Mum of knifed schoolboy says 'I will never forgive you' as killer unmasked (2024)

THE devastated mum of schoolboy Alfie Lewis who was knifed to death has told his teen killer she will never forgive him, as he has been unmasked for the first time.

Bardia Shojaeifard, 14 at the time, savagely killed Alfie, 15,with a 13cm knife outside a school in Horsforth, Leeds, last year.





Shojaeifard has today been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 13 years at Leeds Crown Court.

Alfie's mum Heather Lane told Shojaeifard in court: "Alfie's murder has ruined so many lives.

"No sentence will ever be enough for you because Alfie is never coming back and I will never forgive you.

"I love you so much Alfie and I'm so sorry that this happened to you."

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Mum of knifed schoolboy says 'I will never forgive you' as killer unmasked (5)
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Mum of knifed schoolboy says 'I will never forgive you' as killer unmasked (6)
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The tragedy unfolded "in full view" of horrified pupils at the junction of Church Road and Church Lane at around 3pm on November 7.

His actions have robbed Alfie of his future and left his family and friends absolutely devastated. No sentence will ever compensate them for their loss

Detective Chief Inspector Stacey Atkinson Senior Investigating Officer

Alfie had been on his way to meet friends from Horsforth School, where he had previously been a student.

The court heard from eyewitnesses how Shojaeifard approached his victim and launched the brutal attack without provocation.

They recalled seeing Alfie backing away while saying “chill out” and “what are you doing?” as Shojaeifard went for him.

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The youngster was stabbed twice - once in the chest and once in the leg - with the chest wound fatally penetrating his heart and causing catastrophic bleeding.

He was pronounced dead at hospital a short time later.

After the chilling knifing, murderous teen Shojaeifard fled the scene.

Cops arrested him at his home around an hour later.

Alfie's blood was then found on the knife, which Shojaeifard had stolen from his own kitchen and concealed on him throughout the school day.

The young lad's DNA was also recovered from his killer's clothing.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police today confirmed: "Bardia Shojaeifard, who was 14 at the time of the murder and now 15, was convicted following a unanimous verdict by a jury at the conclusion of his trial at Leeds Crown Court on May 3.

"Today he was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 13 years.

You are always in our hearts and our minds, and until we are all together again keep dancing in the sky our beautiful boy. We miss you and we love you, always

Antony Alfie's heartbroken brother

"Alfie was attacked at the junction of Church Road and Church Lane, in Horsforth, shortly before 3pm on Tuesday, November 7, last year.

"He was stabbed twice - once in the chest and once in the leg - with the chest wound penetrating his heart and causing catastrophic bleeding. He was pronounced dead at hospital a short time later."

The force spokesperson added: "The court was told of two previous incidents involving both boys – one in July where Alfie had intervened during a fight between Shojaeifard and another boy, and one on October 31 involving a bag of fireworks he was carrying.

"Shojaeifard said he was threatened by Alfie and feared for his life as a result of these incidents. He denied murder and claimed that he had acted in self-defence.

"But the jury discounted his claims and convicted him of murder.

"Shojaeifard had previously pleaded guilty to possession of a kitchen knife used in the incident."


The court heard how Shojaeifard had hidden the knife and carried it "all day" in his evil plan to target Alfie at home time.

Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Stacey Atkinson said: “Shojaeifard targeted Alfie in a premeditated and planned attack using murderous violence to end his young life, for which there can be no excuse or justification.

“His actions have robbed Alfie of his future and left his family and friends absolutely devastated. No sentence will ever compensate them for their loss.

“Shojaeifard will have the rest of his life to reflect on the terrible pain and heartache that his violent actions have caused Alfie’s family.”


Passing sentence, Mr Justice Cotter said: "Why you chose to do what you did, no one will ever know.

"You will be able to have an enjoyable life, a family, career and other experiences and you took all of this away from Alfie who will forever be 15-years-old as you cut his life short.

"Whatever you say or do cannot bring him back. But from this point on, you can try and honour his life by doing something with your life before and after.

"You are a clever young man and must do something with your life and make Alfie proud. It is the very least you owe him and his life."


Alfie's family were wearing 'forever 15' t-shirts in the public gallery.

They were commended for their "impeccable" behaviour throughout the emotional trial.

Heartbroken mum Heather Lane cried as she told the court: "Alfie was my youngest son, my baby boy, my little mate and my gossip column.

"He was the third corner or our little family's triangle which is now broken.

"I've devastated and I miss him so much. He was my beautiful, kind baby boy and I was so proud of him."

She said her footie-mad son carried a football with him wherever he went when he grew up, even to bed.

She added: "We laughed, danced and smiled for 15 years and I thought we would for the rest of our lives.

"Some of the things I miss the most are the simple every day things. I miss his kisses in the morning, goodnight and all of the ones in the middle.

"I miss his jokes and amazing massive smile and the love he showed me every single day. It's unbearable not to have that now.

'Completely broken'

Alfie's brother Antony said in a statement: "Losing Alfie has changed my life and nothing will ever be the same again. I'm heartbroken and our family is heartbroken.

"Alfie was such a loving and caring little man and he has been taken away from us. I've had sleepless nights hearing mum crying herself to sleep.

"I'm left dealing with the most important person in mine and Alfie's lives completely broken to bits.

"I miss Alfie's 12 phone calls again, the nights we stayed up playing FIFA together, his smile, his loving and caring, his annoyingness, everything. I love you so much Alfie."

And Emily Lane told the court she'd took her terminally-ill mother - who has since died - to the hospital for tests before they had a 'lovely afternoon' planned as her uncle was flying in from New Zealand.

She told the court: "Instead, I had to tell her that her grandson had been killed. Her first words were 'why can't I swap places with him' as she was going to die anyway."

"Even when he was in a mood with me, he'd text me and say 'even though I'm not talking to you, I still love you'.

"Alfie used to call me every hour when he was out with his friends talking rubbish. I'd do anything for that phone call now.

"Our house was filled with Alfie and his friends. He goes out at 2.40 in the afternoon and he's murdered.

"I can't accept what happened as the pain is too much. I don't know how to live without him and I don't want to. I don't know why this has happened to us.

"The impact Alfie had in our lives was larger than I could could ever describe and because of these horrific senseless actions - and his murder - so many lives have been affected.

"I received a phone call on November 7 that my Alfie had been stabbed. Just minutes before he left the house.

"The reality was I was never going to hold him, see him or cuddle him again. Never be able to hear him say. 'I love you mum' because he was murdered.


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"Alfie would never use or never had any kind of weapon because I brought him up better than that.

"Alfie was my heart and when he was stabbed in the heart it killed me too. My heart is broken and I don't know how to live my life without him."

'I will never forgive you'

Addressing Shojaeifard, Alfie's devastated mum said: "Alfie's murder has ruined so many lives.

"No sentence will ever be enough for you because Alfie is never coming back and I will never forgive you.

"I love you so much Alfie and I'm so sorry that this happened to you."





Mum of knifed schoolboy says 'I will never forgive you' as killer unmasked (2024)


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