly its duration is only 3 turns.
Ranger Beast Master Build (97)Potion of Animal SpeakingAlthough not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
Ranger Beast Master Build (98)Potion of InvisibilityCan be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.

Ranger Beast Master Build (99)Elixir of BloodlustAs you will be able to easily kill at least the weakest foe, this ensures additional attacks per turn. I would go with this option once you have 22 base strength, otherwise look at the options below.
Ranger Beast Master Build (100)Elixir of VigilanceFor some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics.
Ranger Beast Master Build (101)Elixir of Hill Giant StrengthSets strength value to 21 until the Long Rest. With this option, you can easily gimp on strength in the early game. You can put those points in Dexterity or Strength. Here is a farming guide for Elixir of Hill Giant Strength
Ranger Beast Master Build (102)Elixir of Cloud Giant StrengthAn upgraded version that is available mostly in Act 3 via crafting or purchasing. Sets Strength to 27, the highest value possible. if using this one, you could set the strength to 8 via respec.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Ranger Beast Master Build (103)Favourable BeginningsBeneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
2Ranger Beast Master Build (104)Luck of the Far RealmsAmazing passive feature that grats a critical hit without any requirements once per long rest.
3Ranger Beast Master Build (105)Concentrated BlastTaking only for progression, to unlock the next power.
4Ranger Beast Master Build (106)Cull the WeakPassive feature that does not cost anything and automatically deals bonus psychic damage around the target, once it is close to death.
5Ranger Beast Master Build (107)Psionic BacklashA decent use for reaction to deal some bonus psychic damage.
6Ranger Beast Master Build (108)Transfuse HealthTaking it for progression
7Ranger Beast Master Build (109)Shield of ThrallsTaking for progression, to unlock the next power, but it also provides a good bonus as temporary health, that can be cast before combat.
8Ranger Beast Master Build (110)CharmMainly taking for progression.

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
0Ranger Beast Master Build (111)FlyAutomatically unlocked. You can use this to initiate attacks of opportunity without spending any movement.
2Ranger Beast Master Build (112)FreecastRemoves any cost of spell slots or consumable resources.
3Ranger Beast Master Build (113)Mind SanctuaryExtremely valuable power that can also help other casters to use up their Bonus action effectively.
4Ranger Beast Master Build (114)Psionic DominanceGreat action, that can negate spell casting of some foes.
5Ranger Beast Master Build (115)Illithid ExpertiseA decent buff to improve dialogue outcomes. Especially helpful due to the low Charisma of the build.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Best Beast Master Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

The key item to optimize this build is Gloves of Dexterity. They set your Dexterity to 18, allowing you to wear some powerful medium armor. Also, in the late game, you can access Bhaalist Armour, but without good Dexterity, you will suffer with a low armor class.

However, if you plan on using these gloves elsewhere, you can continue playing with the initial setup, and use Heavy armor throughout the playthrough.

Act 1

The game beginning will be interesting. First, you will need to obtain some kind of Heavy Armor, to have a decent Armour Class with only 10 Dexterity.

Ranger Beast Master Build (118)Melee (Two-Handed)Phalar AluveI like using this sword, as it has its unique action Phalar Aluve: Shriek. What makes it special is that you will have two beast companions there would be an additional 2d8 damage every turn.
Unseen MenaceSolid choice as it increases the critical chance and provides an advantage on attack rolls.
Svartlebee's WoundseekerOne of the best greatswords that you can get in Act 1. The bonus to attack rolls is great for counteracting Ranger Beast Master Build (122)Great Weapon Master: All In​ effect.
Sword of JusticeA solid greatsword, that gives bonus armour class with Ranger Beast Master Build (124)Shield of Faith​ action.
Ranger Beast Master Build (125)RangedBow of AwarenessGives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat. I recommend this for the early games, as you will have low dexterity.
Hand Crossbow +1Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action. This is an amazing weapon as you can use bonus action to break water bottles to apply wet.
Ranger Beast Master Build (128)HeadDiadem of Arcane SynergyThis is the best helmet in terms of damage improvements. It activates off Threatened status.
Haste HelmI think the melee aspect of the build greatly benefits from this helmet, so I recommend it.
Ranger Beast Master Build (131)Cloak-Nothing really of note here.
Ranger Beast Master Build (132)ArmorAdamantine Splint ArmourThe best heavy armor in Act 1. Gives good Armour class, and enemies cannot critically hit you.
Chain Mail +1Becomes available at about level 4 in trader inventories. It has 17 Armour Class.
Chain MailAlthough it is a common rarity, 16 Armour Class early in the game will be a solid option.
Ranger Beast Master Build (136)GlovesGloves of DexterityThe best gloves for this build. With them equipped, you can decrease Dexterity to 8 via respec and put those points into any other ability.
Gloves of the Growling UnderdogVery strong gloves as they give Advantage. It is the best way to counteract the Ranger Beast Master Build (139)Great Weapon Master: All In​ -5 attack roll effect.
Bracers of DefenceThese are the best early-game gloves, giving you a +2 Armour class if you are not using a shield.
Gloves of Missile SnaringDefensive gloves to reduce the damage of incoming ranged attacks.
Ranger Beast Master Build (142)BootsDisintegrating Night WalkersOne of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Ranger Beast Master Build (144)Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of SpeedThese boots can allow you to move into key targets without getting hit with Opportunity attacks.
Boots of Genial StridingGood boots that allow moving without slowing down on difficult terrain.
Ranger Beast Master Build (147)AmuletAmulet of BrandingThis is a good amulet that can double your damage with a cost of bonus action. For example, it would work perfectly against bosses where Ranger Beast Master Build (149)Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ may not activate every time.
Broodmother's RevengeThe only amulet in the game that gives direct damage increase, can be activated with a single health potion before combat.
Amulet of Misty StepGives mobility improvement thanks to the Ranger Beast Master Build (152)Misty Step​ spell.
Ranger Beast Master Build (153)RingsStrange Conduit RingAs you have some concentration spells, this ring can be easily activated for a little bonus damage.
Ring of ProtectionThe best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
Caustic BandA solid ring with a +2 acid damage bonus on your weapon attacks.
Crusher's RingA good movement boost makes it easier to reach those targets.

Act 2 - mid-game

For Act 2, you will be dropping that heavy armor for some great medium ones. Some of the items will still be the best ones even if they are from Act 1.

Ranger Beast Master Build (158)Melee (Two-Handed)Shar's Spear of EveningThis is a very strong weapon, you can start using it now, or wait till level 11 and unlock the improved Raven companion. After that, this will be an extremely powerful weapon.
Selûne's Spear of NightA strong weapon that has unique actions - Ranger Beast Master Build (161)Moonbeam​ hits targets in small areas and Moonmote, buffs allies, particularly your beasts.
Phalar AluveThe sword is still a solid two-handed weapon choice through most of Act 2.
Drakethroat GlaiveYou can imbue a weapon with any element 1d4 damage and gain a +1 to attack rolls. You can get the bonus elemental damage on any weapon. For example, drop another weapon on the ground, cast the spell with this glaive, and equip the said weapon. This is a very powerful combo, although it may be a bug.
Ranger Beast Master Build (164)RangedDarkfire ShortbowAmazing bow that allows to precast Ranger Beast Master Build (166)Haste​ before combat. This may not seem big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is not enough. Otherwise, stay with bows from the previous act.
Ranger Beast Master Build (167)HeadDiadem of Arcane SynergyThis is the best helmet in terms of damage improvements. It activates off Threatened status.
Ranger Beast Master Build (169)CloakCloak of ProtectionImproves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak to maintain that good Armour Class.
Ranger Beast Master Build (171)ArmorYuan-ti Scale MailMedium armor that will reach 19 Armour class together with Gloves of Dexterity. Moreover, the bonus initiative is a great boon.
Dwarven SplintmailA solid heavy armour, that can take you to Act 3.
Ranger Beast Master Build (175)GlovesGloves of DexterityStill the best option to use if you can afford it.
Flawed Helldusk GlovesGives a bonus of 1d4 damage, which is a good boost to melee damage.
Ranger Beast Master Build (178)BootsDisintegrating Night WalkersThe boots are still the best ones you can equip.
Evasive ShoesOptional boots if you need a little bit more Armour Class.
Ranger Beast Master Build (181)AmuletAmulet of the HarpersAllows casting a Ranger Beast Master Build (183)Shield​ spell, and can be a lifesaver if attacked heavily for one turn.
Ranger Beast Master Build (184)RingsRisky RingI would say this is the best Ring, that you can get, to eliminate the effect of Ranger Beast Master Build (186)Great Weapon Master: All In.
Caustic BandStill a good ring to use, for easy +2 damage.
Strange Conduit RingIf you are using Concentration spells, this would give 0.5 more damage than Caustic Band.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Ranger Beast Master Build (190)Melee (Two-Handed)NyrulnaA truly powerful weapon that gives a 1d6 thunder damage bonus. Moreover, it comes with unique weapon actions that can inflict bleeding and knockback foes. This is the best weapon to use if you plan on equipping Bhaalist Armour.
Balduran's GiantslayerThe strongest greatsword in the game. It gets a big damage boost from your strength modifier.
Shar's Spear of EveningIf you plan on utilizing the Darkness effect from Corvus Celer (Raven), this spear is a perfect match. It gives blindness immunity and bonus damage while being obscured.
Ranger Beast Master Build (195)RangedThe Dead ShotImproves critical range for attack rolls.
Hellrider LongbowI would pick this bow if you are using Heavy Armour. The bonus initiative would be a huge boost to do some damage early in the turn.
Ranger Beast Master Build (198)HeadHelm of BalduranThis helmet synergizes well with Broodmother's Revenge to activate the 1d6 poison bonus.
Helldusk HelmetThis helmet is a great option if you want to fully utilize the Darkness from Corvus Celer (Raven) companion. You could then freely see in the magical darkness.
Sarevok's Horned HelmetIncreases critical range for attack rolls.
Steelwatcher HelmetGreat helmet that makes you immune to blindness and gives a Constitution saving throw advantage.
Ranger Beast Master Build (204)CloakCloak of DisplacementGreat way to avoid attacks and reduce the chance of enemy attacks landing.
Fleshmelter CloakDeal additional damage to the attackers.
Ranger Beast Master Build (207)ArmorBhaalist ArmourBest armor as it doubles damage with Piercing weapons. This includes weapons like Nyrulna or Shar's Spear of Evening.
Armour of AgilityThe best medium armor in the game. It also does not limit your Armour class bonus from dexterity.
Armour of PersistenceIf you are looking for solid heavy armor, this is the one to go with. It gives a big damage reduction with Ranger Beast Master Build (213)Blade Ward.
Ranger Beast Master Build (214)GlovesGloves of DexterityThe best gloves till the end of the game, to ensure high initiative and free up points for Strength.
Legacy of the MastersGives bonuses to attack and damage rolls.
Helldusk GlovesVery good gloves, but might be contested by other builds, specifically, martial ones.
Ranger Beast Master Build (218)BootsHelldusk BootsAn alternative boot to Disintegrating Night Walkers. It's not better by any means just an alternative.
Ranger Beast Master Build (221)AmuletBroodmother's RevengeThe only amulet that gives a direct damage boost.
Amulet of Greater HealthCould be used to improve the survivability of the Beast Ranger build. If using it remember to set your constitution to 8 using respec.
Ranger Beast Master Build (224)RingsRisky RingThe best Ring, that you can get, to eliminate the effect of Ranger Beast Master Build (226)Great Weapon Master: All In.
Eversight RingThe ring could be used together with the Dire Raven darkness effect, in case you are not using other items that make you immune to blindness.
Caustic BandI used this till the late game, due to the uncompromised damage boost.

Ranged setup

Of course, you may be interested in going all-in with a ranged setup. I may to a separate build for this in the future, but for now, this will have to do. The setup requires some adjustments and picking particular items.

Update ability points:

Set your ability scores: STR - 8, DEX - 17, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 16, CHA - 10

Choose your weapons

Ranger Beast Master Build (229)RangedTitanstring BowThe best bow in the game if you plan on getting high strength value from Strength Elixirs or Club of Hill Giant Strength. This bow works till the end of the game. I also recommend getting War Cleric dip, for a bonus action attack.
The Dead ShotA good bow with a critical range increase and bonus attack rolls.
Bow of the BansheeThe bow applies the frightened status on targets, making them immobile.

And you are ready to go more or less for the game.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Beast Master. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to effectively use the build.


These are initial summons that you can get early in the game from Ranger Beast Master Build (234)Find Familiar. I will not go too deep into these, but my general recommendation is to use Raven. None of them deal substantial damage, but the bird can make enemies Blind, allowing for higher attack rolls against them.

Beast Companions

Okay, these beasts are only accessible to the Beast Master subclass. They are okay at the start of the game, and become much stronger as you level up. To reach their full potential you need to be Ranger level 11.

All of them get bonus damage if the target is marked with Ranger Beast Master Build (235)Hunter's Mark.

Ranger Beast Master Build (236)WolfIn my opinion, this is the coolest-looking beast. However, I think it is fairly weak. The wolf does get access to some offensive attacks, but none of them give a big control advantage, especially in later levels.
Ranger Beast Master Build (237)BearAt level 5, this summon becomes very powerful. It gets access to Ranger Beast Master Build (238)Honeyed Paws​ that can disarm targets if they hit. So it has no saving throw, making it a very effective action. At level 11, it can summon a second bear that is automatically controlled by AI.
Ranger Beast Master Build (239)BoarGreat companion to have as it has access to plenty of actions that offer both increased damage and some debuffing. For example, Ranger Beast Master Build (240)Kick Up Muck​ is great for reducing enemy armor class.
Ranger Beast Master Build (241)Wolf SpiderOne of the stronger beasts. It has two things going for it:
  1. Ranger Beast Master Build (242)Web​ - which slows foes if they do not have immunity to it, giving you a battlefield advantage
  2. Ranger Beast Master Build (243)Cocoon​ - great for removing a particular enemy from the encounter for a few turns
Ranger Beast Master Build (244)Dire RavenI think this is the best companion to use. It can blind enemies, which is an extremely effective debuff. It can also curse foes with Ranger Beast Master Build (245)Bad Omen, to allow you to get an advantage on attacks. The last upgrade is at level 11. This is where the Raven can create Ranger Beast Master Build (246)Darkness​ fields just by flying. Moreover, it can summon two more raven allies that are controlled by AI.

One aspect that is irritating with Ranger companions is that they get stuck in various places. I have found that Dire Raven is the easiest one to have around.

Phalar Aluve for buffing

In Act 1, I recommended using Phalar Aluve weapon. It gives a unique Shriek ability that you can buff all incoming attacks with 1d4 thunder damage. Now you also have two summons - familiar and ranger companion. So in total, you could do 4 attacks per turn which would result in additional 4d4 thunder damage (if all of them hit)

This is a solid damage boost, that is exceptionally good in Act 1 and most of Act 2. Later on, this falls, especially as the familiars will have low attack rolls.

Managing Great Weapon Master

One of the more important feats of the build is Ranger Beast Master Build (248)Great Weapon Master: All In. It gives a flat damage boost at the cost of decreased attack rolls. Generally, it is best to take this later in the game at level 8+, when you have higher attack bonuses and better gear.

However, if you can effectively use it at level 4, you will be able to easily kill most of the enemies you encounter, especially as it is easy to die in Act 1. So if you are up for putting in additional effort the benefits are immense. Here are the main ways to increase your attack rolls:

  • Ranger Beast Master Build (249)Bless​ from Cleric or Paladin, for a 1d4 bonus.
  • Spells like Ranger Beast Master Build (250)Faerie Fire, and Ranger Beast Master Build (251)Blindness​ give an advantage to attackers.
  • Oil of Accuracy or Diluted Oil of Sharpness, for 1 and 2 attack roll bonus.
  • Gloves of the Growling Underdog - can be obtained in Goblin Camp, and gives an advantage for attack rolls.
  • Svartlebee's Woundseeker - early game greatsword that you can get before engaging in any of the major battles of Act 1.

Now, if you want more in-depth information, I have a guide covering how to increase attack rolls, which lists a lot of options and combinations. You can then pick the bonuses based on your party setup.

Darkness Synergy with Dire Raven

At level 11, your Dire Raven can create Ranger Beast Master Build (254)Darkness​ fields by utilizing its Ranger Beast Master Build (255)Fly​ mechanic. This can create some amazing synergies and give you a safe zone for yourself. It is also great to be used on enemies, to make them blinded.

To get the most out of it, I recommend having blindness immunity with Ranger. There are plenty of items that provide this - Shar's Spear of Evening, Eversight Ring, Steelwatcher Helmet, etc.

Maximizing Companion amount

Once you reach level 11, your beasts will get additional actions and they allow summoning more lesser beasts. For example, to get the maximum amount of those you can do:

  1. Summon Bear
  2. Activate Ranger Beast Master Build (259)Ursine Reinforcements
  3. Dismiss the main bear
  4. Short Rest
  5. Summon Dire Raven
  6. Activate Ranger Beast Master Build (260)On Black Wings

This will not be a huge game-changer, but it can be useful to have additional distractions in late-game battles.

Buffing your companions

An important aspect of making the companions useful is buffing them up. Here is the list of spells and consumables:

  1. A cleric or other support character that can cast Ranger Beast Master Build (261)Mass Healing Word​ while wearing The Whispering Promise and Hellrider's Pride or The Reviving Hands.
  2. An alternative is the Ranger Beast Master Build (265)Bless​ spell.
  3. Ranger Beast Master Build (266)Longstrider​ buff
  4. Ranger Beast Master Build (267)Aid​ or Ranger Beast Master Build (268)Heroes' Feast​ for bonus HP.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • Early game combat, is somewhat standard Ranger. You use Ranger Beast Master Build (269)Hunter's Mark​ and attack with your two-handed weapon. This will also buff your beasts.
  • If there are multiple clustered enemies, you can use Ranger Beast Master Build (270)Spike Growth​ to greatly damage them before they reach you.
  • Be sure to increase your attack rolls with Advantage or other ways to effectively use Ranger Beast Master Build (271)Great Weapon Master: All In​ Effect.
  • Summon Raven familiar with Ranger Beast Master Build (272)Find Familiar.
  • From level 3 utilize your beasts with Ranger Beast Master Build (273)Ranger's Companion.
  • I would recommend precasting Phalar Aluve: Shriek before combat so that you would save the action point and attack on the first turn.

Late Game Combat

Overall, nothing much changes from the early game, just that your beasts get buffed up.

  • If using Dire Raven, make sure to create Ranger Beast Master Build (274)Darkness​ fields every turn, so that enemies would have a hard time moving around or attacking you.
  • If using Bhaalist Armour your ravens will deal double damage from Ranger Beast Master Build (276)Aura Of Murder.
  • Use spells only with a second action point (if Ranger Beast Master Build (277)Haste​) or evaluate carefully if it's worth over 2 attacks.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

  • 11 Lv Ranger
  • 1 Lv Cleric
I like this setup as it can be used as an alternative to Druid or Cleric who have Ranger Beast Master Build (278)Guidance​ cantrip. You also get an option to attack with bonus action 3 times per long rest if taking the War Domain subclass.
  • 11 Lv Ranger
  • 1 Lv Sorcerer
This setup gives additional utility cantrips like Ranger Beast Master Build (279)Friends. Moreover, you get access to the Ranger Beast Master Build (280)Shield​ spell which is an excellent use of Ranger spell slots.


Thank you for reading the best Beast Master Ranger build for Baldur's Gate 3. Although it is not a powerhouse as some top-tier builds, it's still a solid and interesting take to find synergies with your beast companions.


Ranger Beast Master Build (2024)


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