DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (2024)

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ED 313 237 SE 051 046

AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed.TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual.

Curriculum, Interim 1989.INSTITUTION Alberta Dept. of Education, Eemlonton.REPORT NO ISBN-0-7732-0088-6PUB DATE 89

NOTE 272p.; Drawings may not reproduce well.PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052)

EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC11 Plus Postage.

DESCRIPTORS Calculators; *Computation; Computer AssistedInstruction; *Mathematical Applications; MathematicalConcepts; *Mathematics Curriculum; MathematicsEducation; *Mathematics Instruction; MathematicsSkills; Mathematics Teachers; *Problem Solving;Secondary Education; *Secondary School Mathematics


ABSTRACTThis teacher resource manual has been developed to

assist classroom teachers in implementing the Integrated OccupationalMathematics program for grades 8 and 9. The first chapter of thismanual gives an introduction including resources and scope/sequence.The next two chapters describe the overviews and instructionalstrategies of the grade 8 and 9 themes. The themes developed at level are classified as: managing your money; world of work;using math at borne; and travel and recreation. The last chapterdiscusses generic strategies: (1) problem solving; (2) use oftechnology (including calculators and computers); (3) computationalfacility and estimation (dealing with the development ofcomputational prccess, mental arithmetic skills, and estimationstrategies); (4) using a math lab; and (5) evaluation. Resourcematerials are listed for each of the five topics. Lists 13references. (YP)


Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made *

from the original document. *


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (2)

Teacher Resource Manual

Mathematics 8 and 9


NOTE: This publication is a service document. The advice anddirection offered is suggested only. Consult the Programof Studies/Curriculum Guide to identify the prescriptivecontents of the Integrated Occupational MathematicsProgram for Grades 8 and 9.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (3)

Alberta. Alberta Education.Mathematics 8 and 9: teacher resource manual.

ISBN 0-7732-0088-6

1. Mathematics --Study and teaching (Secondary) -- (.Integrated Occupational ProgramII. Title.

QA14.A333 1989 372 7

Copyright 0 1989, the Crown in Right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister ofEducation. Alberta Education, 11160 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, A:berta, T5K OL2. Allrights reserved. Additional copies may be obtained from the Learning ResourcesDistributing Centre.


The materials contained in this Teacher Resource Manual have been derived fromnumerous sources and are designed to provide specific support to selected areasof the curriculum. Every effort has been made both to provide properacknowledgement of the original source and to comply with copyrightregulations. If cases are identified where this has not been done, it would beappreciated if Alberta Education could be notified to enable appropriatecorrective action to be taken

Except for those items which teachers are directed to reproduce, no part of thisIntegrated Occupational Program Mathematics 8 and 9 Teacher Resource Manualmay be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (4)


The Mathematics 8 and 9 Teacher Resource Manual has been developed through the cooperativeefforts of many individuals. Each person's contribution is sincerely appreciated The program has alsobenefited from the validation of a number of educators across the province Their commentsprovided valuable assistance and direction.





Michael AlpernLinda ElliottJan ForestPaul McNair


Stuart AdamsPat Boon-AndersonChristopher HarrisonWayne NixonJohn SchellenbergWilliam SmolakDoug TarneyLewis Warke

EDITING: Jon Dawson


Lin GrayCheryl StoochnoffEsther Yong

County of Strathcona #20Lac La Biche School Division #57

- Alberta Vocational Centre, Edmonton- Alberta Career Development and Employment

Calgary School District #19County of Minburn #27Wetaskiwin School District #264North American Life Insurance Company


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (5)





Organization of the Teacher Resource Manual 2

Use of the Teacher Resource Manual 3

Learning Resources for Mathematics 8 and 9 4

Scope and Sequence 7


Managing Your Money 15

Overview .. 16

Instructional Strategies 19

World of Work 29

Overview 30

Instructional Strategies 33

Using Math at Home 47

Overview 48Instructional Strategies 52

Travel and Recreation 65

Overview 66

Instructional Strategies 69


Managing Your Mone., 77

Overview 78

Instructional Strategic; 82

World of Work 95

Overview 96

Instructional Strategies 100

...... .. . . .... ........Using Math at Home 109

Overview 1 10

Instructional Strategies 114

Travel and Recreation 1 25

Overview 126

Instructional Strategies 130


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Recognizing Problem-Solving Situations 2Developing a Desire to Solve Problems 3Using Strategies to Solve Problems 6Monitoring and Evaluating Progress 9Solving Problems in Cooperative Learning Situations 12


The Calculator 1

Entry Procedures 2Order of Operations 3Auditory Cueing 4Rounding Results 5Finding Remainders 5Using the Percent Key 6Checking the Reasonableness of Results 7Developing Confidence and Speed 7

The Computer 9Computer Languages: BAS!C and LOGO ........... 10BASIC Computer Language 10LOGO Computer Language ...... 15


Developing Computational Process 2Understanding Place Value 2Using Manipulatives 4

Developing Mental Arithmetic Skills 12Recalling and Applying Basic Facts 12Using Formal Strategies 14

Developing Strategies for Estimation 16Front-End Estimation 17Rounding 18Compatible Numbers 19Clustering (or Averaging) 20


Number Systems and Operations 2Whole Numbers and Decimals 2Integers 8Fractions 9Prime Numbers 14

Ratio, Proportion and Percent 17

Geometry and Measurement ... 22Geometry 22Measurement 24


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Project Work 26Sample Project: Planning a Vacation 26


Observation ...... . 2Interviews 3Inventories/Checklists 5Anecdotal Records 6Written Assignments 7

Paper-and-Pencil Tests 7Diagnostic Writing Assignments 9


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (8)


This Teacher Resource Manual has been developed to assist classroom teachers to implement theIntegrated Occupational Mathematics 8 and 9 program. This manual provides:

further information about the goals and objectives of the curriculum

thematic contexts for the delivery of prescribed concepts, skills and attitudes

suggestions for planning and implementing the programinstructional strategiessequenced activitiesa correlation of strategies and activities to learning resources

suggestions for relating mathematical instruction to essential life skills and other applicationsacross the curriculum

suggestions for utilizing community resources in delivery of the mathematics program

strategies for further developing student competence in using various methods of computation,in problem solving, and in the use of technology (i.e , the calculator and computer)

suggestions for developing and using a mathematics lab

suggestions for evaluating student progress

Teachers are encouraged to use this manual as a practical planning and instructional tool The binderformat was chosen to enable teachers to add strategies, samples of student work and other activitiesthat have proven effective through experience.

During cooperative planning sessions, pages may be easily removed, copied and shared with otherIntegrated Occupational Program teachers. This exchange will heighten teacher sensitivity to thecontent of other subject areas, and provide additional opportunities for students to relatemathematical competencies to applications in real life, the practical arts and other academicdisciplines

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (9)


This manual has been organized to provide ready access to both thematic units of inr+ruction andgeneric strategies for developing essential concepts and skills in mathematics


Thematic units of instruction for Grade 8 and Grade 9 have been placed at the beginning of themanual. Each theme has been div;ded into two or more sub-themes. The chart below provides anoverview of the themes and sub-themes developea at each grade level.




Sub-ThemesGrade 8 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 9

Banking Barking Calculating Food Making HomeMoney in the Getting Value and Utility Costs ImprovementsMarketplace for Money Using s PersonalManaging Your Spent Measurement Skills Nutrition andEarnings Budgeting An Evening's Growth



Sub-Themes Sub-ThemesGrade s Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 9

Calculating Using Math on Using Maps and TransportationEarnings the Job Travel Schedules Planning a TripMeasuring on Working With Comparing Sports andthe Job Scale Drawings Recreational Costs FitnessKeeping Records Planning for Statistics in Sports



Generic strategies that may be effective in developing essential concepts and skills have been placedfollowing the themes These strategies can be used to provide focussed instruction at appropriatetimes within each theme Components of instruction that are supported by the generic strategiesprovided in this manual include:

Problem SolvingUse of TechnologyComputational Facility and EstimationUsing a Math LabEvaluation.

Teachers are encouraged to reference these strategies as they plan activities within each theme of theprogram.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (10)


It is recommended that THEMES provide the vehicle for instruction in Grade 8 and Grade 9 Activitiessuggested within each theme will direct teachers to GENERIC STRATEGIES that are useful indeveloping an understanding of number concepts computationai procedure and problem-solvingprocess.

The following example illustrates how generic strategies have been integrated with themesdeveloped in the manual.

Turn to the first Grade 8 theme, Managing Your Money. Notice that within the "Rationale" forthis theme, teachers are encouraged to reference generic strategies on:

Using a Math LabComputational Facility and EstimationProblem SolvingUse of Technology.

Locate the "Suggested Activities" for the first sub-theme, Banking The following activities macereference to the use of generic strategies:(1) Encourage students to use their calculators when performing bank transactions. A review of

calculator procedures may be worthwhile (see Use of Technology, "The Calculator")(2) Review money and decimal skills by playing "Money Dominoes" (see Using a Math Lab,

"Number Systems and Operations").

Locate the "Sugg;_.;ted Activities" for the second sub-theme, Mont y in the Market Place Theseactivities encourage teachers to reference additional generic strategies:(3) Discuss and model strategies for performing mental arithmetic and estimation (see

Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Mental Arithmetic Skills" and"Developing Strategies for Estimation").

(4) Provide students with a sheet of 10 by 10 grid paper Use grid paper to determine fractioi,and percent equivalents. A blackline master for producing grid paper is provided in Using aMath Lab, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent".

Locate the "Suggested Activities" for the third sub-theme, Managing Your Earnings Again,suggestions are made regarding the use of generic strategies:(1) Help students to design a computer program that will determine earnings for given wage

rates and hours of work (see Use of Technology, The Computer")(4) Encourage students to use appropriate problem-solving strategies in developing personal

budgets (see Problem Solving, "Using Strategies to Solve Problems").

Teachers are encouraged to examine each theme and its corresponding activities and learningresources well in advance of instruction The activities and suggestions provided within each themeare numerous Advance planning should include a synthesis of effective strategies from theteacher's repertoire of personal experience together with suggestions in this manual consideredmost appropriate to student needs.

f3 L

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The textbooks listed below meet the majority of the goals and objectives identified in thiscurriculum (authorization pending).

Pogue, Paul, et al. Mathbase I: Essential Math Skills (2nd Edition). Toronto, Ontario: CoppClark Pitman, 1989.

Pogue, Paul, et al. Mathbase II: Practical Skills and Applications (2nd Edition). Toronto,Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman, publication anticipated in 1990.

Mathbase 1: Essential Math Skills provides br the focussed development of concepts and skillsidentified in the Grade 8 and Grade 9 Program of Studies/Curriculum Guide. Mathbase 11:Practical Skills and Applications will provide for thematic application of the prescribed conceptsand skills in Grades 8 and 9. It is intended that appropriate sections of both Mathbase I andMathbase II be used throughout the Grade 8 and Grade 9 programs. Mathbase II is scheduledfor publication in the early spring of 1990.



Teacher resources designed to support instructional use of the basic learning resources include:

Pogue, Paul, et al Mathbase I: Essential Math Skills, Teacher's Edition (2nd Edition). Toronto,Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman, publication anticipated in January, 1990.

Pogue, Paul, et al. Mathbase II: Practical Skills and Applications, Teacher's Edition (2ndEdition). Toronto, Ontario Copp Clark Pitman, publication anticipated in 1990.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (12)



The learning resources listed below have been approved by Alberta Education because theycontribute significant:y to the development of specific goals and objectives within this curriculum.

Title: Fast FactsBy: EduSoft, Berkley, California, 1985Components: 1 disk, guide (2 pages)Objective: To provide timed drills on whole number facts.

Title: Math Strategies Problem SolvingBy: Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd., Willowdale, Ontario, 1985Components: 2 disks, teacher's guide (28 page:;), 20 student texts (108 pages)Objective: To provide instruction and practice in solving multiple-step problems using four

problem-solving strategies: simplifying a problem, breaking a problem into parts,identifying needed additional information, and making a model of the problem.

An annotated list of additional courseware available in mathematics is provided in Alberta Educationpubl .ations Computer Courseware Evaluations: June 1985 to March 1986 (1986), ComputerCourseware Evaluations: January 1987 to December 1987, Volume VII (1988) and ComputerCourseware Evaluations January 1988 to December 1988, Volume VIII (1989).


Films and videos are avilable for loan through the five centres listed below In some instances,computer software is also loaned Catalogues of holdings are available upon request

Zone I

Zone II and III

Zone IV

Peace River Regionaldo Peace River School District No. 10P.O. Box 988Peace River, AlbertaTON 2X0Telephone: 624-3187

Central Alberta Media Servicedo Sherwood Park Catholic School District2017 Brentwood BoulevardSherwood Park, AlbertaT8A 0X2Telephone: 464-r 54(

Alberta Central Regional Education ServicesCounty of Lacombe No 14Bag Service 108Lacombe, AlbertaTOC 150Telephone: 782-6601


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (13)

Zone V

Zone VI


ACCESS offers ateachers may ha"Night Owl Dutheir own telev

ACCESS publiavailable on

For additioCalgary, Atelephon


The folOccupEducause.learIota

South Central Alberta Film FederationCounty of Wheatland No. 16Box 90Strathmore, AlbertaTOJ


ephone: 934-5028

Southern Alberta Regional Film Centredo McNally SchoolP.O. Box 845Lethbridge, AlbertaT11 3Z8Telephone: 320-7807


variety of resources and services to teachers For a nominal dubbing and tape fee,ve ACCESS audio and video library tapes copied. ACCESS also offers a service called

bbing". This allows educators to tape late night educational programs directly fromisions.

shes both an Audio-Visual Catalogue and a comprehensive schedule of programming,request.

nal information, contact ACCESS NETWORK, Media Resource Centre, 295 Midpark Way SE,Iberta, T2X 2A8 (from outside ofCalgary, telephone tell free, 1-800-352-8293; in Calgary,

e 256-1100).


lowing learning resources have been identified as being potentially useful for the Integratedational Mathematics projrarn. None of these materials have he -I evaluated by Albertation and their listing is not to be construed as an explicit or implici, departmental approval for

The list is provided as a service only to assist local jurisdictions in identifying potentially usefulning resources. The responsibility of evaluating these resources prior to selection rests with theI jurisdiction.

Baker, Trudy, et al. Math You Need, Book 1. Scarborough, Ontario: Nelson Canada, A Division ofInternational Thomson Limited, 1982

Hope, Jack, et al. Mental Math in the Middle Grades. Agincourt, Ontario: GLC/Silver BurdettPublishers, 1987.

Lane County Mathematics Project. Problem Solving in Mathematics Agincourt, Ontario:GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, 1983

McFadden, Scott Math Warm-Ups For Junior High Agincourt, Ontario. GLC/Silver BurdettPublishers, 1983

Mastering Essential Mathematics Skills. Toronto, Ontario: Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1981.

Teachers may also wish to enhance course presentation by using materials available from local mediaservices, libraries and government agencies (e.g., pamphlets, films, video tapes, audio tapes, kits,picture sets, filmstrips).



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (14)


trAlleort t e4ot


6,1% segirencing in dodo in a.

In using the Scope and Sequence chart, it should be noted that:



effort has been made to arrange process and skill in a linear sequence according to cognitivedemand at each grade level

the skills arc,. developmental through Grades 8 and 9 (i.e., the spiral approach). Students willreinforce and extend their understanding of skills developed in Grade 8 through theirapplication in more sophisticated and complex settings at the Grade 9 level.

the skills are interdependent and are not meant to be taught in isolation. Although some skillsmay be mastered more effectively through discrete instruction, this approach is not advocatedas a primary focus of instruction. The thematic structure permits a more holistic view ofinstruction through the linking of strategies and skills.

Teachers may also wish to examine the Scope and Sequence chart for the senior high schoolmathematics program (Mathematics 16 and 26). An understanding of the developmentalprogression of the process and skills occurring beyond Grade 9 will facilitate articulation betweenthe junior and senior high school mathematics programs.


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NOTE: The arrows r.dicate a spiral approach to skill development involving extension, enrichment, and/or

reinforcement as appropriate.


Recognizes problem-solving situations at school, athome, and in the community where:

no readily apparent solution or means to thesolution is evidenta person may be temporarily perplexedthere may be no answer, one answer or manyanswerspersonal and societal factors may be involved aswell as mathematical competencies

Demonstrates a desire to solve problems by:asking questions/showing interest and curiosityattempting to afar' transfer knowledge toproblem situationstaking risksdisplaying perseveranceusing creative approaches/unconventionalstrategiesthinking critically/justifying strategies andsolutions

Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems:understands the problem

reads the problem several timesasks questionsidentifies keywords and their meaningslooks for patternsidentifies wanted, given, and neededinformationidentifies extraneous informationiternahleithe problem by restating it in one'sown words or by visualizing the problemdraws pictures/diagramsuses concrete manipulatives

develops and carries out a planguesses and checks the result (thus improvingthe guess)uses logic and reasonchooses and sequences the operations neededsorts/classifies informationapplies selected strategiespresents ideas clearlyselects appropriate calculating/measurinqdevices and methodsvisualizes the problemacts out or simulates the problemapplies patternsestimates the answerdocuments the process usedworks with careworks in a group situation, sharing ideasspeaks to self with positive statements (e.g., "Ican solve this.")

reviews and applies resultsstates an answer to the problemrestates the problem with the answerexplainsthe answer in oral/written formdetermines if the answer is reasonablediscussesthe process used with otherssuggests other ways to solve the problemchecks the answerconsiders the possibility of otheranswers/solutions


Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems:understands the problem

interprets pictures/charts/graphssimulates or models the problem situationrelates the problem to other problemspreviously encountered

develops and carries out a planuses a simpler problem (makes an analogy)identifies factors relevant to the problemcollects and organizes data into diagrams,number lines, charts, tables, pictures, graphs ormodelsexperiments through the use of man ipulativesbreaks the problem down into smaller parts

reviews and applies resultsmakes and solves similar problems



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Develops an ability to effectively use the calculatoridentifies appropriate and inappropriate uses ofthe calculatoridentifies and uses basic functions on thecalculator (+ ,-, x, +, = , decimal, clear)clears and corrects entry errorsuses a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, anddivide whole numbers and decimalsenters numbers in correct sequence for subtractionand divisiondetermineswhole number remainders for divisionfollows order of operatirisselects from calculator display the number ofdecimal places appropriate to the context of acalculationchecks the reasonableness of answers obtained onthe calculator

Develops an ability to use the calculator effectivelyidentifies and uses the percent function on thecalculatorgenerates sets of multiples for a given num berusing the calculator

1-erforms computations using paper-and-pencilalgorithms within the parameters provided in thisScope and Sequence for whole num bers, decimals andfractions

Performs computations using a calculator with wholenumbers and decimals (magnitude of numbersdetermined by the nature of the problem situation)

Performs computations using mental arithmetic thatare based on:

all single-digit operationssequences of operationsdoubling and halvingmultiplying and dividing by powers of 10application of the commutative, associative anddistributive propertiesproperties of zero

Develops skills in estimation in order to determine:the range of numbers within which a solutionmust liewhether a solution in problem solving isreasonablethe reasonableness of computational resultsobtained using paper and pencil algorithms orthe calculator

Applies estimation strategies that include:stating the largest and smallest reasonableanswer to a problem before solving the problempredicting whether a computation will result in alarger or smaller numberforecasting an order of magnitude for the resultof computation (e.g , 10's, 100's, 1 000's)predicting the magnitude of the result of acomputation by rounding num bers to onesignificant digit

Selects a method of computation (paper and pencil,calculator, mental arithmetic, estimation) that isappropriate to the nature of the problem, andprovides reasons for the method chosen

Performs computations using paper-and-pencilalgorithms within the parameters provided in thisScope and Sequence for whole num bers, decimals,fractions and percent

Performs computations using a calculator with wholenum bers, decimals, fractions and percent whosemagnitude are determii,ej by the nature of theproblem situation

Performs computations using mental arithmetic withincreased emphasis on the development of formalstrategies

compensationcomputing from left to right


Applies estimation skills to the results of computationand problem solving, with increased emphasis on thedevelopment of formal strategies

front-end estimationclusteringroundingcompatible numbers


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Recognizes place value to one hundred thousandsplace.

Reads and writes whole numbers to one hundredthousands place in context. Uses a calculator to generate a set of multiples for a

given number.Compares/orders whole numbers to one hundredthousands place in applications. Determines the lowest common multiple for pairs of

numbers less than 10.Rounds numbersto nearest 10, 100, 1000.

Counts by multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,10 and 12.

Applies the associative, commutative and distributiveproperties to "mental exact" computations. Determines pairs of factors related to basic

multiplication facts up to 100.Calculates/estimates sums and differences of numberscontaining up to four digits (without the use of thecalculator).

Determines prime factors up to 50.

Expresses numbers up to 50 as the product of primeRecalls products for numbers up to 10 x 10. factors.

Determines "mental exact" products when Determines the greatest common factor for pairs ofmultiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. numbers less than 50.

Recalls division facts for dividends up to 100.

Recognizes different methods of representingdivision.

Calculates/estimates products and quotients of Calculates/estimates products and quotients ofnumbers up to 3 digits by 1 digit (without the use of a numbers up to 3 digits by 2 digits (without the use ofcalculator). a calculator)

Applies rules for the order of operations (brackets,multiplication, division, addition and subtraction).

Applies whole number skills to problem-solvingsituations.


Recognizes place value to thousandths.

Reads and writes decimals to thousandths in context.

Compares/orders decimals to thousandths inapplications.

Rounds to nearest whole number, tenth andhundredth.

Calculates/estimates sums and differences of numberswith 1 or 2 decimal places (without the use of acalculator).

Calculates/estimates products of decimal numbers to Calculates/estimates products of decimal numbers tothousandths, using 1 -digit multipliers (without the thousandths, using 1- or 2-digit multipliers (withoutuse of a calculator). the use of a calculator).

Calculates/estimates quotients for 2 decima p.- -.e Calculates/estimates quotients for 2 decimal placenumbers divided by 1-digit whole number divisors numbers divided by 1- or 2-digit whole number(without the use of a calculator). divisors (without the use of a calculator).

Determines "mental exact" products/quotients when Determines "mental exact" products/quotients whenmultiplying or dividing decimals by 10 and 100. multiplying or dividing decimals by 10, 100 or 1000.

Applies decimal skills to problem-solving situations.

1 0

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Illustrates the use of fractions in describing part of awhole, group, or point on a number line.

Illustrates the relationship between whole numbers,decimals and fractions using a number line.

Describes proper/improper fractions and mixednumbers through the use of objects, pictures anddiagrams.

Converts improper tractions to mixed numbers and Relates fractions to division, converting fractions intovice versa. decimal equivalents using a calculator

Compares and orders fractions in applications. Recalls decimal equivalents for commonly usedfractions (e.g , one-half, quarters, tenths).

Identifies and determines equivalent tractions(emphasis on 1/2, 1/3, 1/4,1/5, 1/8 and 1/10). Determines common denominators for frequently

used fractions (emphasis on 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8 andRecognizes and expresses fractions in basic form. 1/10)

Demonstrates addition and subtraction of proper Demonstrates addition and subtraction for properfractions/mixed numbers with like denominators fractions/mixed numbers with unlike denominatorsthrough the use of objects, pictures and diagrams. through the use of concrete manipulative'..

Writes number sentences to describe the addition and Writes number sentences to describe the addition andsubtraction of fractions with like denominators. subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators

Applies fraction skills to problem-solving situations. Demonstrates the multiplication and division ofproper fractions/mixed numbers by whole numbersthrough the use of concrete manipulatives

Writes number sentences to describe themultiplication and division of fractions/mixednumbers by whole numbers.

Recognizes the need for integers, and ways in whichthey are used

Uses vocabulary related .0 integers (e g., positive,negative, plus, minus, above, below, gain, loss)

Places integers on the number line.

Compares and orders positive and negative numbersin applications.

Demonstrates addition of pairs of integers betweennegative 25 and positive 25 through concreteman ipulation/diagra matic representation

Writes number sentences to describe the addition ofintegers undertaken in the concrete mode.

Applies integer skills to problem-solving situations.


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Recognizes ratios as ordered pairs of numbers Recognizes "rates" as ratios showing comparison ofshowing comparison of two quantities in the same two numbers with different units (e g , 90km/2h, 3unit. items for $1.00).

Uses concrete manipulation to construct ratios in theforms a:b, a as to b, and a/b

Generates equivalent ratios using single-digit wholenumber constants

Verifies the equivalence of two ratios using commonmultiples or factors (e.g, IA ( ÷ 2) i )

6 (+ 2) 3

Recognizes proportions as statements aboutequivalent ratios

Describes practical problem situations by writing Describes practical problem situations involving ratesproportions. by writing proportions.

Determine the value of the missing component in a Determines the value of the missing component in agiven proportion using the common factor/multiple proportion involving rates using the common

)method (e.g., 1(x25) ?multiple/factor method

4 (x 25) 100

Demonstrates the concept of percent as ratioindicating parts out of 100.

Converts whole number percents to ratios/decimals.

Expresses ratios as percents and decimalsApplies skills in ratio, proportion and percent toproblem-solving situations, using concretemanipulations/diagramatic representations

ae( .O., -- = , where b = 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25 or 50)

b 100

Expresses 1-and 2-place decimals as percents (e.g.,0.5, 0 75, 0 4)

Recalls fraction, decimal and percent equivalents forhalves, quarters and tenths.

Determines other fraction, decimal and percentequivalents through use of the calculator.

Calculates/estimates a percent of a number in relevantapplications

Identifies and distinguishes between horizontal,vertical, perpendicular, parallel and intersecting lines

Identifies/classifies /describes basic two-dimensional Identifies and recalls characteristics of thefigures (rectangle, square, triangle, circle). parallelogram, hexagon and octagon.

Uses geometric tools (e.g., protractor, compass,straightedge, ruler, computer) to construct

Uses geometric tools (e g , protractor, compass,straightedge, ruler, computer) to construct the

rectangles,squares, triangles and circles according togiven specifications.

parallelogram, hexagon and octagon.

Identifies and describes the re;ationship between theIdentifies and constructs models of basic three-dimensional figures (rectangular prism, cube,cylinder)

radius and diameter of a circle

Draws a circle, given either radius or diameter

Applies knowledge of geometric figures and Constructs geometric patterns/designs, using toolsrelationships in practical situations that may include the straightedge, compass, ruler,

protractor, m ira or computer.





DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (20)




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Approximates. the area of tiko7dimerisiiiiial geOnietric,figures usinga scpliare grid.- ,-.

Rico& izes strateg lei/fa nit iiiarfor finding the aie-ecif ',rectanglesand4suares. -

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Converts between hours and minutes, and between .

minutes and seconds

Adds/subtracts hours and minutes in applications., .


Estimates and, measures temperature on the Celsiusscale.

Recalls'important te m pe rat u res on the Celsi us scale(e.boiling/freezing points of water,,bOdWroOm'tenperature).

DeterrriineSterriperatUre change, including Changesfrom belOw zero to,above zero.



,Recogriiiiianangle and the degree as a Olt cif.'measure.

. . . . .

Recognizes angles of,45°,90°, 180° a nd 360°:

Measures/draWs an from 0° to-180° using aprotractor. .

Applies skills of angle measure in the construction ofgeometric figures/patterns/designs.

Con a

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (21)


Recognizes the use of statistics in real-life situations,and its effects on everyday activities.

Reads and interprets information presented in list,table and chart form.

Collects and records data using tally sheets andfrequency tables.

Uses tables and charts to group/sort numerical data Interprets and determines arithmetical average inand information according to specified criteria. practical situations.

Reads and interprets information presented in picture Recognizes when and how to display data in the formgraphs, bar graphs and line graphs. of picture graphs, bar graphs and line graphs.

Reads and interprets information presented in circlegraphs.

Recognizes how graphs may sometimes providemisleading information or distort the "true picture".

Distinguishes between the use of variables andconstants in concrete situations.

Uses variables to describe concrete situations (e.g.,number of coins in a jar).

Uses variables to write mathematical expressions thatdescribe practical situations (e.g., if the regular priceof an item is reduced by five dollars, the sale pricecould be represented as R 5).

Evaluates mathematical expressions for given whole Uses concrete manipulatives to demonstrate thenumber values of the variable concept of equality.

Uses variables to write linear equations/formulas that Uses estimation and guess/check strategies to solvedescribe practical situations (e.g., if each person at a linear equations describing practical situations thatparty eats three hot dogs, the relationship between have been written in any of the following forms:number of hot dogs and number of people can be x + a = bdescribed as H = 3 x P). ax = b

ax + b = cInterprets formulas related to practical situations asword statements

x/a = b/c.

Verifies solutions to linear equations by substitutionPerforms substitution into formulas in determiningoutcomes/solutions to routine problems.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (22)








Many students in junior high school are receiving some type of income, and need to developstrategies for managing the money they receive. This theme will enable students to develop:

an understanding of banking proceduresconsumer skills as they relate to making a purchase in the marketplacestrategies for monitoring income received through allowances, baby-sitting, etc

Abundant opportunities exist for students to review basic computation and estimation skills.Thematic activities will permit teachers to diagnose individual student strengths and weaknesses, andto provide direct or focussed instruction as required in remediating student difficulties.

Cooperative planning with other teachers may provide ways of coordinating thematic activities inmathematics with topics studied in other subject areas. Such conferencing will ensure that instructionprovided in mathematics will reinforce and enhance learning that is taking place within otherdisciplines. Many opportunities exist for experiential learning through community partnerships,classroom role-playing, and the use of manipulative materials.

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" secticm of this manual when planningfor instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

Using a Math LabComputational Facility EstimationProblem SolvingUse of Technology.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (23)




Recognizes major types of bank accounts:chequingsavings.

Maintains/verifies a current balance in a bank passbook.Completes a deposit and withdrawal slip.Reads and writes numbers necessary for filling out a cheque.Calculates the interest earned when given the amount and the principal.


Recognizes coin equivalents to $1.00 using pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.Counts sums of money up to $50.Estimates total cost of a number of items.Calculates ..nd estimates the amount of change to be received.Makes correct change for purchases when amount tendered is less than $50Determines unit price.Determines the "best" deal by comparing unit prices.Recognizes percent as a ratio and uses it to calculate sale prices.


Determines number of hours worked when given start and finish timesCalculates total earnings by multiplying hourly rate by the number of h J rs worked.Calculates annual earnings based on weekly/monthly incomes.Maintains a record of how personal money is spent.

Theme Managing YOur Money 16

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (24)



Selects the type of bank account most appropriate to personal goals and needs.Makes decisions on what is the "best" buy.Monitors personal income and plans simple budgets.


Uses the calculator iteratively.Recognizes functions performed by a cash register.Reads and interprets computerized bank statements.Reads a time/job clock.


Uses basic computational algorithms.Uses mental arithmetic to determine exact values.Rounds to the nearest cent/dollar.Estimates sums and differences in consumer contexts.Uses estimation to check the reasonableness of calculations and solutions.Recognizes "per unit" as a form of division.


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Reads, writes and orders whole numbers and decimals.Identifies place value from 0.001 to 100 000.Rounds whole numbers and decimals as required.Performs basic operations with whale numbers and decimals.Uses fractions to represent parts of a whole.Recognizes/adds fractional parts of an hour.


Recognizes unit price as a ratio.Uses ratios to calculate unit price.Writes whole number percents as ratios and decimals.Calculates and estimates the percent of a number.Calculates sale price when given percent discount.

17 Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (25)


Recognizes the relationship between days/weeks/months/years.Measures time on the 12-hour and 24-hour clock.Uses National Standards for numeric dating.


Reads/interprets information presented in table/chart form (e.g., tables of principal, interest, andamount).Uses charts/tables to record personal spending.


Uses the formula A = P + I.Develops/applies formulas for determining total earnings



Develops vocabulary useful in understanding and using banking services.Correctly spells numbers to 100 000 in context.Reads, interprets, and completes deposit and withdrawal slips.


Recognizes the advantages/disadvantages of the use of various financial institutions and types ofbank accounts.Recognizes the use of money as a form of trading/bartering.


Counts money and makes change.Applies consumer skills to buying and sellingCalculates the amount of time spent on a job/project


Invite guest speakers from local banks, credit unions, and loan companies to discuss servicesoffered by these institutions:

features of major types of accountsdifferent interest rates available.

Visit a local financial institution:interview personnel regarding services offeredobserve and use banking formsexamine the use of computers and other technologies.

Visit a local supermarket. Encourage students to observe/determine/compare the unit prices ofcompeting consumer products.Visit a local business where a job or time clock is in use to determine hours worked per day/pertask.Invite the school business manager/secretary into the classroom to disLuscidemonstrateappropriate methods of:

counting moneymaking change.

Theme Managing YOur Money 18


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (26)


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Mathbase 1Chapter 1: Understanding Numbers

About How ManyNumbers and Numerical Terms

Using El El ElYour Calculator and Money

Using and keys

Chapter 3: Working With NumbersAdding and Subtracting Money Amounts

Chapter 5: Decimals and MeasurementDecimals and Money


Fast Facts

Math Strategies: Problem Solving


1. Encourage students to use their calculators when performing bank transactions. A review ofcalculator procedures may be worthwhile ..iee Use of Technology, "The Calculator").

2. Review money and decimal skills by playing "Money Dominoes" (see Using a Math Lab,"Number Systems ar-1 Operations").

3. Provide students with a copy of a bank passbook. Identify and discuss:

opening balancewithdrawalsdepositsinterest earnedservice chargesclosing balance.

4. Simulate banking situations where students complete deposit/withdrawal slips and update bankpassbooks. (A sample page of a bank passbook is provided as Resource 1: A Bank Passbook.)

5. Make a bulletin board display on "Banking". Include in the display:

copies of actual deposit/withdrawal slipsa sample passbooka list of the various types of bank accountsa list of services provided by the banka glossary of terms related to banking.

19 2 Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (27)

6. Plan a field trip to a local financial institution. Ask a staff member/manager to discuss/explain:

services offered by the banktypes of bank accountsinterest rates paid on different accountsuse of banking formsuse of technology in the banking business.

This field trip could be planned in conjunction with the language arts and science classes.Students might write a letter of request and a thank-you ictter as part of their language arts class.Applications of technology in banking, and its effects of, our everyday lives could be discussed inscience class



Mathbase 1Chapter 2:

Chapter 8:

Solving ProblemsLook for a Pattern

Working With PercentMeaning of PercentWriting Percents as DecimalsWriting Decimals as Percents

Mathbase 2Chapter 5: Comparison Shopping


1. Ask students to "shop" for various items through the use of store catalogues. Given a specifiedamount of money, ask students to:

estimate the total cost of a list of itemsdetermine if the total is less than the amount of money availableshop for the "best deal" on particular itemscalculate the amount of change to be received from purchases made.

2. Provide each student or group of students with store catalogues/advertisem*nts and a "shoppinglist". Ask students to:

note the availability and varying costs for differer t brands of each itemdetermine the unit cost for each itemdetermine the total cost of all items on the shopping list.

This activity might take the form of a game. Divide the class into groups, and give each group ofstudents the same shopping list and several different catalogues. The object of the game is toselect items that will result in the lowest total cost for everything on the shopping list. (A tablethat might be used to record results is provided as Resource 7: The Better Buy )

Theme Managing YOur Money 20

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (28)

3 Encourage students to practise their mental arithmetic and estimation skills by simulatingconsumer situations in which these skills frequently arise.e.g., if apples are 4 for $1.25, what will one apple cost?

Resource 3: Questions from the Supermarket, provides sample activities involving mentalarithmetic and estimation skills

Discuss and model strategies for performing mental arithmetic and estimation (seeComputational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Mental Arithmetic Skills" and "DevelopingStrategies for Estimation").

4. Provide students with sheets of 10 by 10 grid paper. Using these grids, ask students to:1

shade1; , ,

17, 17 and 37 of the grid.

note tl,e corresponding percentage of total area shaded

make a table of fraction and percent equivalents for future reference

A blackline master for producing 10 by 10 grid paper is provided in Using a Math Lab, "Ratio,Proportion and Percent",

5. Provide students with advertisem*nts fr 'm stores where sales are described in a "percent-off''form. Ask students to calculate the discount and sale price. Students should determine discountusing the common factor/multiple method when possible (see Using a Math Lab, "Ratio,Proportion and Percent") The teacher may need to assist students in simplifying numbers

Example 1:

Find the amount of discount and sale price on a pair of $50.00 slacks if the discount rate is40%.

_atl (,2) 20Discount Rate =100 (+2) 50

Sale Price = $50 - $20 = $30

Example 2:

Find the amount of discount and sale price on a pair of $50.00 slacks if the discount rate is45%.Discount = 0.45 x $50 = $22.50Sale Price = $50 - $22.50 = $27 50

6. Ask students to design their own advertisem*nts for items selected frcm a store catalogueStudent advertisem*nts should include:

a picture of the productthe discount rate expressed as a percentthe sale price.

Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (29)



Mathbase 1Chapter 3: Working With Numbers

Units of TimeAdding TimeWorking With A.M. and P.M.

Chapter 4: Data GraphsOrganizing Data


1. Have students record the time spent on a task (e.g., homework, a hobby, a part-time job) for aone week period. Students should:

record starting time and finishing time each day in both 12-hour and 24-hour clock notationcalculate the total hours spent on the t?sk throughout the weekcalculate the money earned if paid minimum wage while engaged in this activityconvert the weekly wage to a monthly/yearly salary.

Help students to design a computer program that will determine earnings for given wage ratesand hours of work (see Use of Technology, The Computer").

2. Provide students with a copy of a time card. Ask students to:

observe the abbreviations being useddistinguish between a.m. and p.m.calculate total hours worked each day/week.

Theme' Managing Your Money 22

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (30)



Name: John Smith

Employee # 457


Mon. In



Tues InOut



Wed InOut



Thurs. InOut

TotalFri. In



Sat In



Sun InOut


Checked by: Week Total

a) Find the total number of hoursJohn Smith worked each day.

b) John takes a one-hour lunchbreak each day for which he isnot paid. Calculate his dailywage if he is earning $4.50/h.

c) Calculate the total number ofhours John worked in theweek. What would his weeklyearnings be?

d) Complete John's card

3. Ask students to keep a record of their personal spending for a period of several weeks Classifyexpenditures into common categories (e g., food, clothing, recreation/entertainment, travel)Encourage students to become aware of how they spend their money.

Students may wish to use Resource 4: Record of Personal Spending, to record their expenditures.

4. Discuss the fact that a significant part of personal expenditure is used for pleasure rather than forabsolute necessities. In the budgeting process, one should begin by planning for necessaryexpenditures (needs), and determine pleasure expenditures (wants) according to the balance

Encourage students to use appropriate problem-solving strategies in developing personalbudgets (see Problem Solving, "Using Strategies to Solve Problems"). Ask students to identify.

their own needs and wantsvariables and constants in the budgeting processpotential problems in their personal spending patternsstrategies for resolving these problemsalternative patterns for personal spending

23 theme Managing YOur MOnev

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (31)



* PARTICULARS:DEP = DepositWD = WithdrawalIBB = Inter Branch BankingINT = InterestSC = Service ChargeCHQ = Cheque

Theme Managing Your Money 24


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (32)


Select different food items. Consult food advertisem*nts in newspapers or visit grocery stores toobtain prices of various sizes and brands of the food items you have selected

Complete a table like the one shown for each food item and determine which is the best buy for thatparticular item.








The best buy is because

Factors other than price that I should consider in buying this item are

25 :I -hprro Marlaryrnri r' ur Mcnov

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (33)


Use mental arithmetic and/or approximation to find exact or nearly-exact answers to the followingquestions on supermarket prices. Check the answers to questions you are unsure about with acalculator.

1. The sale price for lettuce is two heads for $1.59 How much will one head cost?

2. The sale price for canned peas is two cans for $1.09. How much will one can cost?

3. a. Small cans of soda are on sale at eight cans for $3 00. How much will one can cost?

b. If the eight cans of soda were purchased one at a time, what would be the total cost'

4. The sale price for light bulbs is three for $2.30. How much will one light bulb cost?

5. If a coupon says "9(/ off any size of Good Home Salad Dressing", how much will a bottle thatregularly sells for $1.89 cost?

6. A store coupon says "Save 134 on your next purchase of ABC Spray Cleaner". If a bottle of thecleaner regularly costs $1.09, what is the sale price?

7. a. What is the sale price of a giant-sized bag of Big Boy dog food if the store coupon is for 23(/off and the regular price is $5 99'

b. The giant-sized bag of XYZ dog food regularly sells for $5 71. It is not on sale. If both brandsare equally good, which is the better buy, Big Boy dog food on sale or XYZ at the regularprice'

8. The label on a bottle of hair conditioner states "Mail enclosed coupon and receive a $.50refund" If a bottle of conditioner regularly sells for $2.98, what will the price of the conditionerbe when the coupon is used? (Remember to include current postal rate )

9. The label on a bottle of hair conditioner states "Mail enclosed coupon and receive a $.75refund" If the conditioner regularly sells for $2 25, what will the price be when the coupon isuse (Remember to include current postal rate )

10 A giant-sized box of laundry detergent has these words on it: "Price marked is 25Q off regularprice". The price on the box is $7 22. What is the regular price?

Theme Managing Your Money 26

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (34)










27 .21 Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (35)







This theme provides students with opportunities to:

develop skills required in calculating wagesapply measurement skills in a variety of situations relevant to the workplacedevelop strategies for recording time and materials required to complete various work-relatedtasks.

Relating activities to part-time jobs students may presently have or to employment opportunitiescurrently available within the local community will ensure that learning experiences are relevant andmeaningful.

Students will continue to develop and reinforce computational skills involving the use of wholenumbers, decimals, fractions and percentages. Calculators should be used on a regular basis inperforming many of the routine calculations (e.g., wage calculations, quantity and cost of materialsrequired for a job) Measurement activitie_ should place emphasis on estimation before applicationof actual skills in measurement. This approach will enable students to establish a "feel" for the size ofvarious units, and enhance ability to select units that are appropriate to the task or problem.

Cooperative planning with other subject areas will facilitate a broader and more meaningfulcoverage of thematic objectives. The community offers additional resources for providing real lifeexperience with many of the learning objectives

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" provided in this manual whenplanning for instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activitiesoutlined in this theme may be found in:

Problem SolvingUse of TechnologyComputational Facility and EstimationUsing a Math Lab.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (36)




Uses a time card in order to determine number of hours worked.Determines gross pay when given the hourly rate of pay and number of hours worked.Calculates annual earnings based on weekly/monthly incomes, and vice versa.Recognizes compulsory deductions from earnings:

Income TaxCanada PensionUnemployment Insurance.

Calculates net earnings (i.e., take-home pay) given gross earnings and deductions.


Applies skills of estimation and measurement to work-related situations:selects units and tools appropriate to the situationestimates and measures length, mass, capacity and timeconverts among commonly used units as required.

Applies perimeter concepts in work-related situationsReads meters and gauges that are used for measurement in work-related situations.Adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides measurements as required in work-related situations.


Reads/interprets time measured on a 12-hour and 24-hour clock.Determines number of work days in a month/year by using a calendarEstimates/calculates the quantity and cost of materials used in a project.Estimates the total cost of a project, including labour and materialsCompletes work orders/invoices, using National Standards for numeric dating.



Investigates and compares the pay for different jobs, using hourly/weekly/monthly rates of paySolves problems that require the application of measurement skills to a variety of work-relatedsituations.Uses problem-solving strategies in determining the quantity/cost of materials required for aproject.


Uses a calculator iteratively.Recognizes the use of a time clock/job clock.Uses computer programs to develop/reinforce skills in problem solving, computation andmeas, rement.Uses appropriate measurement tools/meters/gauges in work-related situations

Theme: World of Work 30


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (37)


Reviews/maintains basic computational algorithms.Performs routine calculations with the calculator on a regular basis.Uses estimation to check computational results that are related to earnings and quantity/cost ofmaterials used in projects.Uses mental arithmetic where appropriate to expedite solutions to quantitative problems.



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Rounds whole numbers and decimals as required.Performs computations using mental arithmetic/paper-and-pencil algorithms/calculator.Rounds amounts of money to the nearest cent/dollar.Reads numbers represented on various scales and measuring devices.Determines "mental exact" products when multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.Applies rules for the order of operations.


Uses ratio to represent the comparison of two quantities.Recognizes proportions as statements about equivalent ratios.Describes practical problem situations by writing proportions.Determines the value of the missing component in a proportion using the commonfactor/multiple method.


Identifies/constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.Recognizes common metric units of:

length (mm, cm, m, km)capacity (mL, L)mass (g, kg)

Estimates and measures length/capacity/mass, selecting metric units and tools appropriate to thesituation.Converts measurements as required among commonly used units.Estimates and measures perimeter.Estimates/measures/records time on the 12-hour and 24-hour clock.


Reads and interprets information presented in chart/table/graph form.Collects and records data in chart/table formMakes inferences based on statistical data.


Uses a formula to find perimeter.Uses variables to represent the relationship among gross pay/deductions/take-home pay.Generates formulas for converting among units of measurement (e.g., 5L = ? mL).

31 Theme; World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (38)



Uses reporting and note-taking skills in completing invoices and work orders.Uses research skills when investigating/comparing the pay for different types of jobsWrites a letter of application for part-time employment.


Estimates/measures length, mass, capacity and time when collecting data for scientificinvestigations.Compares measuring devices used in the scienze laboratory (e.g., graduated cylinders, balancescales) with those used in the workplace.


Recognizes/infers the relationship between compulsory deductions from earnings and the socialsystem.Investigates tne history of income tax.Relates employment statistics and trends to our changing social structure.


Estimates/measures length, mass, capacity and time in work-related situations.Uses appropriate measuring devices/meters/gaugesDevelops clerical skills that are related to project work in the practical arts classroom (e g.,monitors time spent on project, determines quantity/cost of materials used in a project,completes invoices and work orders).Interprets tables and charts in order to complete a procedure or task.


Invite a representative from local business/industry to discuss:the use of geometry and measurement in various professions/trades (e.g., carpenter,painter, garment or drapery fabricator, food service operator)employer expectations, salary ranges, compulsory deductions and pay methods.

Visit local business and industry in order to observe:how hours worked by employees are monitored/recordedhow gross pay, deductions and net pay are determinedthe application of measurement skillsmeters, gauges and other technologies used in measurement.

Estimate the materials required in repairing or renovating various community facilities:painting a buildingfencing a yard or park.

Invite representatives from local government agencies to discuss employment opportunities,legal responsibilities of employer/employee, and compulsory deductions from pay:

Canada ManpowerLabour and Employment StandardsUnemployment Insurance CommissionRevenue Canada

Investigate employment skills and work expectations through job shadowing programs.

3 L.

Theme: World of Work 32

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (39)


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Ma thbase 1Chapter 3: Working With Numbers

Multiplying by a 2-Digit NumberMultiplying a Money Amount by a Whole NumberDividing a Money Amount by a Whole Number

Ma thbase 2Chapter 1: Earning a Living


Fast Facts

Math Strategies: Problem Solving


1. Provide opportunities for students to develop skill in recording 24-hour time and determininghours worked (i e calculating the interval between a pair of times). Encourage students to keepa time card of "class working hours" throughout the duration of the theme. A sample time cardthat might be used for this purpose is provided as Resource 1: Sample Time Cam!.

In using the time card, students might be asked to:

identify abbreviations usedconvert 24-hour time to 12-hour timecalculate the number of hours and minutes worked each daydetermine total hours worked each weekcalculate gross pay based on the minimum wage.

2. Simulate a work situation by asking students to use information on their time card of "classworking hours" to determine gross pay they might receive if paid the minimum wage. Studentsmight be told to include homework as evening time worked, and to pay themselves "time-and-a-half" for any homework time worked over five hours each week. Encourage students to discussand compare their weekly time cards and "gross pay".

3. Using the local newspaper, ask each student to find three employment opportunities wherewages are paid on an hourly basis. Compare the wage rates offered for each of the jobs, anddiscuss reasons why the remuneration varies:e.g., type of work

education requiredhours of workexperience required.

`.133 Theme: World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (40)

4. Ask students (individually or in small groups) to identify five jobs they feel they might be able toperform (e.g., babysitting, mowing lawns, working at a f3st-food outlet). Determine the hourlyrate of pay that might be reasonably expected for each of the jobs identified Summarize resultsin a table or chart, indicating:

the type of workthe hourly ratethe gross pay for five hours of work.

5 Discuss the difference between a "salary" and a "wage". Find employment opportunities in thenewspaper that quote remuneration as an hourly rate, and by the day, week, month and yearCompare the remuneration offered for each of these jobs ID/ computing equivalent hourly, daily,weekly, monthly and yearly rates of pay. A table that might bP used to summarize the results ofthis investigation is provided in Resource 2: Comparing Rates of Pay.

6. Students might be given additional practice in determining income from employment bychanging wages ar-z; salaries into yearly incomes. If the pay is an hourly rate, assume a 40-hourweek for 52 weeks a year.e.g., $108 rer week

$359 per month$4.80 per }- lur$457 every two weeks.

Review time relationships (i.e., hours, days, weeks, months, year) as required. Computationshould be done using a calculator, with emphasis placed on the use of estimation in checking thereasonableness of results (see Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Strategies forEstimation" and Use of Technology, "The Calculator").

7. Examine a variety of actual "statements of earnings" (i.e., pay stubs) Identify the areas on eachstatement that indicate:

gross paydeductionsnet pay.

Discuss the kinds of "compulsory" deductions that every employee must pay, and "voluntary"deductions that some employees may pay.

8. Ask students to investigate the compulsory deductions (e.g., Income Tax, Canada Pension,Unemployment Insurance) for several different incomes. Deductions may be determined throughthe use of appropriate tables and charts. Once deductions have been determined, ask students t^calculate the net pay for each income.

Summarize and record the results of this activity using Resource 3: Statement of Earnings.

Theme: World of Work 34

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IMathbase 1

Chapter 3:

Chapter 5:

Working With NumbersSelecting the Best Unit

Decimals and MeasurementMultiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000Linear Units of Measure: Conversions

Chapter 6: Working With DecimalsMassSelecting the Best Unit


1. Provide opportunities for frequent hands-on experience in estimating and measuring length,capacity and mass. A variety of strategies for developing skills of estimation and measurementare provided in the generic strategies section of this manual (see Using a Math Lab, "Geometryand Measurement").

The suggestions which follow may also be useful in developing estimation and measurementskills.

Use "mind pictures" or referents to facilitate estimation with units of length, capacity andmass.Have students make their own metric tapes.Ask students to estimate and measure:

the length of a room in metresthe width of a table in centimetresthe height of a window in centimetresthe width of a doorway in centimetres.

Plan a walking rally or treasure hunt using given distances.Display containers of various sizes and gapes. Ask studentscapacity of these containers.Display various consumer products obtained from the hardware store, lumber yard orsupermarket. Ask students to estimate the mass of these products, and then measure mass as acheck against estimates that have been made.

`o estimate and then measure the

2. Discuss work-related situations in which estimates of measure are required, and compare thesesituations to others where exact measurements are required. Invite a carpenter to discuss the useof estimation and exact measurement in the building ind...Ary.

Model the use of various strategies for making estimates of measure:

using a referentchunkingunitizing

(see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement").

34 , Theme: World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (42)

3. Develop the concept of perimeter through the use of geoboards/dot paper/centimetre grid paper(see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement"). A blackline master for producingcentimetre grid paper is provided in the Grade 8 theme "Using Math at Home".

Once students recognize that perimeter means "distance around" provide opportunity forstudents to:

determine the perimeter of familiar objects in the roomdetermine the perimeter of objects represented by diagrams/scale drawingsdetermine the quantity/cost of materials required for various work-related projects thatinvolve perimeter:e.g., moulding for a room

trim for a wood project/sewing projectfencing material for a garden

Encourage students to devise their own formulas for finding the perimeter of rectangles, squaresand triangles.

4. Encourage students to recognize the importance of measurement in a variety of work-relatedsituations. Make a collage of pictures collected from newspapers and magazines that depict theuse of:




Discuss appropriate units and tools of measurement that might be used in each of the situationsillustrated.

5. Converting between metric units of measure provides opportunity for review of multiplicationand division by multiples of ten. Ask questions that will encourage students to "think through"these processes and develop strategies of their own. Rules should be applied after the processesare understood.

Example: 4500 cm = mWill I have more or ewer metres than centimetres?If I need fewer metres, what operation must I use?How do I determine the number by which I must divide?In what direction will I move the decimal, and how many places do I move it? Why?Does the answer seem reasonable?

Possible strategies that might be used for converting among units of measure include:

writing a formulamaking a chartusing a calculator algorithm


Theme: world of Work 36

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (43)

6 Provide students with experience in reading the scales on a variety of measurementgauges/meters used in work-related situations. Borrow gauges, meters and other tools ofmeasurement used by students in their practical arts and science courses

Assist students to read these scales by developing skills of interpolation. Examine severaldifferent scales on the overhead and coach students in determining intermediate values. Avariety of scales that require interpolation are provided in the Grade 8 theme "Using Math atHome".

7 Examine technical drawings/patterns that are being used by students in their practical artscourses (Conferencing with practical arts teachers will facilitate the identification of technicaldrawings and patterns used by students in work-related situations.)

Assist students to interpret these drawings/patterns, and to perform calculations that arerequired in:

determining the quantity of materials required for the projectconstructir g/completing the project.

8 Provide frequent puzzles involving estimation and measurement that require the application ofproblem-solving strategies (see Problem Solving: "Using Strategies to Solve Problems")



You are given a 3 L container and a 5 L container. How can you use these containers tomeasure out exactly 1 L of water? Is it possible to measure out exactly 1 L of water using a4 L container and a 6 L container?

Solution:Fill the 3 L container with water and transfer its contents to the 5 L container. Refill the3 L container and pour enough water into the 5 L container to fill it There will then be1 L of water left in the 3 L container The second question cannot be done

Teacher Note:This problem may lead to a discussion of the properties of addition and subtraction foreven and odd numbers.


Alberta Education. Let Problem Solving Be The Focus In The 1980's, p. 113, 1983

37 Theme: World of Work


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (44)



How many nails will balance one cube?




Answer: 3

A variety of books containing recreational puzzles of this nature can be obtained from localbookstores and libraries.



Mathbase 16 Chapter 1: Understanding Numbers

Coding: Numeric DatesThe Twenty-Four Hour Clock

Chapter 2: Solving ProblemsUsing a Table or an Array


1. Provide opportunities for student3 to read/interpret time on both the 12-hour and 24-hour clockusing traditional and digital time pieces. Activities should enable students to:

read/record time using both 12-hour and 24-hour notationdistinguish between A.M. and P.M. when using 24-hour notationconvert between 12-hour and 24-hour notation.

Alberta Education. Let Problem Solving Be The Focus In The 1980's, p. 113, 1983.

Theme: World of Work 38

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1 LI.:1 I:1I P.1 LI

in C81 1 0411Li L.P.M/ L

a Record this time using 12-hour and 24-hournotation.

b How would you write "12 o'clock noon" in 24-hour notation?

c. Record these times using 12-hour notation. Besure to indicate a.m. or p m

d. School starts at 8 a m Are you late? How manyminutes are there before school starts?

2. Ask students to identify various instarces in real life where they must read/interpret timeexpressed in 24-hour notation. Applications may include.

travel scheduleshospital timetraffic/parking signsjob docks used in business/industry.

3. Provide students with a copy of a calendar for the c' nt year. Ask students to:

identify the normal work days/major holidays within each monthdetermine which month has the greatest number/least number of working daysprepare a chart inc;icating the total number of working days/holidays within each month

Theme World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (46)

4. Ask each student to select/design a simple project involving the use of measurement skills.Projects may relate to a practical arts course taken by the student (e.g., a sewing, wood orcooking project). Provide time for students to plan and complete their project, using themathematics classroom, other facilities in the school, and/or facilities available at home. Incompleting their project, each student should:

determine the quantity/cost of all materials used in their projectmonitor and record the amount of time spent in planning and completing the projectdescribe the measurement skills used in completing the projectdetermine an appropriate selling price for the completed project, considering cost of materialsand labour.

Ask students to present their completed projects to the class, and describe the documentationprocess used while completing the project.

Evaluation of the project should be based on the student's documentation of materials/time/cost,rather than on the quality of the finished product. Teachers may wish to use an interview guidein evaluating each student's efforts (see Evaluation: Resource 4: Interview Guide for ProjectWork).

5 Provide students with actual copies of work orders and invoices used in business and industry.(Teachers might obtain actual copies of work orders and invoices used by students in theirpractical arts courses.) Discuss the purpose of these forms, and simulate situations that requirethe student to complete work orders/invoices (see Resource 4: Using Work Orders).

Encourage students to use calculators in performing necessary computations, and to always checkthe reasonableness of the results they obtain through the use of estimation skills (see Use ofTechnology, The Calculator" and Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Strategiesfor Estimation").


Theme: World of Work 40

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Social Insurance Number: 623 189 458

Week Ending: October 27








9:00 12:00 13:00 17:30

9:00 11:30 12:00 17:00

8:00 11:00 12:00 16:30

12:00 17:00 18:00 20:30

12:30 16:30 17:30 21:00





41 :1'' Theme World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (48)


Identify different employment opportunities that pay on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearlybasis. Compare the remuneration offered for each of these jobs by computing equivalent hourly,daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rates of pay. Assume there are 20 workdays in each month.










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1. Which job pays the highest salary?

2. Which job pays the lowest salary?

3. Give some reasons why these jobs have different salary scales.

4. Would you prefer your salary .o be based on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly rate?Why?

Theme: World of Work 42

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (49)


Example One:

Employee Net ClaimCode


U.I.C. C.P P. IncomeTax





Other TotalDeductions


Example Two:


Basic Pay Overtime Pay Additional Pay Gross Pay




Canada Pension Unemployment Insurance Income Tax Deductions

Date of Issue Employee Net Pay

Pay Period Employee # Dept # Employer

. _I

-..43 p Theme World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (50)


Work orders are used in service stations and other kinds of repair shops to keep a record of work donefor a customer.

Janet Smith of 1988 86 Street, Somewhere, Alberta is having a muffler system replaced and an oilchange on her 1989 Camaro Convertible. She left the car at 8:00 A.M. and can be reached at 241-6666when the job is complete. She has been told her car will be ready by noon the next day .

Complete a work order for Janet Smith that is basedwork order form provided on the following page.

Labour Costs

upon the information provided below Use the

a. muffler and pipes replacement $45.75b. exhaust pipe 6.00


$38.95a. mufflerb. exhaust pipe 15.95c. tail pipe 13.85d. clamps 2@ 3.25

Gas, Oil, Grease

5L@ $ 2.25a. 10W30 oilb. grease 7.75

Theme: World of Work 44

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1986 88 Street

Somewhere, Alberta

T4A 5W8







DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (52)








Opportunities are provided for students to recognize instances where math is used in their home, andto develop a variety of skills frequently used in nerforming household tasks. Many of the activitieswill enable students to reinforce previously developed skills by applying them to familiar householdsituations.

Measurement must be viewed as a strategy used to gather information required in problem-solvingsituations, and not as an activity in itself. Throughout this theme, measurement activities should berelated to real life tasks with emphasis on the use of estimation before application of actual skills inmeasurement. This approach will enable students to get a "feel" for the size of various units and willenhance their ability to select units that are appropriate to the task or problem.

Many opportunities exist for the integration of learning tasks with other subject areas. Cooperativeplanning with teachers in other subject areas will identify relevant and practical learning activities.The nature of this theme makes each student's home a community partnership, and each care-giver acommunity resource person. The teacher should be sure to take advantage of this in planningthematic activities.

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" section of this manual when planningfor instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

Problem SolvingUse of TechnologyComputational Facility and EstimationUsing a Math Lab.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (53)




Estimates/calculates total monthly food costs.Estimates the cost of a simple recipe given the unit price of each ingredient.Compares the cost of dining out to rating at home.Calculates unit price.Determines the "best deal" by comparing unit prices.Reads and interprets home costs displayed in bar/line/picture graphs.Reads and interprets scales/calibrations on water and natural gas metersCalculates utility costs that are based on utility meter readings.Keeps a record of home costs and displays information in chart form.


Estimates/measures length in mm, cm, m, km.Determines perimeter in practical situations through the use of estimation, measurement andcalculation.Determines the cost of materials required for simple home projects.Estimates/measures the mass of household items in g and kg.Estimates/measures liquid capacity in mL and LUses appropriate measurement strategies in following a simple recipe


Reads and interprets a television/radio schedule.Estimates/calculates the cost of watching television (e g., electricity, cable charges, cost of paychannels).Compares the cost of renting a video with going to the movie theatre.Recognizes the need for mental arithmetic in games (e g., cribbage, monopoly).Performs mental arithmetic in a game situations.Creates geometric designs using a variety of construction instruments and techniques.



Uses a problem-solving strategy for , omparing the cost 6, consumer items and determining the"best" buy.Solves problems that require tire application of measurement skills in real life situations.Develops formulas for finding the perimeter ;lf two-dimensional figures.

Theme: Using Math at Home 48

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (54)


Usi the calculator in determining the quantity and cost of food goods/utilities/constructionmaterials.Uses the calculator and appropriate formulas to determine perimeter.Reads meters and gauges used in the home.Uses computer programs to maintain/reinforce skills in geometry/measurement.Uses a variety of measurement tools.


Estimates length, perimeter, mass, and capacity as required in practical situations.estimates the total cost of a project.Performs mental arithmetic in practical situations.Computes using both paper-and-pencil and the calculator in problem situations.


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Rounds whole numbers and decimals.Reads/writes whole numbers, decimals and fractions in context.Uses the properties of whole numbers in performing computations.Performs arithmetical operations using mental arithmetic/pencil-and-paperalgorithms/calculator.


Determines the missing element of a proportion.Uses ratio/proportion to find unit price.Uses ratio/proportion/percent to represent monthly costs.


Identifies/constructs basic two-dimensional figures.Recognizes metric units of:

length (cm, m, km)capacity (mt., L)mass (g, kg)

Estimates and measures lergth/capacity/mass, selects units and tools appropriate to thesituation.Estimates, measures and computes perimeter.Uses geometric toots to construct patterns and designs.

49 ti Theme Using Math at Home

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (55)


Uses tables and charts to sort/organize numerical data.Interprets information displayed in chart/table formReads and interprets bar/line/picture graphs.


Uses a formula to determine perimeter.Interprets formulas that are used to determine utility costs.



Discusses the pros and cons of watching television.Relates the intrinsic value of various leisure activities to their costs.


Relates food/utility costs to economics/inflation.Recognizes how the "household dollar" is spent.


Science students use measurement skills in collecting data related to various investigations that areundertaken. Conferencing and cooperative planning with science teachers will identify:

units of measure most frequently used in science classmeasurement tools and gauges that the student must be able to userelevant contexts in which measurement is used in science.

Measurement projects might be undertaken that involve the use of instructional time in bothmathematics and science.


Measurement skills are highly used in many of the practical arts courses. Through cooperativeplanning, mathematics teachers can establish not only the skills required of students in these courses,but also relevant contexts in which the skills are applied. Integration vit!. the practical arts shouldemphasize:

metric units frequently used by studentsimperial units that the student may encounter in the workplacemeasurement tools used by the studenttechnical drawings and patterns that the student must read and interpret.

Theme: Using Math at Home 50

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (56)


Invite a home economist to speak to the class Discus:ion may relate to:home costscomparative shoppingstrategies for becoming a wise consumer

Plan a field trip to a local grocery store. Ask students to determine and compare unit prices oncompeting consumer products.Plan a field trip to a local utility company. Investigate:

strategies for monitoring utility consumption in the homestrategies for reading utility meters/gaugesutility rates and customer billing proceduresstrategies for reducing utility consumption in the home.

Visit a local hardware store/lumber yard/fabric store/hobby shop. Investigate the use ofmeasurement in determining the quantity and price of various materials purchased at thesestores.Ask students to interview their own care-givers regarding mathematical skills needed in thehome, on the job, etc.

51 ;) Theme: Using Math at Home

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Ma thbase 1Chapter 2:

Chapter 4:

Solving Problems- Guessing and CheckingData Graphs- interpreting Bar Graphs


1. Ask students (individually or in small groups) to on_ are a list of food items they feel would benecessary to provide themselves with breakfast, lunch and dinner for a period of one week.

Have students estimate their monthly food cost by:

pricing each food item on their list (through the use of store flyers or by visiting localsupermarkets)

r determining the total cost of all food items required for one weekw extending the cost per week to an estimated cost per month.

Encourage students to consult the Canada Food Guide to ensure that the mews they plan arehealthful. Teachers may wish to plan this activity in cooperation with the teacher of the Healthand Personal Life Skills class, and have students plan balanced meals that include foods from eachof the food groups.

Encourage students to compare their monthly food ousts, and to make a list of ways in whichmoney might be saved on food budgets.

2. Discuss the meaning of "unit price" and its importance in comparative shopping. Provideopportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding through different forms ofexpression:- through concrete/pictorial representation- through written description- by writing number sentences/equations- by designing a computer program for finding unit price.

Teachers are encouraged to use a variety of strategies in developing the concept of "unit price"(see Using a Math Lau, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent" and Use of Technology, "The Calculatorand Computer").

3. Discuss the application of mentr.i arithmetic and estimation skills in consumer situations (e.g.,comparative shopping, estimating total cost of items selected for purchase, verifying changereceived). Provide frequent opportunity for students to develop and practise these skills insimulated consumer situations (see Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing MentalArithmetic Skills/Strategies for Estimation").

4. Ask students to price the ingredients required for a recipe that they are given. lhe followingprocedure might be used:

By visiting a local supermarket (or using sale flyers), determine the unit price \ eachingredient used in the recipe. (In the case of competing brand names, encourage studentsto select the brand that is least expensive.)

Theme: Using Math at Home 552 c,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (58)

Once back in the classroom, calculate the total cost of the recipe (e.g., multiply unit costs bythe amount of each ingredient required and add the costs of individual ingredients).

5. Compare the cost of dining out with eating at home by planning the following activity:

obtaining a menu from a local restaurant and asking students to determine the cost of ameal for one or more peopleusing supermarket flyers (or by visiting the local superwaf ket), est:mate the cost of thesame meal if prepared at homesummarizing the results of the investigation in table/chart form.

6. Ask students to interview their care-givers in order to determine regular home costs (e.g.,monthly food costs and utility bills). Discuss factors that may cause monthly costs to vary:

number of family memberssize/type of homelite style/personal habitsseasonal variations.

7. Discuss the use of bar/line/picture graphs in displaying/comparing various home costs Askquestions that require students to interpret and analyze the information presented in thesegraphs.

















What is the total monthly expenditure for each expense category displayed in thegraph?Compare these costs to food and utility costs in your own home. What factors maycause these costs to vary from those in your own home?How might these costs change for a family of two people? For a family of fourpeople?

53 Theme: Using Math at Home

() 4,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (59)

E Discuss the use of water/natural gas/electrical meters in monitoring the consumption of utilities inthe home.

Develop procedures for reading the scales/calibrations that are represented on utility meters (seeResource 1: Reading Scales).

Encourage students to monitor utility consumption in their own homes by recording meterreadings over a period of several days or weeks. Ask students to draw diagrams of each meterreading that is taken.

9. Plan a visit to a local utility company. (The visit might be cooperatively planned with the scienceclass in conjunction with the theme "Using Energy and Machines ".) Interview employees, andinvestigate:

various meters/gauges and units used in measuring utilitiesutility rates and customer billing proceduresstrategies for reducing utility consumption in the home.



Mathbase 1

Chapter 5: Decimals and Measurement- The Metre- The Centimetre

The Millimetre- Selecting the Best Unit



Fast Facts


1. Provide abundant opportunities for hands-on experience in estimating and measuring length,capacity and mass. A variety of strategies for developing skills of estimation and measurementare provided in the "Generic Strategies" section of this manual (see Using a Math Lab:"Geometry and Measurement").

The guidelines which follow may be useful in developing appropriate thematic activities inestimation and measurement:

Use "mind pictures" or referents to facilitate estimation with units of length, capacity andmassHave students make their own metric tapesAsk students to estimate and measure:- the length of a room in metres- the width of a table in centimetres- the height of a window in centimetres

the capacity of familiar containers in mL and L- the mass of familiar objects in g and kg.

Theme: Using Math at Home 54

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (60)

Use the Guinness Book of Records and/or Olympic Records to make a bulletin board displayanswering questions of interest such as:

Who holds the high jump record?What is the highest jump ever recorded?

Assist students to develop a referent for the kilometre by using the following strategy:measure off 100 metresexplain that if this distance is walked 10 times, the total distance travelled is one kilometrerelate this measure to the distance between two familiar locations in the community.

Determine how many laps in the gym are equivalent to running one kilometrePlan a walking rally or treasure hunt using given distances.Ask students to estimate and then measure/compare their own body measurements (e.g.,chest size, arm length, height, foot size).Develop visualization skills that are useful in estimating measures through various guessinggames (e.g., How many jelly beans in the jar?).Display houtehold containers of various size and shape. Ask students to estimate and measurethe capacity of these containers.Display various containers of familiar kitchen products. Ask students to estimate their massand then measure mass as a check against estimates that have been made.Purchase a variety of produce, dry goods and boxed goods at the supermarket. Weigh theitems purchased and discuss the following points:

How much does the packaging weigh?What part of the total weight purchased is edibl"?Are the weights indicated on package labels correct?

2. Develop the concept of perimeter through the use of geoboards/dot paper/grid paper (see Usinga Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement"). A blackline master for producing grid paper isprovided as Resource 2: Centimetre Grid Paper.

Ensure that students recognize perimeter as "distance around". Provide opportunity for studentsto:

determine the perimeter of familiar objects in the classroomdetermine the perimeter of objects represented by diagrams/scale drawingsdetermine the quantity and cost of materials required for various home projects:

moulding for a room/window/doortrim for a sewing projectfencing material for the back yard.

3. Provide students with a scale drawing of the floor plan for a house/apartment (see Resource 3: ASample Floor Plan). Ask questions about the scale drawing that will require students to measureand interpret the drawing:

Which room is the longest/shortest?What is the entire length/width of the house?What is the width of a doorway'How much moulding would be rewired for the living room?How much moulding is required for the windows in bedroom #1 if each window is one metrein height?

4. Ask students to draw a floor plan for their own house/apartment on the computer using LOGO inthe draw mode (see Use of Technology, "The Computer"). Drawings should be based uponsimple sketches and measurements that have been taken by students at home.


Theme Using Math at Home

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (61)

Help students to establish an appropriate scale for their drawings on the computer, and askquestions that will cause students to interpret the drawings they make:

What is the entire length/width of your home?What isthe perimeter of your bedroom?How many "turtle steps" must you walk to go from your bedroom to the kitchen?

5. Provide opportunities for students to follow a simple recipe involving measurement of mass andcapacity. This activity can be planned cooperatively with a teacher in the practical arts, and mightbe performed in the food preparation laboratory.

Assist students in following their recipes by Jiscussing:

appropriate measuring devicesappropriate strategies for measuring food items by mass/capacitythe importance of "sequence" in the tasks performed.



Mathbase 1Chapter 10: Geometry: Shapes and Designs

DesignsDesigns Using LOGOTiling Patterns

Mathbase 2Chapter 4: The Best of Entertainment


Math Strategies: Problem Solving


1. Provide opportunities for students to play a variety of games in which they practise and applyskills in mental arithmetic (e.g., dominoes, monopoly, cribbage). Encourage students to discussand share strategies for mental arithmetic that are being used throughout each game (seeComputational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Mental Arithmetic Skills").

Additional activities that may be useful in developing competence in mental arithmetic areprovided in Using a Math Lab, "Number Systems and Operations".

2. Read and interpret radio and television schedules. Have students complete charts and reportsbased on information obtained from these schedules. Each student might complete:

a summary of sports events/game shows telecast between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. onweekdays onlya report on favourite television programs (including the day, time and channel for eachprogram included).

Ask students to prepare a personal schedule for watching television/listening to the radio for aperiod of one week.

Theme: Using Math at Home 56

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3. Ask students to compare the cost of different forms of entertainment:

the cost of renting a video compared to going to the movie theatrethe cost of going to a hockey game compared to watching a game on televisionthe cost of ordering "fast foods" compared to snacks/meals prepared at home

4. Develop and reinforce geometric concepts/skills by involving students in various hobbies/projectsthat require the use of geometric tools in creating patterns and designs. Students might:

create a wallpaper/fabric/floor covering design based on repetition of a line design orgeometric patterndesign a logo for a favourite rock band using one- and two-dimensional figures/relationshipsuse a LOGO computer program to create a geometric design that is based on line relationshipsand geometric figures studied.

Additional ideas for projects involving line design and geometric pattern are provided in Using aMath Lab, "Geometry and Measurement".

5 Develop skills in visual perception by providing puzzles that require students to recognize andapply geometric patterns and relationships. Students might be encouraged to work on thesepuzzles with family and friends in the evening, and to share strategies and outcomes with theirpeers the next day. Puzzles may involve experimentation with:

symmetrypolyminoestangramstessellationsmazespaper folding.

A variety of books containing recreational puzzles of this nature can be obtained from localbookstores and libraries

57 Theme Using Math at Home

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Before you read any scale, you must examine it carefully to see how it is calibrated.

Look at the numbers written on the scale. They may not be sequenced in the usual order (e.g , 1,2, 3, 4 and so on).

Study the examples:

2 4 6 8

10 15 20 25

60 70 80 90

Numbers go up by 2's

Numbers go up by 5's

Numbers go up by 10's

Other scales may have numbers that go up by 20's, 50's, 100's, or 1000's

Look at the marks between the numbers. The numbers represented by these marks dependupon:

the number of spaces between two consecutive numbersthe difference between two consecutive numbers on the scale

Study the examples:

16 18 20

INumbers go up by 2'sThe arrow points to 17


Theme: Using Math at Home 58

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Fr.$OURCE 1: READING SCALES (continued)

70 80 90 100 110

60 80 100

Numbers go up by 10's.The arrow points to 85.

Numbers go up by 20's.The first arrow points to 70.The second arrow points to85.


Sometimes a scale appears to go backward. These scales must be read from right to left, as in theexample below.

16 12

1 1 1

8 4The reading is 10.

"Backward" scales are often found on meters that are turned by gears (e.g., a water meter or anelectric meter in a house).


An easy way to figure out the value of each space on a scale is to divide the difference between twonumbers on the scale by the number of spaces between them.

Example 1:


Each space represents 2 The arrow indicates 26

The differen,_.0 between 20 and 30 is 10.

There are 5 spaces between 20 and 30

Therefore, each space represents -- or 2 units.

59 t) Theme. Using Math at Home

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Example 2:

Each space represents 5. The arrow indicates 45.


The difference between 40 and 70 is 30.

There are 6 spaces between 40 and 70.

Therefore, each space represents 3.Q. or 5 units.

1. Look carefully at each scale. Then answer the questions

(a) 6

I 1



a. The numbers written on thescale go up by

b The arrow points to themark that means .

(b) 30



I 1


I 1

a. The numbers written on the

Iscale go up by .

it b The arrow points to the markthat means .

(c) 15

1 1 1


I 1 1 1

25 a. The numbers written on the

I 1 1 jl scale go up by .

tb. The arrow points to the markthat means .

(d) 100





I 1

a. The numbers written on the

Iscale go up by .

Atb. The arrow points to the mark

that means .

Theme Using rt/lath at Hr,rnevvIJV

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2. Read each of the following scales.

(a) (b) 30

28 26 40 2030 24

(c) 10 (d)




50 80

3. Give the value of each space on the scales illustrated below.


30' 450 600

150 o 750

0 900


Theme. Using Math at Home

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (67)


4. Give the reading indicated on each of the following scales.

(a) (b) (c)









300 600

150 7c0


Give the readings indicated on each of the following electric meters.



= kwh.


Theme: Using Math at Home 62bti

= kwh.

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63 --,,erre s ^g %latri e -1,)--?

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1200 1200






14.5 rn2

1500 1 1800



C.5 m2

I-1 Li1700






1200 1200


9.7 m2

10.9 m2

1400 1100 1500 1200 3000


11 500

NOTE: All dimensions are given in millimetres unless otherwise indicated


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (70)








"Travel and Recreation" is a theme that most students should be particularly interested in as itinvolves their use of leisure time. Opportunity will be provided for students to investigate variousaspects of the activities that frequently occupy their leisure time after school and during holidays.

Travel schedules and maps are a part of everyone's life, and become essential whether planning a tripto a friend's home, to the ski slope or to Hawaii. Recreational activities affect our health and lifestyle,and should be selected after considering various factors related to personal circ*mstances. Manystudents spend some of their leisure time in sports, either as active participants or as observers, andwill benefit from a study of statistical terms frequently used in familiar sporting events.

Teachers are encouraged to modify thematic icarning objectives in meeting the needs of individualstudents and according to circ*mstances within the local community. Many opportunities existthroughout the theme for integrating mathematical instruction with activities undertaken in othersubject areas (e g., social studies, language arts) The local community contains a variety of resourcesthat will provide students with real life experiences related to many of the learning objectives.

Generic strategies that are particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

Problem SolvingComputational cacility and EstimationUsing a Math Lab.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (71)




Identifies symbols on a road map.Locates streets and towns o' a road map, using map coordinates.Determines the distance between two locations on a road map.Estimates the time required to travel a given distance represented on a road manGives directions for a trip route using a road map.Reads/interprets bus, train and airline schedules.Estimates the cost of a short trip, considering transportation, meals, accommodation andincidental expenses.


Maintains a personal record of expenditures made for recreational activities.Compares equipment and participation cost., for different sports/recreational activities (e.g.,hockey, tennis, swimming, jogging, skiing).Monitors personal time spent in various recreational/leisure activities.Develops a strategy for selecting appropriate recreational/leisure time activities.


Reads/interprets numeric sports information communicated by the media- schedules

rankingsgame resultsplayer ,:tatistics.

Calculates statistics related to specific sports:rushing, passing and receiving averagesgoals against, points per game and plus-rainy, ratingsbatting averages, earned-run averagestime differences, rate of travelmeasures of hitting/throwing/shooting success

Collects, records and displays sports information in table or chart form.



Uses a problem-solving strategy in planning/budgeting for travel.Investigates/compares equipment and participation costs for different sports/recreationalactivities.Uses a problem-solving strategy in selecting recreational/leisure time activities that areappropriate to personal circ*mstances. Considers factors such as cost, availability of facilitiesand benefits to he JIth in selecting activities.Solves routine pr olems involving sports statistics.

Theme: Travel and Recreation 66


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (72)


Uses a calculator iteratively.Uses travel schedules and sports schedules.Uses the media to collect information related to travel, recreation and sports.Recognizes the use of the computer in compiling statistics and schedules.


Develops/reinforces basic computational algorithms.Performs computations with a calculator on a regular basis.Uses mental arithmetic when comparing sports statistics.Rounds as appropriate during calculations.Uses estimation in comparing the cost of different travel methods/recreational activities.Estimates travel dislances and travel times represented on a map.Uses estimation in clz.cking the reasonableness of computational results.


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Reads/writes/orders decimals to the thousandth's place.Counts by multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12 in making tables/charts.Performs basic operations with whole numbers and decimals.Applies rules for the order of operations.Compares/orders fractions in applications.Identifies and determines equivalent fractions.Recognizes and expresses fractions in simplest form.


Recognizes ratio as ordered pairs of numbers showing comparison.Generates equivalent ratios using singledigit whole number constantsRecognizes pr oortions as statements about equivalent ratios.Determines .e missing component in a proportion using the coilmon factor /multi pie method.Demonstrates the concept of percent as a ratio indicating parts out of 100.Uses ratio skills in interpreting "scale" on a road map.


Identifies and distinguishes between horizontal, vertical, parallel, perpendicular, andintersecting lines.Estimates/calculates d;stance in kilometres between locations on a road map.Estimates/measures/records time on a 12-hcur and 24-hour clock.Uses National Standards for numeric dating.

67 Theme Travel and Recreation

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (73)


Reads/interprets information displayed in list, table and chart form.Collects and records sports data using frequency tables/tally sheets.Uses charts/tables to display data.Reads and interprets data displayed in barloicture/line graphs.


Distinguishes between the use of variables and constants in concrete situations.Interprets/uses equaticns that describe practical situations (e.g., d = rt).Uses formulas to calculate sports statistics



Gives oral and written directions (i.e., describes a travel route from point A to point B).Uses research skills to gather data related to travel, recreation and sports.Uses reporting and note-taking skills to summarize data that has been gathered.Investigates the use of leisure time in the theme "How Are You Today?".


Uses city maps and Alberta road maps.Estimates/calculates distances on a road map.Investigates local recreational facilities in the theme "You and Your Physical/CulturalCommunity".


Examines the effect of various recreational/leisure time activities on the environment.


Identifies potential travel destinations and recreational facilities in ..he theme "Smile, You're aTourist Attraction!".


Visit/write a local tourist bureau or travel agency and request travel information (e.g., citymaps, Alberta road maps, brochures describing potential travel destinations or localrecreational facilities).Visit a local bus/train/airline terminal and request travel schedules. Observe the use of 24-hourtime notation in monitoring departure and arrival times.Invite representatives from local recreational/fitness clubs to discuss:

facilities/equipment available for useuser costs.

Investigate local recreational opportunities that are of little or no cost to the participant.Invite a guest speaker from the local newspaper/television station/radio station to discuss theuse of statistics in reporting the results of sports events.Attend c local sports event. Collect and record data about the event. Summarize game resultsthrough the use of appropriate statistics

Theme: Travel and Recreationr-

68 ( #

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (74)




Mathbase 1Chapter 1: Understanding Numbers

Numbering Wit:..:.s. a BuildingCoding: The Canadian Postal CodeUsing Numbers on the Road

Chapter 5: Decimals and MeasurementPlace ValueThe Kilometre

Chapter 12: Geometry Around UsParallel LinesPerpendicular Lines


1. Provide students with a map of the local area. Discuss the meaning of symbols used on the map.Ask students to identify map coordinates for:

their homesthe homes of other members of the classthe schoolmajor shopping centresrecreational facilities.

Extend map-reading activities b/ asking students to describe travel routes from their homes toother locations on the map. Directions might be given orally or through written expression.(Teachers may have students work in pairs One student can gi4e the directions while the secondstudent follows these directions on the map.)

2. Play the game of "20 Questions".

Game Rules:Students play the dame in pairs. One student picks a "hiding spot" somewhere on a map. Theother student must find this hiding spot by asking as few questions as possible. Questions that areasked must be answered only by "yes/no" or "north/south/east/". When the hiding spot hasbeen found, the players reverse their roles. The winner is the student who is aVe to find thehiding spot by asking the fewest questions.

3. Provide students with a road map of Alberta and a distance chart. Ask students to plan a road tripbetween two points in the province. Travel plans should include:

the route to be takenmajor centres that will be visited while travellingdistances between major centrestotal distance of the tripapproximate travel time for the trip, given an average travel rate of 60 km/h.

69 Theme Travel and Recreation

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (75)

4. Discuss the use of "referents" in estimating distances on a road map (see Using a Math Lab,"Geometry and Measurement").

Example:Assume that the distance between Calgary and Edmonton is 300 kilometres. Using this referentand an Alberta road map, ask students to:

estimate the distances between other points on the road mapestimate the time required to travel between these points, given a travel rate of 60 km/h.

5. Examine travel schedules and fares obtained from local bus, train and airline companies. Assiststudents to read/interpret the symbols. Discuss the use of 24-hour time notation.

Use travel schedules and fares to compare alternative methods/costs of travel for a simulated trip(e.g., from Lethbridge to Edmonton) on a given day at a given time.

6. Visit a local travel agency or invite a local travel agent into the classroom. Ask the travel agent todiscuss:

appropriate procedures for reading travel schedulesthe use of 24-hour time notation

a the use of computers in the travel industry.

7 Provide opportunity for students to plan a short trip. Through the use of travel information theygather, students should determine:

a destinationa method of travela travel routedates/times for departure and returnapproximate travel costs, including transportation, meals, accommodation and incidentalexpenses.

Additional ideas for a project of this nature are provided in Using a Math Lab, "Project Work".

Theme: Travel and Recreation 70

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Mathbase 1

Chapter 4: Data GraphsDisplaying Data: Line Graphs

Chapter 5: Decimals and MeasurementRoundingAdding Decimal NumbersSubtracting Decimal NumbersMultiplying and Dividing Decimal Numbersby Whole NumbersUsing Your Skills


Fast Facts


1. Through discussion, identify potential recreational/leisure time activities for students in the class.By asking appropriate questions, encourage students to consider the following factors as theyrelate to the activities identified:

cost of equipment (e.g., running shoes, racquets, appropriate clothing)cost of facilities where appropriate (e.g., club fees, user fees)personal time commitments that are requiredavailability of suitable facilities in the local communityeffect of the activity on personal health and lifestyle.

Summarize the results of discussion on a large wall chart, where the most common leisure timeactivities are placed in rank order according to the

cost to the participantpotential benefit to personal health arid lifestyle.

2. Ask students to monitor their recreational activities on a daily basis over a given period of time(e.g., one or two weeks). Provide each student with a profile on which to record the:

types of activities they are involved in each daymoney spent on each activitytime spent on each activityfraction/percent of leisure time spent on each activity.

Results might be summarized after one or two weeks by asking students to determine the:

total cost of all recreational a:tivitiesfraction/percent of leisure time spent on these activities.

';71 Theme Travel and Recreation

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (77)

Encourage students to share their results, and to identify those recreational routines that likelyhave the most positive impact on personal health and lifestyle for money spent. File individualprofiles for future reference in this theme.

3. Ask each student to identify a sport/recreational activity in which they would like to participate atsome future time in their life. Have each student conduct research on this sport/activity, todetermine the:

cost of necessary equipment and facilitiespotential effects of the sport/activity on health and lifestyle.

4. Invite a physical education teacher/sports coordinator into the classroom to discuss:

costs related to participation in various school sports ;e.g., equipment costs, league fees)potential health benefits/health risks that are related to various school sports.

5. Visit a local recreational facility/fitness club. Ask the manager to explain:

facilities/equipmenti . vicesmembership costs/user feescontracts/agreements between facility and user.

Following the visit, debate the advantages/disadvantages of this kind of facility when comparedto other community facilities that are of little or no cost to the user (e.g., local track club,rommunity swimming pool).

6. Ask students to re-examine their profiles of recreational activities completed earlier (see Activity#2). Encourage students to evaluate their use of leisure time and possibly modify theirrecreational r outi nes in ways that may be more appropriate to personal health and circ*mstance

Assist students in this task by modelling appropriate problem-solving and decision-makingstrategies (see Problem Solving, "Using Strategies to Solve Problems' ).



Mathbase 2Chapter 8: Sports Math


. Discuss the use of the term "average" in sports:

a goalie has a "goals against" averagea pitcher has an "earned run" averagea batter has a "batting" average.

Review the algorithm for finding average. Ask students to read sports articles in the newspaperand underline situations in which an average has been reported.

Theme: Travel and Recreation 72fit.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (78)

2. Develop and reinforce basic concepts/skills in ratio and percent by using strategies suggested inUsing a Math Lab, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent". Student ability to interpret statistics in sportswill depend upon their comprehension of numbers, operations, ratio and percent

3. Ask each student to examine the sports section of the local newspaper. Identify and discussinstances in which statistics are used to report the:

results of a game or eventstanding of a teamstatistics of a player.

Working individually or in small groups, have students select a game summary provided in thenewspaper. Using this summary, make an attractive display by:

placing the summary on a piece of poster paperlisting/explaining each of the statistics usedformulating five questions about the game described in the news article

Ask students to exchange their displays and answer the questions that have been asked.

Sample displays have been provided in Resource 1: The Great Gretzky Returns, and in Resource 2:WHI.Standings.

4. Have each student (or group of students) ident:iy a sports hero. Prepare a bulletin board displayof each hero, illustrating:

his or her accomplishmentsstatistical data related to the accomplishments.

5. Invite the coach of a local team to discuss the use of statistics in coaching. Ask the speaker toexplain:

methods of gathering information about players/teamsthe kinds of statistics they feel are importantinferences that can be made from these statistics

6. Attend a local sports event or watch a 9, le on television. Ask students to collect and record datapertinent to the event (e g., number of shots on goal, attempted baskets and number made)using tally sheets and frequency tables. Once data has been collected, it should be summarizedusing appropriate statistics (e.g., ratio, percent, average). Display the results of the event in ataole or chart.

73 Theme Travel and Recreation

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A summary of the Oilers/Kings game on Octobtr 19, 1988 is provided below. At this game, WayneGretzky made his first appearance in Edmonton wearing a Los Angeles uniform

Answer the following questions using the game summary.

1. At what time was the first goal scored?

2. How may minutes/seconds later was thesecond goal scored?

3. Who scored the most:a goals?b. assists?

c. total points?

4. Calculate Fuhr's "goals against" average foreach of the three periods and for the game.

5 What is Healy's win-loss record?

Express this record as a ratio.


FIRST PERIOD1 Edmonten. Anderson 1 (Carson. Simpson) 3 252 Los Angeles. McSorley 4 (Allison, Fenton) 4 563 Edmonton, Simpson 4 (S Smith. Anderson) 13 474 Edmonton. Lacombe 5 (Muddy) 18 .0PENALTIES Huddy Edm, 0 50. Messier, Edm, 6 14, duch*esne.LA, 8 59, Nicholls. LA. i kkanen, Edm, tO 54, duch*esne, LA, 15 33

SECLND PERIOD5 Edmonton, Messier 2 3 40 ish)6 Los Angeles. duch*esne 2 (Nici.olls, Gretzky) 6 13 (sh)7 Edmonton, Joseph 1 (MacTavish) 12 2 t8 Los Angeles. Nicholls 5 (Robilaille Walters) 12 469 Edmonton, Messier 3 (S Smith, Kum) 14 Ot

10 Loc Angeles. Nicholls 6 (Taylor. Gretzky) 16 22 (pp)PENALTIES Carpenter LA, 0 36, Hammond, Edm, 3 09.Tookey,LA, 4 52 Mum, Edm, 9 39, Carson. Edm. 14 35. Baumgartner. LA,18 30

THIRD PERIOD11 Edmonton, Adams. 2 (MacTavish, Lacombe) 1 2712 Los Angeles, Fenton 1 (Tonelli. Allison) 2 1113 Los Angeles. Robitaille 7 (Nicholls. duch*esne) 9 3714 Edmonton, Larson 1 (Kum, MacTavish) 15 n (sh)PENALTIES Joseph Edm. 4 57, Anderson. Edm. (high.stickingmajor. game misconduct) 12 15. Larson. Edm 19 53


Los Angeles 11 13 13 37

Edmonton 6 9 6 21

Goal Los Angeles Healy (L. 3.2 0). Edmonton Fuhr (W, 1 1-2)Powerptay conversions Los Angeles 1.9, Edmonton 0 5Referee Koharski Attendance t7,503.

What percent of his games played has Healy won?

6. How much time was left in the game when Andersen received his game misconduct?

1 Reprinted by permission of The Edmonton Sun.

8 %;Theme: Travel and Recreation 74

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Stan-1;ngs in the Western Hockey League are provided !-.,.:::ov,, Use these standings to answer thequestions.

1. Calculate the win /lots ratio for eau I team.

2. Calculate the "goals for" and "goals against"average for each team.

3. Is a team's standing better represented by a"win/loss" ratio or by a "goals for/against"avert: le? Why?

4. Hnw many more goals has Saskatoon scoredthan Kamloops?


G W L T F A PS Current 8 8 0 0 55 34 16

Saskatoon 8 5 3 0 43 33 10P Albert 7 4 2 1 31 26 9

Lethbridge 8 4 4 0 41 39 8

Regina 9 3 5 1 40 44 7

Med Hat 8 3 5 0 44 45 6

Brandon 7 3 4 0 25 29 6

Moose Jaw 8 1 7 0 25 53 2

WEST DIVISIONPortland 6 5 1 0 33 28 iiiSeattle 6 4 2 0 27 24 8

Victoria 7 4 3 0 38 27 8

Kamloops 7 3 4 0 34 29 6TruCities 8 3 5 0 24 28 6

Spokane 7 1 6 0 26 47 2

YESTERDAYMoose Jaw at ReginaSaskatoon at LethbridgeSedttle at KamloopsSpokane at V:ctonaTriCities at Prince ',ben

TUESDAYSaskatoon 6, TelCities 2

5. Using the information provided in the chart, predict what the number of wins and losses forLethbridge would he over an 80 game season?

6. What is the average number of goal' ;cored per game by the Tri-Cities team?

Reprinted by permission of The Edmonton Sun.

Theme: Travel and Recreatic-)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (81)







Many students in junior high school are receiving some Lype of income, and need to developstrategies for" " = naging the money they receive. This theme will enable students to.

extend their understanding of banking proceduresdevelop mathematical skills required in comparative shopping and sp_nding money wiselyplan for the saving and spending of allowances and money earned

Abundant opportunities exist for students to review basic computation and estimation skil!s.Thematic activities will perm t teachers to diagnose individual student strengths and weaknesses, anuto providc direct or focussed instruction as required in remediating student difficulties.

Cooperative planning with other teachers will provide ways of coordinating thematic activities inmathematics with topics studied !n other subject areas. Such conferencing will ensur, ) that instructionprovided in mathematics will reinforce and enhance lean 'g taking place within other disciplines.Many oppo' tunities exist for experiential learning through community partnerships, classroom roleplaying and the use of manipulative materials.

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" section of this manual when planningfor instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the !earning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found ir:

Using a Math LabComputational Facility and EstimationProblem SolvingUse of Technology.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (82)



Recognizes major types of chequing and savings accounts:personal chequing accountregular (non-chequing) savings accountdaily interest savings accountdaily interest chequing/savings account.

Understands and uses routine banking forms:completes deposit/withdrawal slipswrites chequesinterprets bank statements.

Maintains/verifies a current balance in a bank passbook.Recognizes how interest rates for savings differ from interest rates for loans.Recognizes and compares current interest rates for savings and for loans.Calculates yearly interest on money saved/money borrowed when given the principal and rate ofinterest (e.g., I = p x r).Determines interest for periods other than one year using an interest table.


Counts sums of money/makes correct change for amounts up to $100Estimates/calculates total cost of a number of items purchased and verifies change receivedDevelops strategies for comparative shopping and determining the "best buy":

determines/compares unit pricesdetermines/compares discounts and sale prices (when given discount rate as a fraction orpercent)considers the effect of "coupon discounts" on the cost of consumer items

Recognizes the advantages and disadvantages of making credit/installment purchases


Maintains a record of how personal income is spent.Compares the portion of persona! income spent on "necessities" with the portion spent on"pleasure".Illustrates personal spending habits in picture/bar/line graph form.Maintains a balance sheet based upon personal income and expenditure.Recognizes the value of a regular saving plan to provide for future needsPlans a budget based upon present income and anticipated expenditures that will accommodatesome future purchase.

Theme: Managing Your Money 78

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Se'ects a type of bank account -lost appropriate to personal goals and needs.Determines/compares the effect of simple interest on money saved and money borrowed overvarying periods of time.Uses a problem-solving strategy to determine the "best buy" (e.g., considers unit price, discountsand sale price, coupon discounts).Identifies a personal goal and plans a budget that wiil assist in realizing this goal.


Uses the calculator iteratively.Determines interest through use of the calculator and/or computer.Uses interest tables.Recognizes applications of the computer in banking.


Uses basic computational algorithmsUses the calculator on a regular basis.Uses mental arithmetic in consumer situations.Rounds to the nearest dollar/cent.Estimates sums and differences in consumer contexts.Estimates discount and sale price.Uses estimation to check the reasonableness of calculations and computation.


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Reads, writes, and orders whole numbers and decimals.Identifies place value from .001 to 100 000 in context.Rounds whole numbers and decimals as required.Performs basic operations with whole numbers and decim 31s.Performs a sequence of operations using correct order.Uses a fraction to represent part of a whole.Converts fractions into decimals.Recalls decimal equivalents for commonly used fractions.Applies integer skills as required in budgeting and in interpreting bank statements.

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Them' Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (84)


Recognizes unit price as a ratio.Uses ratio to calculate unit/multiple price.Expresses whole number percents as ratios and decimals.Calculates and estimates percent of a number in applications (e.g., discount, interest).Recalls fraction, decimal and percent equivalents for halves, quarters and tenths.Determines other fraction, decimal and percent equivalents through use of the calculatc r.


Recognizes common metric units of length, mass and capacityConverts measurements among commonly used metric units of length, mass and capacityRecognizes the relationship between thiys/weeks/months/year.Uses National Standards for numeric dating


Reads/interprets information presented in table/chart form.Uses tables/charts to record dataDisplays data in the form of picture/bar/line graphs.


Uses variables/mathematical expressions to describe practical situations.Uses the formula I = p x r to solve yearly simple interest problems.Develops/applies formulas for finding unit price/multiple price/sale price.



Discusses personal goals. Uses note-taking and reporting skills to formulate plans upon wk;ch tobase a budget.Reads and interprets information gathered ,m financial institutions on different types of bankaccounts.Devolvps vocabulary related to budgeting and banking

4 Reads and writes numbers to 100 000Reads, interprets and completes a variety of banking forms:

deposit/withdrawal formschequesbank statements.


Recognizes the advantages/disadvantages of the use of various financial institutions and types ofbank accounts.Recognizes the advantages/disadvantages of using credit.Recognizes the similarities/differences between a "personal' budget and a "government"budget.

Theme: N.anaging Your Money 80

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Determines unit price/multiple price in planning a project and ordering supplies.Determines percent discount and mark-up in establishing charges for service rendered andproducts produced.Counts money and makes change in situations where the amount tendered is less than $100.Applies budgeting skills in selecting arid costing materials used in a variety of projects.


Invite guest speakers from local banks, credit unions, and loan companies to discuss:services offered by these institutionsfeatures of different types of accountscurrent. li-iterest ratesuse of banking forms.

Visit a local financial institution and:interview personnel regarding services offeredobserve the use of banking formsexamine the use of computers and other technologies.

Visit a variety of local businesses involved in the retail sale of personal and household products(e.g , supermarket, drug store, department store). Encourage students to compare the price ofcompeting consumer products by considering:

unit pricediscounts and sale pricecoupon promotions.

Invite a guest speaker from Consumer and Corporate Affairs to discuss consumer issues related toadvertising, product pricing or credit practices.

81 '-4' Theme: Managing YOur Money

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Mathbase 2Chapter 6: Saving Your Money


1. Discuss the use of various kinds of bank accounts. Compare different types of accounts byidentifying their similarities and differences (see Resource 1: Using Banking Services Effectively).

Invite guest speakers from local banking institutions to explain the features of various types ofaccounts available to customers. Compare the services offered by different banking institutions.

Simulate a variety of relevant situations that require selection of a bank account and bankinginstitution. Use a problem-solving process to select the type of account and institution mostappropriate to personal goals and needs (see Problem Solving, "Using Strategies to SolveProblems").

Ask students vvith bank accounts to share the features of these accounts with the class.Encourage other students to open bank accounts by discussing the services and benefits that maybe provided.

2 Provide first-hand experience in the use of actual bank forms (e.g., deposit slips, withdrawal slips,cheques, cheque registers, bank statements). Obtain specimen forms from local banks andsimulate situations that require students to use these forms.

Students need to recognize the importance of being able to write a cheque in our "cashless"society. As students often find it difficult to write the amount of a cheque in word form, beprepared to spend time reinforcing place value concepts and spelling skills used in chequewriting. Display a list of frequently misspelled number words. Encourage students to write"void" across the face of all simulated cheques.

3 Demonstrate the use of the cheque register in keeping a record of deposits, withdrawals andcheques written. Discuss its value in planning expend:iures/budgets, iii avoiding overdrafts, andin checking the accuracy of bank statements.

Investigate the use of integers in representing account balances that result in an "overdraft" (seeUsing a Math Lab, "Numl-,er Systems and Operzitions").

Simulate situations that require students to use the cheque register and maintain an accountbalance Encourage students to select computational procedures (i.e., paper-and-pencil,calculator) appropriate to each situation that requires a calculation to be made.

Emphasize/model appropriate strategies for checking the results of computation. Students maybenefit from direct instruction in the use of mental arithmetic and estimation. Encouragestudents to share personal strategies they use in checking their work (see Computational Faciiityand Estimation, "Developing Strategies for Mental Arithmetic and Estimation").

Theme: Managing Your Money 82

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4. Make a bulletin board display on banking. The display might include:

copies of actual banking formsa sample passbooka description of various types of bank accountsa list of services offered by the bankcurrent interest rates paid on money saved and money borroweda glossary of terms related to banking.

5. Discuss the concept of "interest" as "rent paid for the use of another person's money".

Develop an understanding of "interest rate" (e.g., an interest rate of 5% means that $5 ofinterest is paid on each $100 that is borrowed or saved), and investigate/compare current interestrates for loans .,nd savings plans.

When calculating interest through the use of paper-and-pencil algorithms, select practicalsituations that involve simple number relationships. Assist students to develop strategies forfinding interest through the use of the calculator and interest tables. Provide a variety ofproblems that require students to:

use the calculator in determining yearly interest on money borrowed/saved (e.g , I = p x r)use an interest table in determining interest for periods other than a year.

Coach students in appropriate strategies for using the percent function on the calculator whencalculating interest. Be aware, nowever, that the function of the percent key is not the same onall calculators (see Use of Technology, "The Calculator").

6. Assist students to write a computer program that will calculate interest. A list of commands inBASIC computer language are provided in Use of Technology, "The Computer",

Ask students to examine (and possibly run) me following Basic program that is intended tocalculate interest Identify and correct errors in the program.



83 ;3' Theme Managing Your Money

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Mathbase 1

Chapter 8: Working With PercentUsing Percent: Sales TaxUsing Percent: DiscountUsing Percent: Discount and Saies Tax


Fast Facts


1. Simulate consumer situations in which students are required tu:

estimate/calculate the total cost of a number of similar/dissimilar items they wish to purchasemake correct change for items purchased when amount tendered is less than $100.

Cooperative planning with teachers in the practical arts may establish situations where studentscan use a cash register, count money and make change in real life contexts (e.g., the schoolcafeteria or school store).

2. Fncourage to actively investigate and compare various brands of consumer items.

Collect a variety of newspaper advertisem*nts for items that students might wish to purchase:underline key words and phrases that the consumer should be aware of in theadvertisem*ntpose questions about the items that should be answered prior to making a purchasedecision.

Provide students with a grocery list containing items advertised in the newspaper on aparticular day. Have students go shopping through the grocery ads, recording item prices anddetermining the total cost of all items on the list. Encourage students to compare andevaluate their purchase decisions by asking question such as:

who had the lowest grocery bill? The largest grocery bill? . -.1y?how do prices charged by large chain stores, independent stores and discount storescompare?what strategies did you use in shopping that were effective in reducing your food cost?(e.g., Did you use discount coupons? Did you select sale items?)

Ask students to select an item they wish to purchase (e.g., tape player, bicycle). Usi igcatalogues and newspapers, gather information on five or six different brands/makes of thisitem. Compare information about each brand by making a table similar to the one below.

Brand Size Features Quality Warranty

Brand A.

Brand B

Brand C

Draw a graph that depicts price variation according to brand/make

Theme: Managing Your Money 84

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3. Ask each student to select a recipe from the food section of the local newspaper. Make a list of allingredients required to make the recipe. Visit a local supermarket, recording brand names, sizesand prices of food items that must be purchased in order to make the recipe Encourage studentsto compare results and to share strategies they used in making appropriate consumer decisions

4. Provide frequent opportunities for students to practise skills in estimation and mental arithmeticwhen determining:

the cost of one article, given the cost of severale.g , "4 for $.79"

How much will one cost?the cost of several identical or different items, given individual costs

"$1.59 each"How much will four cost?


much will ,wo at $1.09 and one at $ 63 cost?"the amount of change due when paying for a purchase with cash


Encourage students to find approximate/exact answers in consumer situations similar to thesewithout the use of paper and pencil. Appropriate strategies in mental arithmetic and estimationshould be modelled and shared by both teacher and student (see Computational Facility andEstimation, "Developing Strategies for Mental Arithmetic and Estimation").



7.--/------40 x 40= 160, and40 x 50 = 200 So I'm paymybetween 404 and 504 foreach one Since 176 isabout halfway between 160and 200,1'm paying about454 for each light bulb


5. Activities in "unit pricing" should enable students to recognize that:

unit price indicates how much the item would cost in a standard measurement (e g , price pergram, per litre or per centimetre)unit price anables the consumer to compare the price of competing brands of a product whensold in different sizes.

Unit pricing will require developmont/review of the following concepts and skulk:

85 Theme Managing Your Money

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DivisionWhile computations in most problem-solving situations should be done using the calculator,unit pricing provides opportunity for the review of specific concepts and skills used in thedivision process (see Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing ComputationalProcess"). Be alert to difficulties students experience in:

placing the decimal pointusing zero as a place holder in the quotientrounding quotients to the nearest hundredth of a dollar (i.e., nearest cent).

Ratio and ProportionStudents should recognize the use of ratio in describing pricing rates that involve differentunits.

e g., (dollars) $ 95(grams) 250 g

Equivalent ratios (proportions) can then be written to describe the process of unit pricing.

95 _ 7e'g'' 2

$50 g 100 g

Students should use the common factor/multiple method of finding the missing compont.. Itin proportions (see Using a Math Lab, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent").

Encourage students to use the calculator when solving ratio and proportion problems (seeUse of Technology, "The Calculator"). Calculator activities should emphasize:

the sequence of operations used iii solving a proportionthe interpretation of answers displayed on the calculatorstrategies for checking the reasonableness of results.

Measuring and Converting UnitsUnit pricing often requires a familiarity with common units of length/capacity/mass, andability to convert between frequently used units (see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry andMeasurement"). Provide first-hand experience in the use of common units by displaying avariety of familiar containers/items, and asking students to:

estimate their length, capacity or massmeasure their length, capacity or mass as a check against estimates.

Ability to convert among units of measure requires that students understand:the meaning of metric prefixes (e.g , milli, centi, kilo)strategies for multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and multiples of 10

6. Review the concept of percent by examining newspaper advertisem*nts that display percentdiscounts.

Students may benefit from working with pictorial representations of percent using the 10 x 10grid Shade the percent of discount in red Look at the unshaded portion of the grid in order todetermine what percent the discounted price is of the original price (see Using a Math Lab,"Ratio, Proportion and Percent").

Encourage students to recall frequently used fraction, decimal and percent equivalents (e.g , one-half, quarters, tenths) Display pictures, diagrams and charts that illustrate the equivalents thatstudents must use.

Theme: Managing Your Money 86

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7. Ask students to calculate the sale price of articles advertised with percent discounts. Althoughdiscounts might be calculated using the proportion, decimal or fraction method, students willlikely experience most success using the decimal method

Example: An article is on sale at a 25% discount.The original price was $8 0025% of $8 00= 0.25 x $8 00= $2 00

Discount = $2 00Sale price = $8.00 -$2.00 = $6.00

Perform related computations on the calculator (see Use of Technology, The Calculator")Model and discuss strategies that can be used in checking the reasonableness of the discounts andsale prices that have been calculated.




Item for Sale Price Discount Estimate of SavingsTape recording $8 88 10% 1/10 of S9 = $0 90Calculator S6 58 25% 1/4 of $6 40 = S1 60

8 Encourage students to recognize that stores sometimes use a sale to attract customers, and thatthe sale may not offer substantial benefits to the consumer. Provide opportunity for students toevaluate a current sale or promotion by considering:

the number of sale items the store has to offer (i e., there may be only a few items that areactually on sale in the store)the condition of the sale items (i.e , the sale items may be "seconds", or their shelf-life mayhave expired)the original price of sale items before they are discounted (i.e., the original price may be sohigh that even with the discount, the customer would not realize a saving)

9 Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of using credit and making installment purchasesStructure student thinking and discussion through use of the "'MI" strategy provided as Resource2: PMI Critical Thinking Tool Invite a guest weaker from Consumer and Corporate Affairs todiscuss important consideations to be made by the consumer before using credit.

Investigate various credit/installment plans offerer' by local companies by visiting stores in thecommunity (e g , appliance stores, car dealerships). Assist students to determine the "cost ofcredit" in real life situations by comparing the cash price of an item to the total cost whenpurchased through an installment plan or by taking a loan.

87 Theme Managing Your Money."/ '

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Mathhase 1Chapter 4: Data Graphs

Displaying Data: PictographsDisplaying Data: Bar Graphs


Math Strategies: Problem Solving


1. Ask students to keep a record of their personal spending for a period of several weeks. Classifyexpenditures into common categories (e.g., food, clothing, recreation, entertainment, travel,gifts). Encourage students to become aware of how they spend their money.

Students may with to record their expenditures using forms similar to those provided in Resource3: Expense Diary, and Resource 4: Monthly Record of Expenses.

2. Ask students to compare their income with their expenses. Summarize data collected using atable similar to the one illustrated below.


Date Details Income Expenditures

Oct. 10 Balance on hand $20.251

Oct. 10 Lunch $ .95Oct. 11 Cassette tape 7.35Oct. 11 Lunch .80Oct. 12 Shirt 6.00Oct. 12 Baby-sitting 7.00Oct. 14 Lunch 1.05Oct. 16 Movie 5.00

TOTALS $27.25 $21.15

Review place value and addition/subtraction of whole numbers and decimals as required (seeComputational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Computational Process"). If computationalalgorithms are understood by students, use calculators in summarizing income and expenses.

Emphasize the importance of rounding, estimation and mental arithmetic in checking thereasonableness of sums and differences that are obtained. Model appropriate techniques forchecking results.


Theme: Managing Your Money 88

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3 Discuss the fact that a significant part of personal expenditure is used for pleasure (wants) ratherthan absolute necessities (needs) In the budgeting process, one should begin by planning fornecessary expenditures, and determine pleasure expenditures according to the balance.

Encourage students to use appropriate problem-solving strategies in developing personalbudgets (see Problem Solving, "Using Strategies to Solve Problems"). Ask students to identify:

personal wants and needs of a material naturevariables and constants in the budgeting processpotential problems in their personal spending patterns

.7. strategies for resolving these problemsalternative patterns for personal spending.

4. Discuss the benefits of a regular saving plan in providing for:

major purchases (e g., car, stereo)future educationemergencies (e.g , illness, unemployment)holidays.

Activities similar to the one below will illustrate the effectiveness of a saving plan in providing formajor purchases Encourage students to "shop" for items of their choice in the newspaper, anddevise appropriate S3Vings plans that will permit the purchase of items selected.


Items you would like tobuy Cost

Amount you cansave per month

A. $ 5.00

B. $ 8.00C. $ 10.00

Number of months youwill have to save

5 Ask students to complete a budget showir.g anticipated income and expenditures for the nextseveral weeks or months Discuss the importance of "looking ahead" in order to plan for needs.

Encourage students to recognize the value of a budget in realizing personal goals and ambitions.Review the three stages ' problem solving and apply appropriate strategies to a variety ofbudgeting dilemmas that may be simulated or real

89 Theme Managing Your Money,i

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (94)


Banks serve two main purposes. They keep money for people, and they lend money to people Banksalso provide many other services that deal with money. Examples of these services are:

keep money safe from thefttransfer money from bank to bankchange currencies (example: Canadian dollars to American dollars).


Most bank offer these accounts:

Regular (non- chequinq) Savings Account

a passbook is provided to customers as a receipt, updated as often as you wishonly cash withdrawals are allowed (no c'ieques may be written)interest is calculated on the minimum (smallest) balance for the month and is paid every three orsix monthsinterest rates in most cases are higher than in a Daily Savings Account

Daily Interest Savings Account

usually a passbook (a record book for the customer) is providedonly cash withdrawals are permitted (some banks allow a few cheques)interest is calculatea on the balance at the end of the dayinterest is paid to your account at the end of every month, every three months or every six months(depending on the bank)interest rates are slightly lower than the Regular Savings Account rates. This is still a goodaccount for the people whose savings account balance goes up and down during the monthsome banks require a minimum balance to receive the interest rate quoted

Daily Interest Cheguing/Savings Account

cheque and cash withdrawal privilegescheques are stored at the banktransactions are recorded in a personal passbookinterest is calculated on each day's final balance and is paid at the end of each monthno service charge for cash withdrawals.service charge for each cheque written.

For permission to reprint copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgement is made to thefollowing: Alberta Vocational Centre/Community Vocational Centres for the excerpts fromMathematics: Applications and Information for the Adult Consumer, 1986.

Theme: Managing Your Money 90 9 .


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (95)


Personal Chequinq Account

a "dernand"account (no waiting time imposed on any amount you want from your account)write cheques (no withdrawal slips used)record book with blank cheques providedstatement with cancelled cheques mailed to customerno interest paidsome banks have a service charge for each cheque written

Term Deposits and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

savings accounts for a fixed length of timeusually a minimum amount must be depositedterms can vary from one day to several yearsthe rate of interest is fixed (does not change) and is often higher than the interest rates paid onregular savings accountssometimes these accounts cannot be cashed-in until their final date. In other cases, early cashing-in can result in a penalty.

Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (96)


"Thinking is a skill, and like a skill, it can be developed and improvedif one knows how."

Edward deBono

There are many proponents of direct teaching of thinking as a skill and Edward de Bono is among theinternationally recognized authorities in the field. He proposes a "tools method", wherebytechniques for guiding the thinking processes are taught as discrete skills, practised in elementarycontexts and later applied spontaneously and independently to real problems. The real life problemsmay change, but the tools to solve those problems remain constant.

Example: PMI tool. This tool reminds the thinker to first direct his or her attention to the Pluspoints, then the Minus points, and finally the Interesting points of a new idea. Thethinker is encouraged to make an honest and thorough search in each direction tocomplete the thinking process relative to the problem.

Should I buy the stereo on aninstalment plan now, or waituntil I have saved enough topay cash for it?

Plus...,. Minus Interesting

I will have the It will cost more I will learn aboutstereo now. because of the

interest.buying on credit.

I will establish aI will have money I will have the credit ratingleft over to spend responsibility ofon other things. paying a monthly


Applied to r..?al life problem-solving situations, a PMI can be done to clarify and help arrive at answersto such questions as:

Should I complete myhomework or go to thehockey game?Should I attend the danceknowing that mom will beunhappy with my decision'Should I lend my newsweater to my friend'

Plus Minus Interesting


deBoriu, Edward. "Beyond Critical Thinking". Curriculum Review, January/February, 1986, pp. 13-16

deBono, Edward "The Practical Teaching of Thinking Using the CoRT Method", Special Services inthe School, Vol 3 No 1/2, Fall/Winter 1986, pp. 33-47.

Theme. Managing Your Money 92

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' For permission to reprint copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgement is made to thefollowing: Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs for the excerpts from the Expense Diary, 1986

Theme Managing Your Money

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (98)


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Item Amount Item Amount Item Amount !tem Amount








DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (99)







This theme provides students with opportunities to:

develop skills required in performing clerical tasks associated with a variety of employmentopportunities (e.g., stock person, cashier, waiter/waitress)apply number and measurement skills to practical situations involving the use of scale drawingsand diagramsdevelop strategies for planning/designing a project that involves piecework payment.

Incorporating activities that relate to the part-time jobs students may presently have, or toemployment opportunities currently available within the local commi lity will ensure that learningexperiences are relevant and meaningful. Thematic investigations should develop an awareness ofentrepreneurial opportunities present in the local community.

Students will continue to develop and reinforce computational skills involving the use of wholenumbers, decimals, fractions and percent. Calculators should be used on regular basis in performingmany of the routine calculations. Measurement activities should place emphasis on estimation beforeapplication of actual skills in measurement. This approach will enable students to establish a "feel"for the size of various units, and enhance ability to select units that are appropriate to the task orproblem.

Cooperative planning with other subject areas will facilitate a broader and more meaningfulcoverage of thematic objectives. The community offers additional resources for providing real lifeexperience with many of the learning objectives.

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" section oi ,'pis manual when planningfor instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

Problem SolvingUse of TechnologyComputational Facility and EstimationUsing a Math Lab.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (100)




Develops a strategy for taking/maintaining inventory:- counts items

records stock on hand through the use of tables/chartscalculates differences in stock on hand at the beginning and end of a time period

- calculates the total value of present inventory- recognizes the use of computers in inventory control.Develops skills used in cashiering:- recognizes functions performed by the cash register- recognizes the dollar value of rolls of coins- completes a bill of sale/charge slip- makes correct change for purchases when amount offered in tender is less than $100- completes a cash balance sheet.Develops clerical skills used when serving food in a restaurant or fast-food outlet:- identifies the cost of items on a menu- completes a customer order, calculating total cost of all items on the order

estimates/calc. 'ate; an appropriate gratuity on the basis of the total cost of a food order/quality of service/local community practices.


Recognizes/constructs basic one-, two- and three-dimensional figures.Constructs geometric patterns/designs using a variety of tools and instrumentsEnlarges/reduces geometric figures and deigns using dot paper /grids/geoboards.Interprets scale drawings (e.g , floor plans, maps, technical drawings).Constructs scale drawings/models of real objects or projects.


Develops an understanding of vocabulary related to entrepreneurial activities (e.g., fixed costs,overhead, profit, selling price).Identifies projects that might provide piecework earnings (e.g., construction work, service jobs).Develops a plan for a piecework project:- estimates/calculates quantity and cost of materials required for the project

estimates amount of time required to complete the project and potential earnings based uponan appropriate hourly wage

- determines the total cost of the project including materials and labour.Completes the project and evaluates success:

compares estimated cost of materials to actual cost of materials- compares estimated time to complete the project to actual working t'rne- compares estimated profit to actual profit

Theme: World of Work 96

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Develops appropriate strategies for counting change in situations that relate to buying or selling.Relates computation and measurement skills to situations involving scale diav:rams and models.Uses a problem-solving strategy in planning and evaluating the success of an entrepreneurialactivity (e.g., a piecework project).


Uses the calculator and appropriate formulas in determining perimeter and area.Uses the calculator iteratively in monitoring inventory and determining quantity/cost of materialsrequired for a project.Uses appropriate measuring tools/meters/gauges.Uses computer programs in the construction of geometric figures and patterns.Reads tables and charts as required to determine materials and sequence of operationsappropriate to a given task.Uses computer programs as required to develop/reinforce number skills and problem-solvingstrategies.


Makes estimates of length/perimeter/area/mass/capacity/time as required:determines quantity of materials/time requ:red for a projectchecks the results of actual measurement.

Reviews/maintains basic computational algorithms.Performs computations with the calculator on a regular basisUses estimation to check the results of computation in practical situations.Uses mental arithmetic where appropriate to expedite solutions to quantitative problems.


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Performs computations with whole numbers, decimals and fractions using mental arithmetic/paper-and-pencil algorithms/calculator,Rounds whole numbers and decimals as required.Rounds amounts of money to the nearest cent/dollar.Reads numbers represented on various scales and measuring devices.Determines "mental exact" solutions when multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.Applies rules for the order of operations.

Theme. World of Work

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (102)


Uses ratio to represent the comparison of two quantities.Recognizes proportions as statements about equivalent ratiosDescribes practical problem situations by writing proportions.Determines the value of the missing component in a proportion using the commonfactor/multiple method.Recognizes the concept of percent as a ratio indicating parts out of 100.Converts whole number percents to ratios/decimals and vice versa.Calculates/estimates a percent of a number in relevant applications


Identifies/constructs basic one-, two- and three-dimensional geometric figuresRecognizes common metric units of:

length (mm, cm, m, km)mass (g, kg)capacity (mL, U.

Estimates and measures length/mass/capacity, selecting metric units and tools appropriate to thesituation.Converts measurements as required among commonly used units.Estimates/measures perimeter and area.Estimates/measures/records time on a 12-hour and 24-hour clockAdds/subtracts hours and minutes.Uses angle measures in the construction of geometric figures/patterns.


Reads and interprets data presented in table/chart/graph form.Collects and records data in table/chart form.Makes inferences based on statistical data


Describes practical situations through the use of linear equations/formulasUses a formula to find perimeter and area.Uses variables to represent the relationship between cost price, selling price and profit.



Uses reporting and note-taking skills in completing inventories/bills of sale/customer orders.Uses researth skills when investigating entrepreneurial opportunities within the iocal community


Estimates/measures length, mass, capacity and time when collecting data for scientificinvestigations.Compares measuring devices used in the science laboratory (e g., graduated cylinders, balancescales) with those used in the workplace.

i 0 i

Theme: World of Work 98

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Recognizes that entrepreneurial opportunities often provide for piecework employmentInvestigates entrepreneurial opportunities within the local community.Recognizes the role of piecework in the Industrial Revolution.


Estimates/measures length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity, and time in work-related situationsUses appropriate measuring devices/gauges.Maintains an inventory of materials/supplies.Develops clerical skills that are related to project work:

monitors time spent on a projectdetermines quantity/cost of materials usedcompletes invoices/bills of sale/customer orders

Interprets/constructs scale drawingsInterprets tables and charts in order to complete a procedure.Recognizes that entrepreneurial opportunities often provide for piecework employment.


Visit local business/industry in order to observe:scale drawings/technical drawings/models in usethe application of measurement proceduresmeters, gauges and other technologies used in measurementthe use of computer systems on the job.

Community contacts might include automotive/appliance repair shops, construction projects,food service industries and architectural /drafting firms.Make scale drawings/models of various facilities found in the community:

floor plan of a community recreational facilitytechnical drawing of a piece of furniture (e.g., park bench)model of the community park.

Estimate the material/time required to complete various construction or service jobs in the localcommunity:

painting a buildingfencing a parkmowing a lawnwashing windowsclearing snow.

Discuss factors that will affect the number of hours required to complete each job, and potentialearnings for each job.Visit a local warehouse where students can observe stock taking and inventory control.Invite guest speakers from local business and industry to discuss the use of geometry/measurement/scale drawings/clerical skills in their trade or profession:

carpenter/painter/carpet layerarchitect/draftsperson/interior decoratorgarment or drapery fabricatorfood service operator.

Interview local residents who are involved in piecework employment through constructionprojects or the services they provide. Discuss the strategies they use for determining materialcosts, overhead and profit.

I '1

99 Theme World of Work

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Ma thbase 1Chapter 3: Working With Numbers

Dividing by a 2-Digit Divisor

Chapter 6: Working With Decimals- Multiplying a Decimal by a Decimal

Chapter 8: Working With Percents- Rounding and Percents- More % Key

Ma thbase 2Chapter 3: Service With a Smile


Fast Facts


1. Invite the school secretary/business manager (or someone from local business and industry) todiscuss:

the need for maintaining inventories of equipment and suppliesstrategies for recording stock on hand and determining total value of inventory.

2. Discuss the purpose of maintaining -n inventory of personal assets within the home.

Ask students to compile an inventory of their personal assets (e.g., clothing, sportingequipment, bicycle, books, personal items). Inventories should include the quantity andapproximate value of each item listed. A form that might be used in completing a personalinventory is provided in Resource 1: Inventory of Personal Assets.

3. Provide opportunities for students to take an inventory of equipment and supplies found invarious areas of the school (e.g., physical education department, science laboratory,construction shop). Once items have been listed and counted, students might determine thevalue of inventory by consulting catalogues.

4. Prepare a bulletin board display of different coin wrappers. The display should illustrate thenumber of coins and the dollar equivalent associated with each wrapper.

Provide opportunities for students to wrap their own coin collections or coins obtained fromthe school store.

Theme: World of Work 100 e:


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5. Examine a variety of actual sales slips/charge slirs/restaufant cheques obtained from localbusiness (see Resource 2: Restaurant Cheque). Simulate situations in which students completesales slips/bills of sale. Coach students in appropriate procedures for numeric dating, for listingpurchase items, and for determining individual/total costs.

Encourage students to use mental arithmetic ir-d the calculator to determine the individualand total cost of purchase items. Emphasize the use of estimation in checking the accuracy ofcomputation (see Computational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Strategies forEstimation").

Provide opportunity for students to practise counting change using both the "additive" and"subtractive" methods. Ask students to note situations in real life where each method is used.


The total purchase is $23 49 and the amount given to the cashier is $30. Change could begiven using the additive method or subtractive method.

dditive Method:

Statement Currency$23.49$23.50 penny$24.00 2 quarters$25.00 $1 coin or $1 bill$30.00 $5 bill

Subtractive Methol:

Statement Currency$6.51 change$5.00 $5 bill$6 00 $1 coin or $1 bill$6.50 2 quarters$6 51 1 penny

7. DisLoss the use of a "cash balance sheet" (see Resource 3: Cash Balance Sheet) Cooperativeconteyencing with teachers in the practical arts courses may identify situations in which the cashbalance sheet is used within the school. Provide opportunities for students to count money andcomplete a cash balance sheet in simulated (or real) situations.

Model strategies in mental arithmetic that might be used in completing this report (seeComputational Facility and Estimation, "Developing Mental Arithmetic Skills"). Emphasize theuse of estimation iii chocking the reasonableness an :4 accuracy of results.

8. Discuss gratuities and the practice of "tipping" for service that is rendered. Identify factors thatmay determine the amount of a gratuity:

total cost of service renderedquality of servicelocal community practices.

Provide opportunities for students to estimate/calculate gratuities of 10%, 15% and 20% insimulated situations (see Using a Math Lab, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent"). Model strategiesthat will enable students to use mental arithmetic/estimation in determining appropriategratuities for meals ordered in a restaurant.

101 Theme World of Work

1 0 :,

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Mathbase 1Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 6:

Working With NumbersDividing by a Multiple of Ten

Data GraphsChanging Scales on Graphs

Working With DecimalsAnother Look at MultiplicationUsing Your Skills

Chapter 10: Geometry: Shapes and DesignsScale DrawingsDistortions



1. Identify and discuss geometric figures present in everyday life. Investigate the use ofgeometric shapes and line relationships in community design and local architecture. Askstudents to prepare a report on their findings, using pictures, sketches or diagrams.

Reinforce knowledge of basic two-dimensional figures by having students ,1.4y "AttributeDominoes" (see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement").

2. Develop and reinforce geometric concepts/skills through projects that require students toconstruct geometric logos and patterns (see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry andMeasurement"). Encourage students to be creative in the designs and patterns they produce.Increase motivation and effort by displaying student work in the classroom and hallway.

3. Use a LOGO computer program to produce geometric figures and designs (see Use ofTechnology, "The Computer"). Provide direction as to which line relationships/ geometricfigures to incorporate into designs that are produced.

4. Introduce the concept of scale drawing by using dot paper/grid paper to enlarge or reducesimple geometric figures and designs.

Theme: World of Work 102

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IOriginal Scale Drawing

5. Discuss the use of ratio in describing the relationship between a drawing and the actual object.Students should recognize that the first number in the ratio represents the measure of thescale drawing, while the second number represents the measure of the actual object.


If the scale is 1:60, what is the actual lengthof this pattern?

What is the actual length of this bolt if thescale is 2:1? glIIIMMAtt %X% 11

6. Review ratio and proportion skills that are used in solving scale problems. Students maybenefit from a review of equivalent ratios using manipulatives and diagrams (see Using a MathLab, "Ratio, Proportion and Percent").

Encourage students to "think through" the solution process, and to use the commnnfactor/multiple method of solving related problems.


A 150 metre pool is drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 50 m. How long is the pool on paper?

cm 1

m 50=



How many times longer than 50 m is the pool?How many times longer than 1 cm should the diagram be?What steps could be taken with the calculator to solve similar problems'

103, 4i t Theme. World of Work

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7. Provide a,. portunities for students to co' istruct scale drawings and models.

Ask students to make a floor pian and furniture arrangement for one room in their house.Map out room dimensions, windows, doors, closets and furniture on centimetre grid paper.(A blackline master for producing centimetre grid paper is provided in the Grade 8 theme"Using Math at Home".)

Create a scale model of a public building or park in the community. Take actualmeasurements, determine an appropriate scale, and construct a scale model usingcardboard or other suitable materials.



Mathbase 1

Chapter 1: Understanding NumbersOrder and Ranking

Chapter 2: Solving Problems- Making an Organized List

Chapter 12: Geometry Around Us- Angles

;Jleasuring Angles- Angles Around Us- Drawing Angles- Circles


Math Strategies: Problem Solvir:g


1. Through brainstorming, identify a variety of entrepreneurial opportunities in the localcommunity that could provide students with piecework earnings.

Examples: Construction Jobs Service Jobssewing/knitt;-ig mowing lawnspainting clearing snowwood/metal projects baby-sittingpottery/ceramics washing windowsbuilding a fence washing cars

2. Discuss the following ideas as they relate to the entrepreneurial opportunities identified bystudents:

cost price/selling pricefixed costsoverheadlabour costsprofit.


Theme: World of Work 104

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3. Provide opportunities for students to identify piecework projects that involve the use ofperimeter and area skills. Projects might relate to those undertaken by students in the PracticalArts Program, or to other entrepreneurial activities in the local community. A look at sale flyersand newspaper advertisem*nts will prompt students to identify materials sold by length andarea.

Examples: Perimeter Areawall panelling paintingtrimming carpetingfencing tiling

Simulate a variety of projects of this nature and ask students to determine the quantity andcost of materials required to complete each project. Encourage students to organize theirthinking and plan their work by suggesting the following steps:

take the required measurementsinterpret/construct scale drawings as requireddetermine perimeter/areacalculate quantity of material requiredcalculate cost of materials.

Perform necessary computations using a calculator. Emphasize the correct order of operations,proper sequence for entering numbers into the calculator, and the interpretation of numbersdisplayed on the calculator (see Use of Technolcgy, "The Calculator").

Encourage students to develop "referents" for the units of measure they use, and to use thesereferents in checking the reasonableness of the results they obtain.

4. Examine technical drawings/patterns that are used by students in the Practical Arts Program.(Conferencing with practical arts teachers will facilitate the identification of technical drawingsand patterns used by students in work-related situations.)

Assist students to interpret these drawings/patterns, and to perform calculations that willdetermine the:

quantity of materials used in each situationcost of materials used.

5. Ask each student to select a simple piecework project that will be completed through the useof facilities at school/home. Projects might relate to a practical arts course, or to a hobby inwhich the student has interest/experience.

Prepare plans for the project. Plans should include:

a scale drawing of the projecta list of materials that will be requiredthe "cost price" of the finished projectan estimate of the length of time required to complete the projecta suggested "selling price" for the project that includes cost of materials and profit.

Upon completion, encourage students to evaluate the success of their project by:

comparing estimated material costs to actual material costscomparing estimated working time to actual working timeconsidering the appropriateness of the suggested selling price in light of marketingpotential and actual working time.

(See Evaluation, "Interview Guide for Project Work" for suggested student assessment of thisactivity).

1051 I

Theme: World of Work

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Theme: World of Work

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TOTALThank you for eating at the GREAT STEAK HOUSE

107 4 Theme. World of Work

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Pennies x $.01 =

Nickels x .05 =

Dimes x .10 =

Quarters x .25 =

Half Dollars x .50 =

Dollar Coins x 1.00 =



x =

X =


x $ 1.00 =Ones

Twos x 2.00 =

Fives x 5.00 =

Tens x 10.00 =

Twenties x 20.00 =

Fifties x 50.00 =

Hundreds x 100.00 =

Theme: World of Work

Total Cash

Total Cash Sales


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (113)







This theme provides opportunities for students to apply mathematical skills to familiar householdsituations. Many of the activities will reinforce concepts and skills that have been previouslydeveloped.

Measurement should be viewed as a strategy used to gather information that is required in problem-solving situations, and not as an activity in itself. Throughout this theme, measurement activitiesshould be related to real life tasks, with emphasis on estimation before application of actual skills inmeasurement. This approach will enable the student to get a "feel" for the size of various units, andenhance student ability to select units that are appropriate to the task or problem.

Many opportunities exist for the integration of learning activities with other subject areas.Cooperative planning will be useful in planning projects that are relevant to students' needs in otherareas of the program. The nature of the theme makes each student's home a community partnership,and each care-giver a community resource person. The teacher should take advantage of this inplanning thematic activities.

Teachers are encouraged to reference the "Generic Strategies" section of this manual when planningfor instruction. Strategies particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

6 Problem SolvingUse of TechnologyUsing a Math Lab.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (114)




Estimates/measures household dimensions in mm, cm and m.Interprets/constructs scale drawings of a room that indicate:- room dimensions- windows/doors/closets- furniture size/location.Estimates/calculates perimeter and area in determining materials required for homeconstruction/repair projects:- centimetres/metres of trim- square metres of floor covering- litres of paint- rolls of wallpaper.Determines the cost of materials used in redecorating a room:- floor covering- paint/wallpaper- tiles/panelling- trim.


Monitors daily caloric intake.Compares personal eating habits with nutritional guidelines provided in the Canada Food Guide.Investigates the ingredients/nutritional content of familiar foods and recipesAdjusts recipe ingredients (i.e., increases or decreases the recipe) according to needMonitors personal growth:

measures body mass to nearest kg- measures height to nearest cm.Reads and interprets height/weight/age charts.Relates body size to appropriate clothing size.

I L.Theme: Using Math at Home 110


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (115)



Uses a problem-solving strategy in determining the quantity/cost of materials required for dhome construction/repair project.Recognizes the approximate nature of measurement and develops an ability to select appropriateunits and tools for the task.Solves problems that require the application of measurement skills in real life situations.


Uses the calculator and appropriate formulas in determining perimeter and area.Uses the calculator iteratively in determining quantity/cost of materials required for a project.Recognizes and uses appropriate measuring tools and devices.Reads tables and charts as required in completing tasks.Uses computer programs as required to reinforce number/measurement skills and developproblem-solving strategies.


Makes estimates of length, perimeter and area as required in order to:determine quantity of materials required for a projectcheck the results of actual measueements.

Reviews/maintains basic computational algorithms.Performs computations with the calculator on a regular basis.Uses estimation to check the results of computation in practical situations.Uses mental arithmetic where appropriate to expedite solutions to quantitative problems.



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Performs computations with whole numbers, decimals and fractions using mental arithmetic/paper-and-pencil algorithms/calculator.Rounds whole numbers and decimals as required.Rounds amounts of money to the nearest cent/dollar.Determines "mental exact" solutions when multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.Applies rules for the order of operations.Converts fractions into decimals and vice versaDemonstrates addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions.

1 11 Theme Using Math at Home

1 t

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (116)


Uses ratio to represent a comparison of two quantities.Recognizes proportions as statements about equivalent ratios.Describes practical problem situations by writing proportions.Determines the value of the missing component in a proportion using the commonfactor/multiple method.Recognizes the concept of percent as a ratio indicating parts out of 100Converts whole number percents to ratios/decimals and vice versa.Calculates/estimates a percent of a number in relevant applications.


Identifies/constructs basic one-, two- and three-dimensional geometric figures.Uses angle measure in the construction of geometric figures/patterns and scale drawings.Recognizes common metric units of:

length (mm, cm, m)mass (g, kg)capacity (mL, L).

Estimates and measures length/mass/capacity, selecting units and tools appropriate to thesituation.Converts measurern-:nts as required among commonly used units.Estimates/measures perimeter and area.


Reads and interprets data presented in table/chart/graph form.Collects, records and displays data in table/chart/graph form.Interprets/calculates arithmetical average in practical situations.


Describes practical situations through the use of variables/linear equations/formulasUses formulas to find perimeter and area



Uses reporting and note-taking skills in planning construction/repair projects in the home.Discusses the relationship between nutrition, health and self-concept.


Estimates/measures length, mass and capacity when collecting data for scientific investigation.Compares measuring devices used in the science laboratory (e.g., graduated cylinders, balancescales) with those used in the home.

Theme: Using Math at Home 112

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (117)


Estimates/measures length, perimeter, area, mass and capacity in work-related situationsUses appropriate measuring devices/gauges.Maintains an inventory of materials/supplies and their costs in completing a project.Interprets/constructs scale drawings.Interprets tables and charts in order to complete a taskIncreases and decreases recipes according to need.


Invite a local carpenter/drapery fabricator (or other craftsperson) to discuss strategies used indetermining quantity/cost of materials required for various home improvement projects.Visit a local lumber/paint/wallpaper/floor-covering store. Ask store personnel to demonstrateappropriate procedures for determining the quantity of wood/paint/wallpaper/carpet/tilerequired for various decorating projects. Investigate the cost of these materials.Invite a doctor/nurse to discuss:

nutritional guidelinesgrowth patterns (e.g., height/weight/age relationships).

Invite a home economics teacher/seamstress to demonstrate appropriate procedures for takingbody measurements and determining clothing size.

Y; /113 Theme. Using Math at Home

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Ma thbase 1Chapter 6: Working With Decimals

Area- Investigating Area: The Rectangle- Investigating Area: The Triangle- Area Around Us


Math Strategies: Problem Solving


1. Review estimation and measurement skills by providing a variety of puzzles/games that involvework with length, perimeter and area. Sample activities of this nature are provided inResource 1: Perimeter and Area Puzzles, and in Resource 2: An Area Puzzle.

2. Students often experience difficulty in visualizing "area" and require tactile experience withthe concept in order to become reasonable estimators. Ask students to construct a squarecentimetre and square metre. Through discussion, encourage students to recognize:

referents for the cm2 and m2the number of cm2 required to cover a m2familiar applications of the cm2 and m2 in projects undertaken within the home.

3. Assist students to distinguish between perimeter (distance around) and area (surface covered).Provide students with centimetre grid paper and ask them to:

draw a variety of geometric figures having given areasdetermine the perimeter of each geometric figure they have drawnshare their results with other students in the class.

Initiate a discussion based orb the results of this activity by asking questions such as:

Which figure has the largest perimeter? Smallest perimeter?Must two figures with the same area also have the same perimeter?Must two figures with the same perimeter have the same area?

4. Provide opportunities for students to construct tables in which t:.ey compare the perimeterand area of geometric figures.

Theme: Using Math at Home 114

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The table below has been constructed to summarize the results of an investigation on theperimeter and area of rectangles. As students complete the table, they s:lould be encouragedto devise appropriate formulas for perimeter and area.



I Perimeter(m)


5 2 14 10

6 3

7 4

I w 2(// +w) iw

5. E, amine scale drawings/floor plans for various objects/rooms in the home. Identify symbolsthat are used and the meaning of scale (i.e., ratio of pattern size to actual size). Assist studentsto construct a scale drawing of their bedroom (or some ether room in the home) t. t illustratesroom dimensions and locations of windows/doors/closets/ furniture.

6. Ask students to make plans for decorating a room in their home. Decorating plans mayinclude:

paint/wallpaperpanelling/tilingnew floor coveringdrapery/blindsmouldings/trimnew furniture.

Establish a budget for the decorating project. Using catalogues, determine the quantity/cost ofmaterials that will be needed to complete the project Select items that will ensure that totalcost does not exceed the amount of the budget.

7. Ask students to design a tiling ttern/tessellation that will cover a floor of given dimensions(see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement"). Coach students in designing theirpattern by:

suggesting geometric shapes that might be usedillustrating a variety of tiling patte..isdiscL ;sing a possible "scale" that might be used.

After making necessary plans, constru 1 the pattern using pieces of coIoured paper.

8. Provide opportunity for students to design a tessellation using a LOGO computer program (seeUse of Technology, "The Computer"). An example of a LOGO procedure designed to produce asquare tessellation is provided as Resource 3: Producing a Tessellr.....on With LOGO. Thisprogram can be easily modified to suit teacher/student preferences.

115 4..?,- Theme: Using Math at Home

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Mathbase 1Chapter 4: Data Graphs

Drawing Bar Graphs

Chapter 9: Fractions, Ratios, and RatesInvestigating Ratios

Mathbase 2Chapter 7: Keeping FitdllI


1. Ask students to monitor and record the foods they eat over a period of one week. Using acalorie chart, determine total daily caloric intake, weekly intake, and average daily intake.Compare results with averages recommended for individuals of similar height/weight/age.Display the results of this investigation in graph form.

2. Compare personal eating habits with nutritional guidelines recommended in the "CanadaFood Guide" (see Resource 4: Canada Food Guide).

Invite a doctor/nurse/home economist to discuss:

the nutritional value of favouri le "fast foods"the effects of excess intake of carbohydrates and fatsstrategies for planning a nutritionally sound diet.

3. Develop familiarity with various mass/capacity measures used in the Canada Food Guidethrough first-hand experience in measuring foods using the units. Demonstrate appropriateprocedures for weighing food products using the spring scale and balance scale.

4. Provide opportunity for students to evaluate the nutritional content of favourite snaci: foodsby reading ingredient labels. Note that ingredients are listed in order of quantity. If possible,determine what fraction of the product's mass (or volume) is represented by each ingredient.

5. Ask students to bring favourite recipes from home. Discuss the nutritional content of eachrecipe. Ask students to adjust each recipe to provide for two servings. Collect the recipes andmake a cookbook entitled "Cooking for Two". If a food laboratory is available, provideopportunity for students to refine their measurement skills by making several of the recipes.

6. Have students determine the validity of the following statements by measuring themselves:

the length of the foot is the same as the distance from the inside of the wrist to the elbowthe arm span measured from finger tip to finger tip is the same as a person's heightthe length of a person's foot is the same as the circumference of their headthe circumference of the head is 1/8 of a person's body height.

Theme: Using Math at Home 1 16

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7. Provide opportunity for students to measure their own height and weight. Record results on acoded class list that ensures the confidentiality of personal data. Use arithmetical processes todetermine the class average. Compare individual results/class averages with national averagesfor similar age groups. Information may be obtained from the district home economist

8. Relate personal body measurements (e.g., height, waist size, length of inseam, length of arm,neck size) to standard clothing sizes. Invite a home economics teacher/seamstress to discuss theuse of these measurements in adjusting sewing patterns and selecting personal garments.

1171 Theme' Using Math at Home

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This figure consists of six congruent squares and has a total area of 294 cm2. Find the perimeter ofthe figure.

This figure has an area of 108 square units What is the perimeter of the figure?




1 Alberta Education. Problem-Solving Challenge for Mathematics, p. 44, 1985.

Theme: Using Math at Home 1 18 12 c:

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Using the information provided, find the area of each square region in the diagram below.









Answer: A -1 cm2 G -100 cm2

D - 225 cm2 H - 49 cm2

E -324 cm2 1 -16 cm2

F- 196 cm2

' Alberta Education. Let Problem Solving Be the Focus in the 1980's, p. 112, 1983.

119 Theme: Using Math at Home

I ';',i ..., ,

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The following LOGO procedure will produce a square tessellation. The procedure is easily modifiedto suit individual preferences.

I. Make the basic shape:(e.g., SQUARE 10)





II. Make a pattern:

screen 4.


III. Start the pattern in TO STARTthe upper left hand PU

corner: LT 90FD 120RT 90



screen --0. 12`


Theme: Using Math at Home 12C


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IV. Make a row ofthe pattern:

screen * 8711


V. Make the tessellation:

screen III.






Theme Using Math at Home

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( Canada's Food Guide )

Eat a variety of foods homeach group every day

milk andmilk products

to.:.ears 2 3 servings

Adniescents J 4 servings 5-Pegrani and nursingwomen 1 4 ,ervings

Azu is 2 sen.s-igs

meatpou, fish,land

alternates2 servings

breadsand cereals3-5 servingswhole grain or ennched

Meal, Sansearo ono. Son4lre POOCaAasa C.800


di ill

. : eY

e Mn,,.,.. OT Su00,v end 5Inwell Coned. 1993C6T NO .58 32 1983 2E

fruits andvegetables

4-5 servingsInclude at least two vegetables


Canada's Food Guide, Health and Welfare Canada, 1983 and reproduced with permission of theMinister of Supply and Services Canada

Trle^,e Mato, at wome 122 3 t_

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (127)


VarietyChoose different kinds of foodsfrom within each group inappropnata numbers ot servingsand portion sizes

milk andmilk products

(anada's Food

Energy BalanceNeeds vary with age sex andactivity Balance energy intakefrom foods with energy outputfrom physical activity to controlweight Foods selectedaccording to the Guide cansupply 4000 - 6000 kJ

Ilulotoules) (1000 - 1400kilocalonest For addittonalenergy increase the numberand sue d servings from thevanous food groups and or addother foods

ModerationSelect and prepare foods mthlimited amounts of fat sugarand salt If alcohol is consumeduse limited amounts

Children up to 11 years 2.3 servingsAdolescents 34 servingi.Pregnant and nursing women 3.4 servingsAdults 2 servings

Skim 2% whole. buttermilk. reconstituteddry or evaporated milk may be used as abeverage or as the main ingredient inother foods Cheese may also be chosen

Some examples of one serving250 mL (I cup) milk175 mL (3/4 cup) yoghurt45 g 01'2 ounces) cheddar orprocess cheese

In addirson a supplement ofvitamin D is recommendedwhen milk is consumedwhich does not containWiled interim D

meAt, fish,poultry andalternates2 servingsSome examples of one serving60 to 90 g (2-3 ounces) cooked leanmeat. fish. poultry or liver60 mL (4 tablespoons) peanut butter250 mL (1 cup) cooked dned peas beansor lentils125 mL (y2 cup) nuts or seeds60 g (2 ounces) cheddar cheese125 mL (1/2 cup) cottage cheese2 eggs

breadsand cereals3.5 servingswhole grain or ennched Whole grainproducts are recommended

Some examples of one serving1 slice bread125 mL li 2 cup) cooked cereal175 mL OA cup) cerealI roll or muffin125 to 175 mL 0'2 '4 cup) cookednce macaroni spaghetti or noodles

hamburger or wiener bun

.,,...............,,,, ,e...


fruits andvegetables4-5 servingsInclude at least two vegetables

Choose a vanety of both vegetablesand fruits cooked. raw or their JuicesInclude yellow. green or green leafyvegetables

Some examples of one serving125 mL (y2 cup) vegetables or fruitsfresh. frozen or canned125 mL I'/2 cup) Nice freshfrozen or canned1 medium-sued potato. carrottomato, peach. or banana


13 _

The,he Us,,g Math at 1.4 o e

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Most students should be particularly interested in this theme as it involves use of their leisure time.Opportunities will be provided for students to investigate various aspects of the activities thatfrequently occupy their time spent out of school.

Transportation is a part of everyone's life, whether related to taking a bus or operating a vehicle.Planning a trip requires consideration of a variety of factors, and is an activity that each student willundertake at some point in their lives. Students frequently spend their leisure time in various sportsand recreational activities, and will benefit from an understanding of the effect these activities haveon personal health and fitness levels.

Teachers are encouraged to modify thematic learning objectives in meeting the needs of individualstudents and according to circ*mstances within the local community. Many opportunities existthroughout the theme for integrating mathematical instruction with activit:_ls undertaken in othersubject areas (e.g., social studies, language arts) The local community contains a variety of resourcesthat will provide students with real life experiences related to many of the learning objectives.

"Generic Strategies" that are particularly relevant to the learning objectives and activities outlined inthis theme can be found in:

Problem SolvingComputational Facility and EstimationUsing a Math Lab.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (129)




Recoanizes line relationships/geometric shapes that are present in road signs.Reads and interprets bus/train/airline schedules.Compares the advantages/disadvantages of purchasing a bus pass with paying daily fare.Compares the cost of a taxi with the cost of public transportation.Recognizes 4.he relationship between distance travelled, rate of travel, and travel time. Solvesrelated problems.Estimates travEl distances and travel time.Determines fuel economy for a vehicle as litres consumed per 100 kilometres (i.e., U100km)Estimates/calculates the cost of fuel for travelling a given distance.


Plansa vacation. Selects:a destinationmethod of transportationtype of accommodationdeparture and return dates.

Determines the approximate cost of accommodation and meals on a trip by considering:number of persons travellingdestinationlength of stay.

Compares the estimated cost of car travel with the cost of bus/train/airplane travel.Estimates the cost of entertainment/excursions/gratuities on a trip.Makes an itinerary for a trip.Estimates the total cost of a trip/vacation.


Identifies energy components of a balanced diet. Analyzes personal diet in terms of energycomponents.Reads charts to determine recommended daily caloric intake and number of calories burnedthrough various activitiesRecognizes the relationship between calories consumed (or burned) and weight increase ordecrease.Calculates individual fitness measures:

pulse ratejogging rateheart beat recovery ratelung capacity.

Compares i ndividu,I fitness s.'easures with accepted norms.

Theme: Travel and Recreation 126 1 *.-3 .:.

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Considers the advantages/disadvantages of different modes of travel.Uses a problem-solving strategy in planning/budgeting for travel.Solves routine problems involving travel distance, rate of travel and travel time.Monitors personal fitness level. Identifies strategies that will maintain/improve personal level ofhealth and fitness.


Uses a calculator iteratively.Uses tables, charts and schedules.Uses the media to collect information related to travel, recreation and sport.Recognizes the use of computers in compiling statistics and schedules.


Develops/reinforces basic computational algorithms.Performs computations with a calculator on a regular basis.Uses mental arithmetic in determining travel costs/fitness measures.Rounds as appropriate during calculations.Uses estimation in comparing the cost of different travel methods.Estimates travel distances and travel times.Uses estimation in checking the reasonableness of computational results.


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Reads/writes/orders decimals to thousandths.Performs basic operations with whole numbers and decimals.Determines "mental exact" solutions when multiply;ng or dividing by multiples of 10.Applies rules for the order of operations.Compares/orders fractions in applications.Identifies and determines equivalent fractions.Recognizes and expresses fractions in simplest form.Demonstrates basic operations with fractions in practical situations.


Recognizes ratios as ordered pairs of numbers showing comparison.Generates equivalent ratios using single-digit whole number constants.Recognizes proportions as statements about equivalent ratios.

127 Theme: Travel and Recreation

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Determines the missing component in a proportion using the common factor/multiple methodDemonstrates the concept of percent as a ratio indicating parts out of 100.Converts whole number percents to ratios/decimals and vice versa.Calculates/estimates a percent of a number in relevant applications.


Identifies basic one-, two- and three-dimensional figures.Recognizes common metric units of length, mass and capacity.Estimates/measures length, mass and capacity, selecting units and tools appropriate to thesituation.Estimates/calculates distance between locations on a road map.Estimates/measures/records time on a 12-hour and 24-hour clockUses National Standards for numeric dating.


Reads and interprets information presented in lists/charts/tables/graphsCollects and records data using frequency tables/tally sheets.Displays data using tables/charts/graphs.


Distinguishes between the use of variables and constants in concrete situations.Interprets/uses equations that describe practical situations (e.g., d = rt).Uses formulas to calculate personal fitness measures.



Uses research skills to gather data related to travel and personal fitnessUses reporting and note-taking skills to summarize data that has been gathered.Uses decision-making skills in planning a trip.Investigates the use of leisure time in the theme "How are you today?".Discusses the importance of personal fitness in the theme "Growing Today and Tomorrow"


Estimates/measures length, mass and capacity when collecting data for scientific investigationRecognizes the impact of technology on the travel industry and levels of personal fitness/health.


Uses city maps and Alberta road maps.Recognizes possible travel destinations within AlbertaCalculates/estimates distances on a road map.Investigates local recreational and fitness facilities in the theme "Community Awareness".

Theme: Travel and Recreation 128135

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Identifies potential travel destinations and recreational facilities in the theme "Smile You're aTourist Attraction!". ,

Uses skills from business education in preparing an itinerary for a trip.Recognizes the influence of fitness and health on personal development.


Visit/write a local tourist bureau or travel agency and request travel information (e.g., road maps,brochures describing potential travel destinations, travel costs).Visit a local bus/train/airline terminal. Request travel schedules, information on fares, and thecost of various travel packages.Invite the school nurse to demonstrate procedures for taking pulse rate, and to discuss therelationship between heart beat recovery rate and fitness.Visit a local health and fitness centre. Investigate the conditioning principles underlying the useof exercise bicycles, rowing machines and weight equipment.Invite a physical education teacher/local fitness expert to discuss:

personal fitness measuresstrategies for improving fitness.

.13''129 Theme: Travel and Recreation

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nMathbase 1Chapter 8: Fractions, Ratios, and Rates



Fast Facts


1. t itigate the geometric s!lapes and line relationships present in road signs. Ask student: todraw a variety of road signs arvi classify them according to shape. Identify various linerelationships present in each road sign.


horizontal perpendicular parallel intersecting

2. Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of purchasing a bus pass compared with paying dailyfare. Calculate the cost of a return bus trip to school each day for a period of one month.Compare this cost to the price of a monthly bus pass. Identify other factors that should beconsidered in deciding whether to purchase a pass or pay daily fare.

Estimate the taxi fare for a trip within the community. Compare the taxi fare with bus fare forthe same trip. Considering the difference in cost, what circ*mstances would suggest thattransportation be provided by taxi rather than hus.

3. Provide opportunity for students to investigate the relationship between distance travelled,rate of travel and travel time.

Develop an initial understanding of concepts by working with simple numerical relationships(e.g., How long would it take you to talk a distance of 10 km at a travel rate of 2 km/h?). Onceconcepts and relationships are understood, extend activities to more difficult situations (e.g., Ifyou walk twice as fast, what effect will this have on the time taken to walk 10 km?). Encouragestudents to generate formulas that describe the relationships they discover (e.g., d = rt, t = d/r,r = d/t).

Discuss the use of appropriate strategies for solving problems involving distance, rate and time(see Problem Solving, "Usinu Strategies to Solve Problems").

Theme: Travel and Recreation 130

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (134)

4. Provide students with a road map. For selected destinations, both near and far, ask studentsto:

estimate travel distance. Students may wish to use "referents" or "chunking" in makingtheir estimates of distance (see Using a Math Lab, "Geometry and Measurement")check the reasonableness of their estimates of distance by reading distance charts or usingmap scale to calculate distanceestimate travel time. Estimates should be based on a reasonable rate of travel for themethod of transportation being consideredcheck the reasonableness of their estimates of time through calculations performed on thecalculeor.

5. Ask students to run the following computer program written in BASIC language The programis designed to determine travel time for given distances and travel rates.



After students have had the opportunity of running the program with several different inputs,ask them to suggest ways in which the program might be modified or improved. (For example,line 80 might be changed so that the answer is given in hours and minutes rather than indecimal hours.)

6. Discuss the use of ratio in describing fuel consumption (e.g., U100 km). Investigate the averagefuel consumption rates for several different vehicles. Using these rates, estimate/calculate fuelconsumption/costs for various trips.

Students may experience difficulty with ratio and Pi °portion concepts. Appropriate strategiesfor developing these concepts are provided in Using a Math Lab, "Ratio, Proportion andPercent".

Invite a local automotives expert to discuss topics related to fuel consumption.e.g., strategies for monitoring/calculating fuel consumption

average fuel consumption rates for different types of vehiclesfactors that may influence fuel consumption.

Select several travel destinations on an Alberta road map. Through the use of distance chartsand average fuel consumption rates, ask students to determine:

travel distancesthe approximate number of litres of fuel to travel these distancesfuel costs for each trip (using current fuel prices)

1 113 Theme Travel and Recreation

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (135)

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Mathbase 1Chapter 13: Working With Integers

Introduction to Integers

Mathbase 2Chapter 2: Planning a Journey


Math Strategies: Problem Solving



1. Ask students (individually or in small groups) to plan a vacation. Vacation plans should includeselection of:

a destinationa method of transportationaccommodationdeparture and return dates.


Prior to making these decisions, encourage students to visit/write a local tourist bureau ortravel agency and request information on potential travel destinations. Information gatheredmay include:

road maps/travel brochurestravel packages that are availablefare schedules.

2. Invite a representative from a local travel agency to discuss factors to be considered in planninga trip. Discussion may relate to:

travel schedules and faresthe cost of accommodation and mealsother factors that may influence travel costshow to make an itinerary.

3. Ask students to determine the approximate cost of transportation, accommodation and mealson the vacation they are planning.

Discuss factors that may influence the cost of accommodation and meals:

number of persons travellingdestinationlength of stay.

Identify alternatives to motels/hotels/restaurants that may be acceptable, yet effective inreducing the cost of travel.

Theme: Travel and Recreation 1 32

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4. Provide opportunity for students to plan an itinerary for their vacation. The itinerary shouldinclude a description of each day's excursions/activities, along with an estimate of the costs.Ask students to use numeric dating and 24-hour time notation in preparing their itinerary.

5. Ask students to estimate the total cost of their vacation. Brainstorm in order to identify costfactors other than transportation, accommodation and meals that may need to be considered:

entertainmentgratuitiesmedical insurance.

6. Additional suggestions for pianning a trip are provided in Using a Math Lab, "Project Work".



Mathbase 1

Chapter 3: Working With NumbersUsing Your Skills

Chapter 4: Data GraphsChoosing a ScaleInterpreting Line GraphsPractising Your Skills


1. Investigate the energy components of a balanced diet. Invite the school nurse to discussnutritional guidelines, and the effect of personal eating habits on energy level.

Ask students to monitor and record foods eaten for a period of several days/weeks. Havestudents analyze their personal diet in terms of:

caloric intakeenergy componer t:...

Ask each studelt to display their daily caloric intake in the form of a bar/line graph.

Identify strategies that might be used to maintain/increase present energy and fitness levels.

2. Investigate the number of calories burned in performing various physical activities (seeResource 1: Managing Weight Through Exercise). Using this information (or otherinformation obtained from local health units/ fitness experts), estimate the number of caloriesburned each day while involved in normal activities.

3. Invite a local doctor/nurse to discuss the meaning of the following statement:

"In order to lose 450 grams of body weight, you must burn approximately3 SOO calories."

133/ Theme: Travel and Recreation

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Through discussion, encourage students to recognize that the statement is a generalization,and that other factors may cause personal circ*mstances to vary.

Ask the doctor/nurse to discuss the relationship between calories consumed (or burned) andweight increase or decrease. Provide opportunity for students to analyze their owneating/exercise habits, and to consider adjustments they may wish to make in order toincrease/ decrease weight.

4. Have students monitor their puke rate under varying conditions.

Pulse rate is usually expressed as the number of heart beats per minute. Count heart beats for30 seconds. Then multiply by two in order to determine the number of beats per minute.

5. Invite a physical education teacher/fitness expert to discuss factors that influence personalfitness:

frequency of exercise (e.g., how often?)intensity of exercise (e.g., how Kird?)duration of exercise (e.g., for ho tv long?).

Ask the physical education teacher/fitness expert to demonstrate strategies used indetermining individual fitness measures:

jogging rateheart beat recovery ratelung capacity.

6. Provide opportunities for students to measure their heart beat recovery rate in varyingsituations and ae,,vities. Compare personal rates to accepted norms.

For example, after having determined resting heart rate, ask students to engage in 10 to 15minutes of vigorous activity (e.g., a 10-minut:: run). Following the activity, monitor heart rateevery minute until it returns to resting heart rate. Determine the number of minutes requiredfor heart beat recovery. Compare results with other class members/accepted norms.

Teachers should be aware of recommended "exertion" limits with respect to blood pressure/pulse rate, and ensure that students do not exceed these limits in their investigations.

7. Tables and graphs similar to those provided in Resource 2: Monitoring Heart Rate might beused by students in monitoring their heart rates during interval exercises.


Theme: Travel and Recreation 134


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Exercise is a factor in managing weight. In order to lose 450 grams, you must burn up approximately3 500 calories. The chart indicates time that must be spent in variovs activities to burn 100 calories.


57 kgMALE73 kg

Clean windows 30 min 25 min

Garden 20 min 16 min

Calisthenics 20 min 19 min

Bicycle, 8 km/h 20 min 19 min

Bicycle, 20 km/h 13 min 9 min

Bowl (non-stop) 20 min 14 min

Ping-Pong 30 min 24 min

Run, 15 km/h 9 min 6 min

Run (in place) 5 min 4 min

Swim (crawl) 20 m/min 25 min 20 min

Tennis (moderately) 16 min 13 min

Dance (moderately) 30 min 23 min

Walk (fast pace) 19 min 14 min

' For permission to reprint copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgement is made to thefollowing: Federated Co-operatives Limited for the excerpts from Consumer's Guide, Co-opConsumer Counsellor, p F-5, 1983.

1135 Theme: Travel and Recreation

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Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Heart BeatsPer Minute














0 2

Total Minutes

Theme: Travel and Recreation 136

3 4



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (140)


Developing the ability to solve problems is probably the most important objective of the mathematicsprogram. Advances in technology have required that changes occur in the focus of problem solvingPractice in finding answers to routine word problems by itself will not provide students wi .h theproblem-solving skills they will require in life Instead, strategies for problem solving must beacquired that involve the use of critical and creative thinking skills. Students need to be providedwith a variety of real life problems that are neither trivial nor predictable, and learn to solve theseproblems through the application of appropriate strategies and skills

Problem solving should not be viewed as an isolated activity, but rather as a dynamic skill to be usedthroughout the mathematics curriculum. Appropriate attitudes and strategies for problem solvingmust be integrated throughout all themes and concept areas of the program Teachers shouldbecome familiar with the framework for problem solving diagrammed below and described in theProgram of Studies/Curriculum Guide.






Understanding Developing and Reviewing andthe Problem Carrying Out a Plan Applying Results

A variety of instructional strategies that may be used in developing problem-solving ability arecontained in this section of the manual including.

Recognizing Problem-Solving SituationsDeveloping a Desire to Solve ProblemsUsing Strategies to Solve ProblemsMonitoring and Evaluating ProgressSolving Problems in Cooperative Learning Situations

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (141)


Problem solving must be viewed as encompassing more than finding answers to routine wordproblems Students must realize that problem solving involves applying one's knowledge, skill andexperience in any new and challenging situation Encourage students to recognize situations atschool, at home, at work and in the community that reflect aspects of problem solving


A problem may relate to any situation where:no readily apparent solution or means to a solution is evidenta person can be temporarily perplexedthere may be a single answer, many answers or no answerpersonal and societal factors are involved, as well as mathematical competencies.

Problem-solving situations should be both meaningful and interesting to students Where possible,problems should be selected from a variety of real life situations that are relevant to students'experience The problems selected should be challenging, yet solutions must be attainable to ensurethat students experience success


A good problem should share some of the following characteristics:is relevant to student experiencecauses the learner to synthesize what has already been learnedcan be presented in more than one waycan be solved in more than one wayprovides opportunities for verification of resultsdoes not mislead the studentoffers opportunities for extension and application

.c,t).e."- Sol ic; 2

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (142)



Student attitudes and beliefs about problem solving and about themselves can have a considerableinfluence on problem-solving performance. Students must learn to accept and appreciate that beingperplexed and unsure is normal when first encountering a problem situation. Other attitudes andbeliefs that foster the ability to solve problems include:

"Problems can be solved in more than one way""Problems may have more than one answer""If the first strategy i try doesn't work, I'll try to find another strategy".

The teacher must ensure that the classroom atmosphere is supportive and encouraging, so thatstudents are not afraid to take the risks associated with problem solving. As the peer group isextremely important to adolescents, care must be taken to avoid placing the student in potentiallyembarrassing situations. Avoid the use of descriptors such as "simple" or "easy" when describing aproblem. Self-confidence may be weakened if a student cannot solve a problem that has beenidentified by the teacher as "easy".


Strategies for developing appropriate attitudes and beliefs about problem solving:Create a positive classroom atmosphere that allows students to foster their ownideas and approaches to problem solving.Be supportive and encourage risk taking in finding solutions.Encourage students to use creative approaches.Be wi'ling to accept unconventional solutions, more than one solution, or nosolution where appropriate.Challenge students to think critically, and to justify strategies and solutions.Be enthusiastic and recognize the students' desire and perseverance to solveproblems.Provide appropriate questions and modelling for students.Present problem situations that are relevant to other subject areas and everydaylife.


Students should not be limited in their problem-solving experiences through deficiencies they mayhave in reading skills. Ask a student who is particularly adept at drawing to provide a pictorialrepresentation of a problem. Ask another student who has strong verbal skills to reword the problemfor other students. While students must be given support in overcoming the reading difficulties theyencounter, students should be encouraged to use their stronger learning modalities in developingproblem-solving skills.


Present problems in ways that will accommodate different learning styles:Visual (e.g., provide a picture or diagram)Auditory (e.g., read the problem aloud)Kinesthetic (e.g., use manipulatives or act out the problem).

Inventrries are useful in monitoring student attitudes and beliefs about problem solving Studentreaction to particular statements on an inventory will indicate to the teacher those attitudes/beliefsabout problem solving that need further attention and development.


1 4 ,.

Problem Solving

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Attitude Inventory Items'

Mark true or false depending on how each statement describes you in problem-solvingsituations. There are no right or wrong answers.

1. I will put down any answer just to finish a problem.2. It is no fun to try to solve problems.3. I will try almost any problem.4 When I do not get the correct answer right away I give up.5. I like to try hard problems.6. My ideas about how to solve problems are not as good as other students'

ideas.7. I can only do problems everyone else can do8. I will not stop working on a problem until I get an answer9. I am sure I can solve most problems.

10. I will work a long time on a problem.11. I am better than many students at solving problems.12. I need someone to help me work on problems.13. I can solve most hard problems.14. There are some problems I will just not try.15. I do not like to try problems that are hard to understand.16. I will keep working on a problem until I get it right.17. I like to try to solve problems.18. I give up on problems right away.19. Most problems are too hard for me to solve20. I am a good problem solver.

Problem-solving attitudes can also be monitored by observing and questioning students as they workin problem-solving situations. Observations can be recorded on individual checklists and rating scales,thus indicating aspects of each student's attitude and performance that require further development.Checklists and rating scales also provide a means for monitoring attitudinal changes and growththrough the school year.

I Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving. Copyright 1987 bythe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (144)


Observational Checklist of Problem-Solving Attitudes and Behaviours'1. Likes to solve problems.2. Works cooperatively with others in the group.3. Contributes ideas to group problem solving.4. Perseveres sticks with a problem.5. Tries to understand what a problem is about6. Can deal with data in solving problems.7. Thinks about which strategies might help.8. Is flexible tries different strategies if needed.9. Checks solutions.

10. Can describe or analyze a solution.


Observational Rating Scale of Problem-Solving Attitudes and Behaviours'

Frequently Sometimes Never1. Selects appropriate solution strategies.2. Accurately implements solution strategies.3. Tries a different solution strategy when

stuck (without help from the teacher).4. Approaches problems in a systematic

manner (clarifies the question, identifiesneeded data, plans, solves, and checks).

5. Shows a willingness to try problems.6. Demonstrates self-confidence.7. Perseveres in problem-solving attempts.

Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving. Copyright 1987 bythe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

0 ' Ibid.

5 Problem solving


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (145)


Confidence and ability to solve problems is enhanced when students develop a repertoire ofstrategies for solving problems. Instruction should build on problem-solving strategies that studentsalready use. As confidence in the use of familiar strategies develops, more sophisticated strategiescan be introduced. A sample lesson plan illustrating how specific strategies might be used in theproblem-solving process is provided in Resource 1: "Sample Lesson Plan for Problem Solving".


During this stage of the problem-solving process, students must be encouraged to think about theproblem before attempting a solution The teacher can assist students to focus their attention oninformation and conditions set in the problem by asking appropriate chains of questions. Model andexplicitly teach strategies that may be used by students in developing an understanding of theproblem situation.


Strategies for "Understanding the Problem":reading the problem several timesasking questionsidentifying key words and their meaningslooking for patternsidentifying wanted, given, and needed informationidentifying extraneous informationinternalizing the problem by restating in one's own words or by visualizing theproblemdrawing pictures/diagramsusing concrete manipulativesinterpreting pictures/charts/graphsrelating the problem to other problems previously encounteredsimulating or modelling the problem situation.

Teachers can assist students to understand problem situations and to execute appropriate strategiesat this stage of problem solving by following the suggestions provided below.

Have discussions that focus on understanding the problem before students start to work on theproblem:

What is the question? What do we need to find?What are the conditions/variables in the problem?What data do we need?

Ask students to explain problems in their own words, or through the use of pictures anddiagrams.Remind students of similar problems.Use coloured markers to highlight important words, phrases or data in the problemRecord data provided in the form of a list.


In this stage, students should plan strategies for solving the problem, and then use their strategies toactually solve the problem. Explicit teaching of various strategies appropriate to specific problemsituations may be necessary Emphasize that there are often strategies other than computation thatcan be used to solve problems.

Problem Solving 6

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Strategies for "Developing and Carrying Out a Plan":guessing and checking the result (thus improving the guess)using logic or reasonchoosing and sequencing the operations neededsorting and classifying informationapplying selected strategiespresenting ideas clearlyselecting appropriate calculating/measuring devices and methodsacting out or simulating the problemapplying patternsestimating the answerdocumenting the process usedworking with careworking in a group situation where ideas are sharedvisualizing the problemspeaking to self with positive statements (e g., 'I can solve this")using a simpler problem (making an analogy)identifying factors relevant to the problemcollecting and organizing data into diagrams, number lines, charts, tables, pictures,graphs or modelsexperimenting through the use of manipulativesbre.king the problem down into smaller parts.

The ideas provided below may be useful in helping students who experience difficulty at this stage ofthe problem-solving process.

Suggest a soiution strategy.Give the start of a solution or strategy, and then ask students to complete the solution in order tofind the answer.Give direct instruction and practice with particular solution strategies.Discuss possible solution strategies before students start solving a problem:

ask students to suggest reasons why they believe partici ilar strategies might workfor one-step and multiple-step problems, ask what action in the problem suggests a particularoperation.

Remind students of similar problems they have encountered in the past.Provide a one-step or multiple-step problem without numbers, and ask students to identify theoperations used in finding a solution.Provide a completed solution to a problem (e g., a number sentence, organized list, or picture),and ask students to create a problem that would fit the solution.

7 ,


Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (147)


This stage encourages students to assess the effect ieness of their solution, and to consider theaccuracy of their results. Students should be encouraged to relate answers to the question in theproblem in order to verify that the problem has indeed been solved. Evaluation of the strategies usedwill increase awareness of their appropriateness and of other strategies that might have been used.Encourage students to generalize and apply the strategies they have used to related situations.


Strategies for "Reviewing and Applying Results":stating an answer to the problemrestating the problem with the answerexplaining the answer in oral/written formdetermining if the answer is reasonablediscussing the process used with otherssuggesting other ways of solving the problemchecking the answerconsidering the possibility of other answers/solutionsmaking and solving similar problems

The suggestions that follow may assist teachers in planning activities that will develop students'ability to review and assess the effectiveness of their problem-solving efforts.

Ask students to explain why they chose particular solution strategies.Illustrate alternative strategies that might be used to solve the problem, and evaluate theirusefulness.Discuss incorrect strategies and attempts, and explain why these stratecies were inappropriate.Use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers obtained.Check to see that all relevant information in the problem has been used.

Problem Solving


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (148)


Checklists will enab.:.* the teacher to determine the extent to which students are using certainstrategies in problem solving. By mains ..ning a class checklist while working on a particular theme, ateacher can diagnose both individual progress in the use of various strategies, as well as total groupprogress for each strategy emphasized


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Mary II nu I I I I III II 15

Tom I I II I III .II I 11

1 2 5 1 3 1 2 6 2 3

in the example above, a tally is inserted in the appropriate column ,lath time the t =ocher notes tangible

evidence of the use of a parr par strategy In this instance. Mary is gaining experience in drawingsketches, making measurements, and in using several other strategies She has shown no evidence ofasking questions or estimating answers The teacher can plan special lessons to reinforce the strategies that

have not been used

Students need to recognize the importance of reflecting on the strategies they use, on what theyhave done, and on what they still need to do. Encourage students to monitor and evaluate their ownthinking and progress in problem solving through the use of focus questions that ask them to thinkback and describe how they solved particular problems


Focus Questions For Monitoring and Evaluating Progress'Use the following questions to help you look back and describe your thinking as youworked toward a solution to the problem.1. What did you do when you first saw the problem 7 What were your thoughts'2. Did you use any problem-solving strategies? Which ones? How did they work out

How did you happen to find a solution?3. Did you try an approach that didn't work and have to stop and try another

approach' How did you feel about this?4 Did you find a solution to the problem' How did you feel about thisS Did you check your answer in any way' Did you feel sure it was correct'6 How did you feel, in general, about this problem-solving experience'

Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving Copyright 1987 bythe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

9 S,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (149)

Students can also be encouraged to reflect upon the thought processes they use by completing a"strategy inventory" that is based on a particular problem-solving experience


Problem-Solving Strategy :nventorylThink about your use of strategies when solving the problem. Check the following thatapply.1. I didn't think about using strategies at all.2. The idea of using strategies came to my mind, but I didn't think about it

much more.3. I looked at a strategy list, but didn't try a strategy4. I looked at a strategy list and picked a strategy, which I tried.5. I didn't look at a list, but just thought of a strategy to try.

. I used at least one strategy and it helped me find a solution.

I tried the following strategies:guess and checkmake a tablelook fora patternmake an organized listother

solve a simpler problemwork backwarddraw a picturewrite an equation

Problem solving is often difficult to evaluate because it is process oriented, Be sure to evaluate theproblem-solving process that is used, and not just the solution. A possible marking scale has beenprovided on the page that follows. This scale assigns 0, 1 or 2 points for each stage of problemsolving, according to the criteria stated It should be noted that the marks assigned at any given stageshould not be influenced by the marks assigned at other stages of the process

' Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving. Copyright 1987 bythe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

roblem Solving 10

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (150)


Marking Scale for Problem Solving'

Understanding the Problem 0:1:


Complete misunderstanding of the problemPart of the problem misunderstood ormisinterpretedComplete understanding of the problem

Developing and Carrying Out C: No attempt, or totally inappropriate plana Plan 1: Partially correct plan based on part of the

problem being interpreted correctly2: Plan could have led to a correct solution if

implemented properly

Reviewing and Applying 0: No answer or wrong answer based on anResults inappropriate plan

1: Copying error; computational error; partialanswer for a problem with multiple answers

2: Correct answer and correct label for theanswer

Students shoula not be evaluated on their ability to solve problems simply by what they produce onpaper. Attitudes and behaviours such as the following may be taken into account:

willingness to attempt a problemuse of a systematic approachuse of appropriate strategieswillingness to try other strategieslogical justification of strategies and solutionsperseverance in t!? taskconfidence in ability to solve problemswillingness to contribute to group problem-solving activitieswillingness to solicit/accept help from others.

Evaluation procedures should include a variety of techniques, including observation, questioning andinterviewing. Checklists, inventories and rating scales provide a useful means of recording studentattitudes and behaviours as they relate to problem solving. Techniques of evaluation are furtherdiscussed in the "Evaluation" section of this manual.

Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving. Copyright 1987 by. the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

11 Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (151)


Problem solving provides opportunity for students to develop skills by working in cooperativelearning situations. Group work often provides students with a less threatening environment, wherethey may be more willing to take the risks associated with problem solving. Students participating ina group problem-solving activity can learn new strategies from others, and refine their own problem-solving skills.

Skills often best learned in group settings include the ability to:

clarify one's own ideasevaluate the ideas of otherscompare alternatives.


A Paired Problem-Solving Strategy'Students are divided into pairs (problem solver, recorder) . order to work together insolving a problem. The use of a "thinking-aloud" procedure allows the student to seehow their partner thinks and solves problems. Thinking steps are thus open to view andcan be observed and communicated. The procedure used is as follows:1. One member (the problem solver) "thinks aloud" while solving a given problem.2. The other member (the recorder) listens carefully, noting the steps taken in the

soh. .g of the problem. At the end of this "think-aloud" procedure, the recordermay ask clarification questions of the problem solver and/or may point out errorsmade in the problem-solving process.

3. Roles are reversed, repeating the same problem.4. The modification/extension of both strategies are discussed with each person (or

both if agreement is reached) documenting the best "modified" strategy

This strategy could be expanded to include thiree people by subdividing the recorders'role into recorder and questioner. The three roles would rotate.

Cooperative learning also offers opportunities for enhancing interpersonal skills among students Asstudents work in group settings, problems in social interaction may arise A strategy forsystematically analyzing a social problem is provided in Resource 2: Social Problem-Solving StrategyThis strategy helps students to identify:

reasons for the difficulty/conflictstrategies that may avoid the difficulty /conflict another time

Teacher modelling and student use of this strategy may improve classroom climate, and enablestudents to gain confidence in their ability to effectively interact and communicate with one another

rAT )pted from SPELT: Strategies Programme for Effective Learning/Thinking Inservice Edition,SPELT International, Ltd , p. 19/. Copyright 1987 by R. Mulcahy, K. Marfo, D Peat and J. AndrewsReprinted by permission

: 1 ,

Problem Solving 12

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (152)

Teachers can facilitate cooperative problem solving by establishing a "problem-solving corner" intheir classrooms. This area of the classroom can be stocked with a variety of interesting problems,puzzles and manipulative materials. Encourage each student to contribute their favourite problem orpuzzle to the problem corner. By displaying a "daily puzzle" or "problem of the week", students canbe motivated to use the corner on a regular basis as time permits. (Refer to "Using a Math Lab" foradditional ideas that may be useful in establishing a problem-solving corner.)

A variety of sample problems are provided in Resource 3: Problem-Solving Ideas. These problemshave been selected on the basis of their cognitive demand, as well as effectiveness in developingappropriate strategies for problem solving. While some of the problems are suited only to groupsettings, many can be solved by students working independently or in small groups. Teachers areencouraged to develop their own collection of problems/puzzles that are appropriate to curriculumgoals and student interest/ability.

Many worthwhile problem-solving ideas can be found in the following publications:Let Problem solving be the Focus for the 1980's, Alberta Education, 1983.Problem Solving Challenge for Mathemati:s, Alberta Education, 1985.Problem Solving in Mathematics: Focus for the Future, A!berta Education, 1987.The Arithmetic Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.The Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

A variety of commercially produced books and kits containing suitable problems and puzzles are alsoavailaule from local bookstores and libraries.

13 Problem Solving

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Sue and Ron have cows and chickens on their farm. They have one barn and two chicken coops.Susan told her cousin that they have 14 animals in all. Ron said, "If you count all the legs you get 40".How many of each animal do they have?


1. Have a class discussion to understand the problem.

Underline key words and important information.Cross out extraneous information.Have a student retell the problem.

2. Ask questions to focus attention on key components of the problem.

What animals do they have?How many animals do they have?How many legs does a chicken have?How many legs does a cow have?How many legs did Ron say there were altogether?What do you have to determine?


1. Decide upon a problem-solving strategy that might be used. Possibilities include:

Using a table or chart.Guessing and checking.Drawing a diagram.

2. If students are having difficulty, ask questions that will direct their thought processes toappropriate strategies and considerations.

Some students will forget that there are two parameters to the problem (i.e., number oflegs and number of animals). You have the correct number of legs, but how manyanimals did Sue say they have?"

Make an analogy or simpler problemIf there were only six legs, how many chickens and cows are there'After soliciting the correct response, discuss the possibility of zero cows or zerochickens.Extend this analogy to 10 legs and 14 legs until students develop their o.. . n plan

Problem Solving 14

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1. Check your answer.

The solution is six cows and eight chickens. Checking can be done in the following manner:

6 x 4 =248 x 2= 1624 + 16= 40 legs

2. Express the answer oral y and in written form.

3. Discuss other ways to solve the problem.

Organize data into a table.

Cows Chickens Legs

14 0 56

13 1 54

12 2 52

11 3 50

10 4 48

9 5 46

8 6 44

7 7 42

1 6 8 40

Apply guesses and checks.

Cows Chickens Legs

10 4 48

4 ' 10 36

7 7 42

6 8 40

The solution is obtained by systematicallylisting all possibilities until we arrive at thecorrect number of legs. If there are 14animals, the number of cows plus the numberof chickens must total 14.

Using this method, the student can pick anynumber of cows. If I choose ten cows, thisleaves four chickens and a total of 48 legs. Thisis too many legs, so I choose ',ewer cows.Repeat this process until you arrive at thecorrect solution.

15 Problem Solving


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Draw a diagram.

Step One

Draw fourteen animals and give them each two legs.PPPPPPPPPPPPPPStep Two

Add two additional legs to enough animals in order to obtain the required total of 40 legs.444444PPPPP p P P4. Discuss the solution process and apply it to other problems.

e.g ,I have $1.10 in quarters and dimes. Altogether I have eight coins. How many of each coin do Ihave

Problem Solving 16 1

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Teachers are encouraged to use the following social problem-solving strategy as a model whendealing with individual students or as a guide for students to use on their own.

Description of Strategy

Problem-Solving Chart:


S: Setting: Who? What? Where? When?

P: Problem: What's the situation to besolved?

0: Order of action: What happened?

T: Tail End: What can be done next time?


(Magnified Spot)


' From Strategies for Teaching Students with !earning and Behaviour Problems by Dr. C. Bos, and SBaughn. Copyright 1988 by Boston, Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted by permission.

Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (157)



a. Study the figures below. Look for patterns. Then complete the chart.

0Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig 4

Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total Numberof Circles

1 3 6 10 ? ? ? ? ? ?

b. The 1st figure contains 1 square.The 2nd figure contains 5 squares.The 3rd figure contains 9 squares.



LJ2nd 3rd

If you made a drawing of the 4th figure, how many squares would it contain? How manysquares would the 10th figure contain?

Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (158)


c. In each case, find the rule that will give the second number if you know the first. Then fillin the rest of the table according to the rule.

8 3 5 20 2 71

15 10 6 24 1 10

30 25 10 40 5 16

50 ? 8 8

25 100 22

100 ? 60 22

d. Complete these patterns:

2, 5, 8, 11,

4 1, 6, 11, 16,

64, 32, 16, 8,

1, 2, 4, 7,



a. Adam, Bill, earl, and Dean were buying tickets to a movie. In how many different wayscould they line up?

Complete this listing: AB C DAB DCACBDAC DBADBC

19 I l Problem Solving

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b. Suppose you throw three darts and each dart hits the target. There are ten different totalspossible. Use a systematic list, like the one below, to help you find the ten possible totalscores.

10 5


1 Total





c. There are 6 basketball teams in a tournament. The teams are lettered A through F Eachteam plays each of the other teams twice. How many games are played altogether?


a. How many ways can you buy 4 attached stamps at the post office? Make drawings to showat least 10 different ways. Two of them are shown.

Problem solving 20 I h

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (160)


b. Ur bottlecaps or.irkers to make



c. This diagram shows 3 views of aspecial die.What number is opposite the 5?What number is opposite the 1?What number is opposite the 2?


a. Sue threw 5 darts.Each dart hit the target.No darts landed on a line.Which of these scores are you sure isimpossible?

38 25 60

30 42 37

26 8 14

b. Find the ages of my three children.

Clue 1:Clue 2:Clue 3:

move only 3 bottlecaps ormarkers to make


The product of their three ages is 36.Two of the children are twins.The youngest is not a twin.


1st View 2nd View 3rd View

_I 6 Problem Solving

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The numbers in the big circlesare found by adding thenumbers in the small circles

Find the numbers for the small circles ineach problem.


Two players, A and B, have a pile of 6 toothpicks. Players alternately remove 1 or 2 toothpicksfrom the pile. The player who takes the last toothpick wins.

Note to Teacher:This game does not take long to play so students may be able to play it several times to discernthe winning strategy. Students may discover several different strategies for winning. (e.g.,The player who makes the second move always does the opposite to what the first player did.That is, if player A makes the first move and removes one matchstick, then player B will removetwo and so on.) The teacher may extend this game by changing the original number oftoothpicks to 21, and instructing students to move one, two or three toothpicks at a t;me.

Problem Solving i22 1 0I"

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.. 11/

Place students in pairs. Designate one member as "fact finder" and the other as "problemsolver". The "fact finder" will view a simple word problem for one or two minutes and thendescribe the problem to the "problem solver". The 'problem solver" must find a solutionwithout help from the "fact finder". Members of each pair must reverse roles after eachproblem. The winner in each pair is the person who correctly solves the greatest number ofproblems.


Choose a three- or four-digit number having no digits repeated Ask someone to guess thenumber. Provide clues as to how close the guess is to the number chosen:

say "Zilch" if no digits are correctsay "Fermi" if there is a correct digit, but in the wrong positionsay "Pico" if there is a correct digit in the correct r,.,:;!tion

For example, if the number chosen was 236, and someone guesses 532, the response is pico-fermi (i.e., one digit in the right position and another correct digit in the wrong position).

It may be advisable to choose two-digit numbers when introducing this activity. Students mayplay the game in pairs, keeping a record of the number of guesses made by each beforedetermining the correct number. The winner is the student who determines the numberchosen with the least number of guesses.


Sue, Ted and Ahmed are seated arc _Ind a circular table playing a game of Hearts One of theplayers is 13, one is 14 and the other is 15 years of age Each person passes three cards to theright. Ted passes three hearts to the 13 year-old, Sue passes the Queen of spades and twodiamonds tc the person who passed the cards to the 15 year-old.

How old is Sue?


Jane and Arthur each have $10.00 in the bank. Every month Jane plans to add $1 00 to heraccount. Arthur plans to add $3.00 to his account every month.!,a) In how many months will Arthur have twice as much as Jane?(b) Solve the problem if they each start with $15.00 ratifier than $10.00(-) S. .v e the problem if they each start with $20.00(r.i) -ribe what you've discovered.


If thej each start with ti U.00, when will Arthur have three times as much as Jane'



,m..]Problem Solving

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (163)



Arthur found this equation in his brother's algebra book:

15N + 23 = 398 (Remember, 15N means 15 times N.)

His brother explained that this equation is like a puzzle problem:I'm thinking of a number. If you multiply it by 15 and acid 23 you get 398. What is my number?

CLASS EXERCISES(a) Arthur's first guess was 12. Was his guess too large or too small?(b) Arthur's next guess was 30. Was the guess too large or too small,(c) What is the solution to 15N + 23 = 398?(d) Here are other equations Arthur found in the book. First read the equation as a puzzle

problem. Then find the solution.

Problem Solving

2N 4 = 24 4A + 6


M 2N+ 1 = 3 -4 =05 5


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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (164)



Technological advances have made the hand-held calculator readily available to all. Students shouldhave ready access to a calculator throughout the mathematics program

Major benefits to the teaching and learning process that result from regular classroom use of thecalculator include:

calculator use decreases the time spent on tedious computation, thus allowing for an increase inemphasis and time spent on cognitive process and problem solving

use of the calculator facilitates understanding of number patterns and concepts

competence in mental arithmetic and estimation will improve through the frequent use of theseskills in anticipating and verifying results obtained on the calculator

the calculator will provide the slower student with the assistance needed to complete certaintasks within the allotted time

student levels of self-confidence, interest, motivation, and achievement can be expected toincrease.

Although most students in junior high school will have had former experience in using a calculator,the teacher should not assume that students are proficient in its use. The calculator, like any othertool, is only effective if used properly. Be prepared to teach students how and when to use thecalculator. Calculator activities should place emphasis on:

understanding of place value/number facts/arithmetical operationsproper documentation of the numbers and operations usedestimation and mental arithmetic, and the reasonableness of answers obtained when using thecalculator.

A variety of instructional strategies that relate to the topics indicated below have been included inthis section of the manual:

Entry ProceduresOrder of OperationsAuditory CueingRounding ResultsFinding RemaindersUsing the Percent KeyChecking the Reasonableness of ResultsDeveloping Confidence and Speed.


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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (165)


Provide opportunity for the development of basic entry skills on the calculator. Most errors made bystudents in using their calculators are due to incorrect entries having been made. Students oftenenter numbers for division/subtraction in the wrong sequence, and frequently experience difficultywith questions that involve multiple entries.

Ensure that all students are familiar with the basic operations of their calculators. Keys operatedinclude:




x multiplication

F1 clear


Students may require practice in entering numbers on the" ca .a;ators, and also in performingarithmetical operations. Demonstrate appropriate procedures thri ..igh the use of an overheadprojector/transparency. Provide opportunity for students to develop confidence in using theseprocedures through the ute of both oral and written exercises.


Whole Number Entry With Floating Decimal(e.g., 375)

Decimal Entry(e.g., 0.45)



Turn on

Enter 3

Enter 7

Enter 5

'turn on





5 0.





Use of Technology 2

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Procedure For Arithmetical Operations(e.g., 40 + 30)













Order of operations must be emphasized when working with multiple step calculations andproblems. Make a poster that illustrates order of operations, and provide students with a mnemonicdevice that will facilitate recall of the skills they develop.


B 0 D M A

Brackets of Divide Multiply Add Subtract

The importance of the order of operations can be reinforced through the applications that follow.Although each problem may be solved through one set of key strokes on some calculators, studentsshould be encouraged to document the process used and record intermediate solutions.


Use of Technology

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. Jane used her calculator to compute the number of calories in the snack she ate afterschool. She had a co*ke with 145 calories, 18 pretzel sticks with 4 calories each, and 7potato chips with 12 calories each. She entered the following numbers on hercalculator:

145 + 18 x 4 + 7 x 12 =

To her horror, the calculator showed 7908 calories! Jane knew that her allowance ofcalories for an entire day was only 2280 calories. What went wrong?

2. What is the cost of the following restaurant bill?

2 co*kes @ $0.85 =3 orders of fries @ $0..)9 =1 hamburger @ $2.59 =


Activities that may further develop an understanding of appropriate calculator procedures forperforming sequential operations z...:e provided in Resource 1: Using Brackets and Parentheses


The wording of subtraction and division operations may often cause confusion. Variations inwording may cause students to enter numbers into the calculator it the wrong sequence. Beconsistent with the wording/auditory cues you provide for students. Students should develop theability to handle alternative auditory cues, but only after basic skills and procedures are understood.


Alternative Auditory Cues for Subtraction

subtract 3 from 66 minus 3take away 3 from 66 take away 3What is the differ .ice between 6 and 3, or 3 and 6?

Alternative Auditory Cues for Division

divide 6 by 36 divided by 33 divided into 6What is 6 over 3?

Use of Technology 4

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Students need to learn how to interpret the results of computations performed on the calculatorThis is particularly true in division, where digits are displayid to the right of the decimal points whenthe answer is not a whole number. Encourage students to consider the context in which thecomputation was performed, and to determine appropriatc., procedures for rounding (i.e , should theanswer be rounded to the correct tenth or hundredth?)

The "Computational Facility and Estimation" section of this manual provides strategies that may beuseful in developing students' ability to round numbers.


Division may be a difficult operation when performed by hand or done on the calculator. If thedivisor is a factor of the dividend, the process is relatively simple when performed on the calculator Ifit is not, however, students must recognize whether the answer is to be expressed as a decimal (whichmay require rounding), or as a whole number with remainder. As there are some problem situationswhere exact remainders need to be known, students should be familiar with procedures for findingwhole number remainders when performing division on the calculator


What is the whole number remainder for 286 ÷ 4?

Whole number


Divisor --0.4 286 4-- Dividend

Step 1: Multiply the divisor by the whole number in the answer.

4 x71=284

Step 2: Subtract the result of step 1 from the dividend to uotain the remainder

286 - 284 = 2 (remainder)

JStudents may benefit by initially documenting the process they use for finding whole numberremainders in a table or chart. The table provides a structure for the process, and enables students torecord intermediate steps and solutions in an effective way.

S Use of Technology


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Step 1Multiply Divisor

Whole Number

Step 2Subtract Answer in

Step 1 from DividendRemainder




I _62)4217


Most hand-held calculators have a percent key. Although this key is very useful, the percent functiondoes not operate in the same way on all calculators.

There are two main types of calculators, each using a different logic system as its base. One is"algebra-based" and the other is "arithmetic-based" The calculators do not differ in appearance,but in how calculations are executed. While this duality of logic systems does not present a problemin most instances, it does affect how the percent function operates:

if the calculator is algebra-based, pressing the percent key causes the number in the display to bedivided by 100if the calculator is arithmetic-based, the percent key is only used as a multiplier.

Encourage students to determine which logic system their calculator uses by doiog the following:

enter the number 25, and press the percent keyif the display reads 0.25, the calculator is algebra-basedif the display does not change, reads 0 or E, the calculator is arithmetic-based


Find 25% of 36.

Keystrokes on algebra-based calculator:

x 361 or25 OA 25 36

Keyirokes on arithmetic-based calculator:

36 25

Use of Technology 6



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Encourage students to always anticipate and verify the results they obtain on their calculators:

is my answer reasonable?Within what range of numbers must my answer lie?

Model strategies that will enable students to estimate the results of computations they are about toperform on the calculator (see "Computational Faciiity and Estimation").


Question Estimated Answer Calculated Answer

48 + 50 =$10.00 $1.96=52x9=37 + 7 =26x9=$32.19 $3.82 =47 +60=$3.01 + $0.98 =


Two players each have 30 seconds to estimate a product or quotient of two, three orfour aigit numbers The player with the closer eAmate wins a point The first playerwith ten points wins.


Students may initially feel more confident in performing computations with paper and pencil.Confidence and skill in performing computational procedures on the calculator will increase asstudents gain experience in using the k.alculator in a variety of contexts:

drill and practicetimed challengesproblem-solving activitiespuzzles and games.

7 Use of Technology

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CALCULATOR GAME OF '21' (2 players)

pi alongOn each turn a player can push only one of the three keys 1 ,2 I or

with the +1 key. The first player to reach 21 is the winner. Ask students to det-rmine

the winning strategy.

CALCULATOR GAME OF '50' (2 players)

This game is similar to the game of '21'. Players may use the pi,and 6 keys The first player to reach 50 is the winner.

4 5

Additional puzzles and games that may be useful in developing student confidence and ability to usethe calculator have been provided in Resource 2: Calculator Puzzles and Games)

Use of Technology 8

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Literacy, in our present age of technology, has taken on a new meaning. No longer is the ability toread and write sufficient for many people. There is an ever-increasing need to be computer literate.

Classroom use of the computer is increasing. According to the National Council of Teachers ofMathematics, every mathematics classroom should either have a computer or have ready access to acomputer.

The computer can be motivational, whether used in demonstration or actual instruction. Its graphiccapabilities can !-ielp to bring mathematics alive for students. In addition to its motivational value,the computer may:

contribute to the development of concepts and skillsprovide drill and practiceeliminate some of me tedium involved in many mathematical situationsgenerate large amounts of data in short periods of timecontribute to the development of problem-solving strategies and skills.

There are several "user-friendly" programming languages currently available for use. Theseprograms enable both teacher and student to use the computer without relying solely uponcommercially prepared software that may be expensive. Two of these programming languages arebriefly discussed on the pages that follow:



BASIC has been selected because most microcomputers utilize this language. LOGO has been selectedbecause of its simplicity and graphic capabilities Although neither BASIC nor LOGO require extensiveprogramming knowledge, the degree to which these programs are used within the mathematicsprogram will depend upon local needs and resources.



Use of Technology

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Simple programs in BASIC and LOGO are referenced throughout this manual This section providesthe reader with the commands and procedures needed to run these programs. Teachers may wish tomodify the BASIC and LOGO programs that have been provided to better meet students' needs,interests, and abilities. Teachers need only minimal knowledge of the computer language in order touse the programs and make desired changes.

The use of BASIC may vary slightly in response to the type of computer being used. The programsdescribed throughout this manual and the information provided on the following pages all refer tothe BASIC programming language used on an Apple computer. Different versions of LOGO are alsoavailable. Although the versions are very much alike, there are some small differences. The versiondescribed here is Terrapin LOGO.


Most microcomputers are capable of interpreting BASIC language commands A disc is not needed toboot the computer for BASIC as the computer will automatically interpret the commands A disc isonly needed if the program is to be saved When using the computer without a disc in the drive, thedr 2 will "whir" for a time before the cursor appears. To stop the whirring, press "control reset".Tne cursor should appear in the lower left hand corner.

A list of common commands used in BASIC programming is provided below.

Key Word Description

DATA DATA 45, 67, 35Holds the data for use by READ statement

END Terminates the program.

FOR FOR X = 1 to 10Substitutes the numbers from 1 to 10 into theprogram. Causes a LOOP to occur.

GOTO GOT° 50Tells the computer to go to line 50 of theprogram.

HOME Clears the screen and sends the cursor to theupper left hand side of the screen


Use of Technology 10

IF X > 1 THEN 90The computer makes a decis;on as to the truth ofa statement and if true, in this example, willproceed to line 90. If the condition is not true itwill go to the next line.

1' ,

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Key Word Description



INPUT :N$Calls for input from the keyboard duringprogram execution.

PRINT INT (23.6)Will give the largest integer less than or equal tc:the value given. In this case the computer wouldprint 23

LET LETX= 10Assigns a value to a variable.

NEXT NEXT XCloses a FOR .. . NEXT loop

PRINT PRINT "HELLO"The computer will print the expression in thequotation marks.

READ READ X, Y, ZReads values from a DATA statement

REM REM - - "THIS IS A COMPUTER PROGRAM"The REM command allows the programmer toinsert remarks for explanation into the program.


The arithmetic commands in BASIC include:

+ addition



/ division

A exponentiation

FOR X = 0 to 100 STEP 10The computer will substitute the numbers from 0to 10C, counting in increments of 10

Additional commands that may be needed to program in BASIC include:




Displays the entire program contained in thecomputer's memory If the program is long itmay be necessary to only display part of it at atime. This ca be accomplished by listing thelines to be displayed. For example, LIST 10-100would display all lines from 10 to 100

Use of Technology

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Command Execution

LOAD To retrieve a program from a disc, type LOAD andthe name of the program.

NEW Before entering a program, ty, e NEW to clearthe computer's r.err, y.



After a program has been entered type RUN tonave the computer execute the program.

If the program is to be saved on a disc, type SAVEand the program name.

When programns'no in BASIC, the computer executes the commands in order of their line numbers. Itis important that ev,h line be numbered and that they are numbered sequentially with the order ofthe commands.


A BASIC program for finJing the factors of a number:


100 END

Notice that tne line numbers are listed in increments of ten. This allows the programmer to inserta new line without having to re-type the rest of the program. For example, if the programmerwished to insert a new line between 10 and 20 it could be entered as line 15 and the computer willautomatically execute the new line in its numerical order

Here is an explanation of the program.

Line Number Execution

10 The REM command has allowed theprogrammer to state the purpose of theprogram. Note that the REM statement hasno effect on the running of the program. It isonly there for explanatory purposes.

20 When the program is run the statement"WHAT IS THE NUMBER" will be rinieci.

30 INPUT N calls for the operator to inpL't thenumber to be factored.

Use of Technology 12.

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Line Number (continued) Execution Scontinued)



After the operator inputs the number, the computerwill print the statement: THE FACTORS ARE".Note that the statement to be printed is enclosed inquotation marks

FOR K = 1 to N tells the computer to test thenumbers from 1 to N (the number spe :ified inINPUT) in increments of one Notice that he STEPstatemenc does not need to be included if the step isone

60 This LET statement defines the variable X as thequotient of N 4 K.




This LET statement defines the variable Y as theinteger value of N ÷ K. The integer value is thegreatest integer not largr.f. than N 4 K

The conditional statement IF . . . THEN tests acondition and 1_,:gins a loop. In this case thecomputer is determining if X = Y. Thlt is, when Nisdivided by K, does it result in an integer (noremainder), If the statement is true then K will beprinted.

NEXT K tells the computer to test the next value ofK. Remember, the computer will start testing at 1and end a* N.

100 When the computer reaches the END command itwill cease executing the program.

Run the previous program to be sure that it works A sample of a run would appear as:

Type RUN

The screen should read:


Enter a number (e.g., 36). The computer screen will now look like this







13 1 :, " Use of Technology

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Once a program has been run, the teacher may wish to make revisions to the program. Theserevisions often involve addir.g additional Ines and commands to the original program.


A revised BASIC prociram for finding the factors of a number:


100 END


Line 25 will be inserted between lines 20 and 30 It will cause the computer to print YOU WISH TOI 'NCTOR? This insertion only serves to clarify the statement WHAT IS THE NUMBER. The entirestatement could not be placed on line 20 because there are only 38 character spaces on a line

Line 95 is the first of three lines that allows the program to be repeated. When the program is runafter the initial list of factors, the computer will ask if another number is wanted.

Line 96 calls for input from the operator. Note the form of the input, R$. This is called a stringvariable. It prepares the computer for input which may be alphabetic or numeric, and which maybe several characters in length. If the input b to be a word or letter, a string variable must beused.

Line 97 is a conditionai statement. If the input from the operator is YES (not just Y), the computerwill go back to line 20 and begin the factoring process again. If the :nput is anything other thanYES the computer will go on to the next line.

Line 98 causes the computer to print "OK! GOOD BYE FOR NOW ".

The examples and explanations included in this section arE fairly simple and include only thosecommands that a computer novice would use Teachers may wish to consult other programming textsfor additional commands and strategies that are used when programming in BASIC.

Use of "ethnology

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The LOGO computer language is an interpretive language in that commands may be executedimmediately, or can be stored for use in "procedures" A procedure is a group of one or moreinstructions and commands that the computer stores for future use. Once a procedure has beendefined, it may be used as a part of other r-xedums.

There are many facets to the LOGO language, but perhaps the most appealing characteristic of LOGOis its graphic capability. Very little knowledge of the language is required prior to using the graphicsmode of LOGO. This section will highlight some of the g-aphia commands to be used in TerrapinLOGO. Be prepared to make adjustments to these commands if using another version of LOGO (e g ,LOGO Writer).

To outer the graphics mode, type DRAW. The LOGO turtle, A, should now appear in the middle of thescreen. This is the turtle's HOME position Once you are in the draw mode you can command theturtle to perform various moves. Some of the more commonly used graphics commands are providedbelow.

Graphics Command Execution

HOME This command places the turtle in his homeposition in the center of the screen.







This command followed by a number will movethe turtle forward that number of turtle steps.For example, FD 100 would move the turtleforward 100 steps.

This command followed by a number will movethe turtle backwards by that number of turtlesteps

This command followed by a number willdesignate a left turn by that number of degrees.For example, LT 45 will turn the turtle to the left45 degrees.

RT This command will turn the turtle by the desirednumber of degrees to the right

PU Means "pen-up", and ensures that the turtle'spath that is executed after the PU command willnot show.

PD Means "pen-down" If a PU command has beenused, it 's necessary to type PD prior to anyfurther commands to make the turtle's path bevisible.

CS Means clear screen. This command erases allprevious paths from the screen.

* Do not type thrl blanks. The blank lines represent a need for numerical input.

15 Use of Technology

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To access the text mode of LOGO for programming. simply type TO and the name of your procedure.LOGO will automatically switch into the text mode

The edit commands listed below will oe useful in defining procedures and writing simple programs.

Edit Command Result

CONTROL D (CTRL D) Deletes character under the cursor.

CTRL P Moves the cursor up one line.

CTRL N Moves the cursor down one line.

CTRL E Moves cursor to the end of the line

CTRL G Stops the procedure

CiRL C Defines the procedure.


A sample procedure to be executed in LOGO:




111111I =MIMI/

The 70 tells the computer that you are going to define a procedure which you are namingSQUARE. Procedure names can only be one word If it is r sary to have mere than a one worddescription, the words may be separated with perioas O SQUARE MAZE). The :S indicatesto the computer that there will be a variable in the procedure In this case the variable is thelength of the side.

The directions that follow instruct the turtie to move forward a specified number of steps,followed each time by a 90 right turn. Note that the final RT 90 is not necessary for drawing thesquare, but it is good programming practice to have the turtle end in the h1, me position facingforward.

To run the procedure simply type SQUARE and a length of a side (e.g., SQUARE 101. The comp.,.tershould now draw a square whose sides are 10 turtle steps in length.

The procedure for square could also be written as:


Defining the procedure this way makes use of the REPEAT command and shortens the program.

Use of Technology

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Once a procedure has been defined in LOGO, it may be used in other procedures.



If STACK SQUARE 5 20 is entered, the computer will draw five squares whose side length is 20turtle steps.

After entering a procedure, be sure to press CTRL C to have the computer put the definition into itsmemory. If yc u wish to save a procedure on a disc, type SAVE "FILE NAME". To read from the disc,type READ"FILE NAME".

This brief description of LOGO is intended to enable teachers and students to begin using thegraphics and text modes of Terrapin LOGO. Orly the graphic capabilities of LOGO have beendiscussed. The arithmetic capabilities of the language could be investigated through the use of aLOGO manual

17 Use of Technology

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A. Calculate 165 + (168 x 337)

First multiply: (168 x 137) =

Then add: 165 + 56 616 =

Here is the sentence to use. 168 x 337 + 165 =

B Rewrite the following in proper calculator sequence. Then do the calculation.

Calculator Sentence Answer

1. 2411 + (3768 x 72)

2. 180 164 x (165 + 28)

3. 273 x (8927 7373)

If there is more than one set of parentheses, sometimes square brackets are used.

[41 + (43 x 44)] ÷ 40T 1'

Next Do first

Do everything in round brackets first, followed by everything in square brackets. Thendo the rest of the work.

C. Complete the following:

Calculator Sentence Answer

1. [36 x (71 + 32)] 5 =

2. [57 + (472 150)] ÷ 8 =

3. 586 + [35 + (483 ÷ 7)] =

Use of Technol igy

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A. Your calculator can spell for you. Certain numbers on your calculator, when turned upside

down, look like letters.

1. Find out which numbers produce the following letters:

2. What word does each of the following numbers spell?

77 345 0.7734

3504 3080

3. Solve each of the following number problems to find the worrl suggested by the clue.

a telephone greeting: (1 .93394) .9 = (hello)

what a snake does: 471 x 265 + 410 699 = (hisses)

what water does at 100°C: 305 644 43 = (boil)

where a turtle lives: 11 345 = (shell)

4 the name of a book: 4202 x .5 x 18 = (bible)

how math is for you: 16 x 3 x 5 x 83 x 277 = (oh bliss)

4. Solve these expressions in order to answer the questions:

What did Amelia Earhart's father say the first time he saw her fly an airplane'

(.023 x 3 + 10 141) x 5 =

How do fish breathe?

5787 + 3 x 4 =

What is a pit?

59 x 59 + 223 = (hole)

(she solos)

5. Create other words and phrases that are the results of pre-planned calculations.

19 Use of Technology

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B. Guess the Number.

1. Ask a friend to enter any number (not more than six digits) on the calculator and thenmultiply by 2, add 4, multiply by 5, add 12, multiply by 10 and press the = " key

2. Take the calculator back from your friend and subtract 320. The result will end in one or morezeros. Drop the zeros, and you'll have the number your friend started with.

Example: Choose 65219

65 219 x 2 + 4 x 5 + 12 x 10 = 6 522 220.6 522 220 320 = 52 900; discard the two trailing zeros, and you have 65 219, thenumber your friend started with.

C. Change in Your Pocket.

1. Ask someone to take all the change out of their pocket and count it (in cents). Ask the personto enter the amount into a calculator, multiply it by 10, add 1, multiply by 2, add 21 and pressthe " = key.

2. Take the calculator back and multiply by 5. The result will be a number ending in 15. Discardthe 15 and subtract 1 from what is left. The answer will be the original amount of change inthe person's pot.Ket

Example: 43 cents change

43 x 10 + 1 x 2 + 21 = 883Take 883 x 5 = 4415; discard the 15 to get 44; subtract 1 to get 43 cents Your friend had 43cents in his or her pocket

D. Your Birthday and Age.

1. Hand someone your calculator and ask them to enter the number representing the month oftheir birthday; multiply it by 100, add their late of birth, multiply by 2, add 9, multiply by 5,add 8, multiply by 10, subtract 422, add their age and then press the = " key

2. Take the calculator back and subtract 108. The result will be a five- or six-digit number. Thefirst digit(s) tell the month of birth; the next two the date of birth; and the last two, the ageof your friend. Your friend will be impressed.

Example: Your friend is 15 years old and was born on March 13.

3x 100 + 13 x 2 + 9 x 5 + 8 x 10 422 + 15 = 31 423.Take 31 423 108 = 31 315 or 3/13/15

You r friend was born in the third month (March), on the 13th day, and is 15 years old.

Use of Technology 20

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Technology has caused the emphasis in the skills required for computational competence to changeover the last decade. Today, computational facility includes more then the knowledge and skillsrequired to perform paper-and-pencil computations with standard algorithms. While these skills areimportant, responsible participation at home and at work also requires facility in performing mentalarithmetic, in the application of calculator skills, and in applying strategies of estimation. Surveysshow that mental computation and estimation are used in more than 80 percent of all real lifeproblem-solving situations outside the classroom.

Teaching and learning must foc_s on the development of a variety of computational strategies thatinclude:

paper-and-pencil process. Paper-and-pencil computation should emphasize the understanding ofprocess, and de-emphasize calculation wit large numbers Addition and subtraction shouldgenerally include numbers with no more than three digits. Multiplication and division should beperformed on numbers containing up to three digits, using multipliers/divisors of no more thantwo digitsthe use of mental arithmetic. Related activities should encourage knowledge and recall of basicfacts, as well as motivate students in the application of these facts to more sophisticatedprocesses. Short drill and practice activities that become part of the daily routine should promotethe development of mental arithmetic skills and foster a habit for their usethe use of a hand-held salculator. Calculator activities should emphasize an understanding ofplace value and the ability to judge the reasonableness of the results of calculations. Skill inestimation and mental arithmetic are important in enabling the student to anticipate and verifycalculator resultsthe use of estimation. Skill in estimation will enable students to be alert to the reasonableness ofcomputational results, and determine whether particular results are precise enough for thepurpose at hand. In order to carry out rapid estimations, students must understand place value,have skill in single-digit operations, be able to multiply and divide by powers of ten, and havefacility in rounding to the number of significant digits required by the situation.

The instructional strategies provided in this section of the manual that may be used in developingstudent ability to compute by a variety of methods include:

Developing Computational Process- Understanding Place Value- Using ManipulativesDeveloping Mental Arithmetic Skills- Recalling and Applying Basic Facts- Using Formal StrategiesDeveloping Strategies for Estimation- Front-End Estimation- Rounding- Compatible Numbers

Clustering (or Averaging).

Strategies useful in developing calculator skills are provided in the "Use of Technology" section ofthis manual.

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An understanding of place value is critical to the development of computational process. Develop anunderstanding of whole number and decimal place value through discussion, questioning andconcrete/visual experience.

Teachers may find it beneficial to have a large place value chart on display in the classroom. Askstudents to construct their own place value charts for personal reference throughout theprogram.


Place Value Chart

6 Use visual and manipulative materials as required to develo2ireinforce student understanding ofwhole number and decimal place value:

base ten blocks- grid paper.


IDecimal Place Value

Co'rputatonal Foc.lay and Estimaton 2

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Design activities that require students to apply their knowledge of place value to computationsperformed on the calculator.


Enter the number "21 455" into a calculator.

Suggest an amount that can be added/subtracted to this number in order to obtain thefollowing results:

26 455 ( + 5 000)21 405 ( 50)61 455 ( + 40 000)21 055 ( 400).

Verify each idea by performing the necessary operations on the calculator.

Computational Facility and Estimation

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Manipulative materials will provide students with a concrete base upon which to build concepts andskills. Students experiencing difficulty with arithmetical process should be given opportunities to usemanipulatives in developing an understanding of number operations and relationships.

The examples which follow illustrate how base-ten blocks might be used to reinforce students'understanding of whole number and decimal operations In many instances, teachers can improvisearid use other readily available materials (e g., blackline masters, strips of coloured paper, colouredchips) to develop an understanding of related processes. Once processes are understood, studentsshould become proficient in their application through paper-and-pencil algorithms involvingnumbers of limited size.


Addition of Whole Numbers

IEEEE3i'FFFF-Frfl 00



iWT(FTFT?)ILFFF-F3 100006000001 0(FZrt I

these can be placed together to formanother rod



51 ffF6177i5z0ffi'FFFraFt70 6EEEEKEEP

Computational Facility and Estimation 4

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Addition of Decimals




two hundredths


1 302 +0 823

eight tenths

three tenths

three zhousandths



By stacking the "tenth squares" together, we form.

The answer is 2 125.11111i


Computational Facility and Estimation

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Regrouping in Subtraction



Note that there are not enough ones in the minuend to permit subtraction. It is necessary toregroup a "tens rod". The question becomes:



"tens rod" is regrouped


Subtraction is now performed as follows:



0000000 0000

000008 00000000

Computational Facility and Estimation 6

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Regrouping Over a Zero Digit



0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0In order to subtract, it is necessary to regroup the one hundred square". One hundred square isregrouped as:

102I0 0 0 0 00 0 el 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0


111 IliWhen regrouping in computational algorithms, encourage students to document the regroupingprocess in symbolic form:

0 9 12

/1/ 0 /1(

- 7

9 5

Computational Facility and Estimation

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Multiplication as Repeated Addition

17 x 2


0000000 + 0000000

20 + 14



I1000600060006060regroup to form a "tens rod"

A tape measure can also be used to represent multiplication as a sequence of repeated additions.


6 x 3 7

Locate the mark for 6 units on the tape measure. Fold the tape so that you have a total of threelengths of 6 units. The answer is the number that appears at the end of the last fold.

Computational Facility and Estimation

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Students frequently experience difficulty with division. Encourage students to recognize division as a"sharing process". The sequence of questions provided below will give direction in the use ofappropriate thought processes.

How many are to be shared?How many are doing the sharing?Can we share so that everyone gets a ten? a hundred?What do you think is the greatest number each will have when the sharing is done'Are there any left over?Is there anything that we can use to help us decide the greatest number that can be shared)


How many are to be shared?


How many are doing the sharing?

What is the greatest number that each will have when the sharing is done,

Are there any left over,

Therefore, 13 ÷ 5= 2 R 3.

Computational Facility and estimation

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I 472 ÷ 4 = ?

How many are to be shared?

How many are doing the sharing?


Can we share so that everyone gets a hundred? a ten?


What is the greatest number each will have when the sharing is done?

Therefore, 472 + 4 = 118 R O.



Computational Facility and Estimation 10

1 9 ';'

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Students ,who experience difficulty in understanding the division process will benefit from itsrepresentation in a variety of forms The tape measure provides an alternative method ofdemonstrating the division process.



Locate the first 16 units on the tape measure Starting at 16, fold this portion of the tapemeasure into sections that are 3 units in length.

The number of folded sections will represent the quotient. The number of units leftbeyond the last fold will represent the remainder

Therefore, 16 4. 3= 5 R I

Students often have difficulty with the traditional algorithm for division. If students find otheralgorithms more meaningful, encourage their use.


Alternative Division Algorithms:

4 y 978 T978400 100 800578 178400 100 160178 18160 40 16

18 2

12 364 1

2 244




4 T97£7200 800 L

178 1740 160 1_5_

18 184 16 16

244 2 2


9..C)^,outational ;'-ac crC .-^

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (195)


arithmetic and estimation have a reciprocal relationship in that the ability to perform simplemental calcjlations is basic to refining one's estimation skills, and some methods of estimationprovide a framework for performing mental arithmetic Nevertheless, there are two distinguishingcharacteristics of mental arithmetic:

it produces an exact answerit is performed mentally, without the aid of external devices such as paper and pencil.

The following strategies will assist teachers in emphasizing the development of mental arithmeticskills throughout the mathematics program:

Make a commitment to devote time each day to the development of strategies for mentalarithmetic. Plan to teach specific strategies and offer opportunity for practice on a regular basis.Make a list of mental arithmetic strategies that you consider are most appropriate for yourstudents. Encourage discussion and sharing of these strategies.Ask students to "think aloud" and to share the strategies that they already use In addition tohelping students to focus on their own strategies, this process may provide other students withnew strategies for performing mental computation.Include the use of whole numbers, decimals and fractions in mental arithmetic activities. Developstrategies for performing various operations with these numbers.Provide frequent opportunities for students to practice mental arithmetic through oral activity.Emphasis on written computational work often tends to discourage the application of skills inmental computation.Develop an evaluation plan that reflects your instructional commitment to mental arithmetic.Regular tests on mental arithmetic skills that have been taught will remind students that you areserious about the importance of these skills.


Provide opportunity at the beginning or end of each class for students to recall and apply basicnumber facts. Questions should be answered without the use of paper and pencil, and may involve:

single digit number facts (e.g., 7 x 9)"extended" number facts (e.g., 7 x 90)sequences of operations (e.g., 5 x 6 + 5 7)multiplication and division by powers of ten.

Activities worthwhile in developing student ability to recall and apply basic number facts include:

the number game "Krypto". This game can be played for short periods of time, and reinforcessingle digit number facts and sequences of operations."mad-minute" drills. Timed challenges that become part of the daily routine will encouragerecall of basic facts, as well as foster a habit for their usethe use of "graph-paper arrays" or "algebra tiles". Students may benefit from constructing arraysthat illustrate the factors for "had-to-remember" numbers.the use of computer programs. A variety of computer programs that reinforce basic facts areavailable for use (e.g., Fast Facts).

Computational Facility and Estimation 12

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Encourage students to "extend" their basic number facts to related situations. This approach willallow some variation to practice sessions, and also help to develop number sense


Extended Number Facts for "2 + 3" :- 20 + 30

20 000 + 30 0000.2 + 0.3.

Extended Number Facts for "6 x 7 ":6 x 7060 x 700.6 x 700.

Students should be encouraged to use strategies of "doubling" and "halving" to simplify mentalcomputations.



Use a doubling strategy to recall a forgotten multiplication fact, such as 12 x 7.

Step One: Take half of 12 and multiply by 7.e.g., 6 x 7=42

Step Two: Dvuble the result.e.g., 42 x 2=84

Therefore, 12 x 7 = 84.

Factoring is another useful method of simplifying multiplication, thus enabling the student to findanswers through the process of mental arithmetic.


24 x 15 = ?

Step One: Factor the numbers.

24 X 15

= (4 X 6) X (5 X 3)

Step Two: Rearrange the factors.

(4 X 6) X (5 X 3)

= (4 X 5) X (6 X 3)

Step Three: Apply basic facts.

(4 X 5) X (6 X 3)

= 20 X 18


14 ii.,


Computational Facility and Estimation

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Discuss and display the following shortcuts for multiplying by 5, 25 and 50;

To multiply a number by 5, multiply by 10 and divide by 2.To multiply a number by 25, multiply by 100 and divide by 4.To multiply a number by 50, multiply by 100 and divide by 2.

Encourage students to discuss and devise other shortcuts that may be worthwhile in performingmental arithmetic.


Two formal strategies that are frequently used in performing calculations with rental arithmeticinclude:

computing from left to rightcompensation.

Model and discuss the use of these strategies on a regular basis. Encourage students to use these orother worthwhile strategies in their daily work.




0 8 + 0 5

1 Add the tens

2 Add the ones

3 Add the two sums

1 Look at the wholefirst number. Addto it the tens in thesecond number

2 Add the ones inthe secondnumber to theSUM



CD .2

1 Add a number toone addend tomake it a multipleof ten

2 Subtract the samenumber from theother addend

3. Add the twonumbers

35 - 2 is 33

50 + 33 = 83)

0 + 19 (tor use ,r1 adding 19, 29, etc 1

1 To the firstnumber add 20(the next highermultiple of ten)

2 Subtract 1 fromthe sum

68 - 1 = 67

i :

Computational Facility and Estimation 14

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1 From the first number subtract the tensin the second number

62 minus 20 is

2 Now subtract the ones in the secondnumber


+5 +50 - C25)

1 Add a number to the minuend to mal.e ita multiple of ten.

2 Add the same number to the subtrahend

3 Subtract the two numbers.




6 x 72

1 Multiply the tensin the secondfactor by the firstfactor

2 Multiply the onesin the secondfactor by the firstfactor.

3 Add the twoproducts

6x 70 = 4TOD

6 x 39


1 Round the secondfactor to the nexthigher ten.

2 Multiply the tensby the first factor

3 Multiply thedifference by thefirst factor

4. SAtract the

from the first one C240 - 6 = 2;4)second product

2;15 Computational Facility and Estimation

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Computational estimation has four defining characteristics:

it is usually done mentally, without the aid of paper and pencilit is done quicklythe answers are not exactit reflects individual approaches.

Estimation should be frequently practiced in a variety of ongoing activities The guidelines whichfollow may be useful in creating a classroom climate that establishes the usefulness of estimation andbuilds student confidence in making estimates.

Introduce estimation with examples where estimated or rounded counts are used in real life.Extend this activity by having students identify numbers used in the newspaper that are exactamounts and those that are estimates:

"Over 1500 Fans View Final Home Game""$200 000 Spent on Recreational Centre""2/3 of the Athletes Use Brand X".

Emphasize situations where only an estimate is required. Estimation is useful both as a check onthe reasonableness of a computed answer and as an end in itself. Many daily situations requireonly an estimate.Use easy examples in early stages of instruction, and avoid requiring too much precision inestimates. Students need to be convinced that estimation is easy and develop a desire to use it.Emphasize the language of estimation. The use of appropriate phrases will communicate thespirit of estimation and help students to understand it:

about 12 1/2close to 9just about 15a little less than 3.5between 8 and 9, but probably closer to 8somewhere between 30 and 40.

Accept a variety of answers. Students need to understand that there is no one "correct" estimate.Any estimate that is reasonably close to the exact answer is valid. If multiple responses areencouraged, students will learn more about the process of estimation.Use oral work and group discussion. In the early stages of instruction, students will be tempted tocompute the exact answer and adjust it by rounding. By encouraging oral response, anxiety levelswill be reduced and students will be more likely to apply estimation strategies. Oral workpromotes "doing estimation in your head" rather than with paper and pencil.Present situations in which students must decide what type of estimate is required. Estimates canrange from rough to precise. Sometimes only a ball-park estimate is required, but at other timesit is important to get closer to the exact answer. Discussion should emphasize that both ball-parkestimates and more precise ones are appropriate, and the choice of which one to use depends onthe situation.Have students identify the number of dic is that an answer to a specific computational questionshould contain. Focusing on the size o: the answer provides a quick and useful check forreasonableness.Present examples where students must:

identify estimates that are unreasonableshow whether an estimate is an overestimate or an underestimateadjust an initial estimate by changing it to a closer estimate

Computational Facility and Estimation 16


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Evaluate student progress in estimation. Use an overhead to project a variety of problems.Project each problem individually for a short period of time (fifteen to twenty seconds). Scoringintervals can be set up in advance for each problem. Be sure to take time to discuss selectedproblems and the strategies that students have used to solve them.

A computer program in BASIC that will provide students with an opportunity to practice their skills inestimation has been included as Resource 1: Estimation Game


This method of estimation is useful in addition and subtraction with numbers of three or more digits.The left-hand digits are added or subtracted. An estimate for the remaining part of the problem isthen determined by "eyeballing" the remaining digits.

a. Add the hundreds 400 + 200 + 100 700--31.- =

Estimate the sum of426 b.275

+ 126c.

tens and ones --30- greater than 100 but less than 200Esti m ate the total 3°' between 800 ar d 900

626 a. Subtract the hundreds --lb.- 600 100 = 500147 b. Compare 26 and 47 --)i 26 is less than 47

c. Estimate the difference .ill. The answer is between 400 and 500.

The front-end method can also be used for some multiplication questions.

4X 648=0 a.




4 X 600 = 240048 is about 504 X 50 =200the product is about 2600

One advantage of the front-end method of estimating is that it is less likely to requirepaper and pencil than other methods.

the use of

17 2 0 (..: Computational Facility and Estimation

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Estimate the total ofthis grocery ticket


AGr 4.19Pr .86Pr 1.39AGr .29Mt 2.14Tax .23



)Front-end The dollars total $7.

Adjust The cents are about $2.

19 and 86 aro adollar. The restmake a dollar

)[ Estimate $7 + $2 = $9.


The concept of rounding numbers needs careful development before students can apply it effectivelyto estimating answers. Students need to understand the thought processes and steps employej inrounding a number. The illustration below uses a number line in developing the concept of arounded number. Students should :late this process to all rounding situations.

1. Round 268 to the nearest hundred.

2. Determine between which hundreds thenumber lies.

3. Find the "midpoint" number.

4. Determine which hundred the number isclos?: to by noting whether it is greater orless than the midpoi s. number.

5. Write the rounded number


'200 268 300

200 250 300(268


200 250 300(268)


Although rounding is the most familiar approach to estimating, it should not be used to the exclusionof other approaches.

Reprinte permission from The Arithmetic Teacher. Copyright 1985 by the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics

Computational cat I., and Est,mation 18 21-i ...-.

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Example Estimate

362+825 Im4400+ 800

49 ww.4 6 x 50x6

68 ommo+ 70 x 30x32

1782 + 3 um 1800 + 3


Rounding and the use of front-end numbers do not always result in easy mental computation. Byrounding, 17.6 338 becomes 18 340. By using front-end numbers, 17.6 338 becomes 17 )-WI.Neither method results in an easy division. Consider, instead, the possibilities of 17 340 18 )3670.

Each of these division questions has a quotient that is easy to calculate mentally.

This strategy of estimating with numbers that are easy to calculate mentally is called "estimatingwith compatible numbers". What constitutes compatible numbers depends upon the operation aswell as the estimator's choice.

The compatible numbers strategy can also be used with addition, subtraction and multiplication. Asillustrated below, the student looks for pairs of numbers that "fit together" to make r.). hers thatare easy to compute mentally.


25 823.41

approximately 15 + 25 = 4040+ 10= 50

approximately 3 + 7 = 10

Model this estimation strategy, . nd provide frequent opportunity for students to apply the strategyto their work.

Computational Facility and Estimation

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Estimate the monthly payments.'

Financed cost: $15 629

Payments: 48 months


I111. Iwo ommamme

. . . e

.,_. I

The problem is easier to think of as


Compatible number estimate: $300


The clustering or averaging strategy is suited for a particular type of problem that is oftenencountered in everyday situations. It can be used when a group of numbers cluster around acommon value. To be successful in using this strategy, students should understand the concept of"average", and recognize the link between repeated addition and multiplication Althoughclustering is limited to a certain type of problem, the strategy is useful. Many students will discoverand use this strategy on their own.


Estimate the total attendance 2

Monday 72 250

Tuesday 63 EW

Wednesday 67 490

Thursday 73 180

Friday 74 918

Saturday 68 490

The figures all cluster around 70 000, so about70 000 people attended each day

6 x 70 000 = 420 000

Averaging estimate: 420 000

Reprinted with permission from The Arithmetic Teacher Copyright 1985 by the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics.

2 Ibid.

Corncs4;a oral :ac, ,:y and Estrrat.on 202 0 ',

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (204)


The BASIC program below provides students with an opportunity to practise their skills in estimationThe program involves addition, but can easily be modified to provide practice with any of theoperations. It will work with both whole numbers and decimals.

Players take turns entering a value of their choice. Each player must then make an est mate of theresults of adding the numbers that have been entered. The estimate closest to the actual answer isdeclared the winning estimate.


100 PRINT "PLAYER #2 WINS!"105 GOTO 130115 PRINT "PLAYER #1 WINS!"116 GOTO 130117 PRINT "IT'S A TIE!"130 PRINT "PLAY AGAIN? (Y OR N)'131 INPUT AN$$132 IF AN$$ = "Y" THEN GOTO 55133 IF AN$$ < > "N" THEN GOTO 130140 END

Line 10 can be changed to indicate a different operation. By changing line 10 to LET OP$ ="PRODUCT", the instructions in line 35 will tell the user to estimate the answer to a multiplicat" 1problem If line 10 is changed, then the operation in line 85 must also be changed. If OP$ ="PRODUCT", then line 85 must say LET C = A*B.

Alberta Education, Curriculum Support, Junior High Mathematics Teacher Resource Manual, 1988.

2d Computational Facility and Estimation

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The purpose of a math lab is best illustrated by an ancient Chinese proverb:

"I hear and I forgetI see and I rememberI do and I understand"

Although students are at various stages of cognitive development, most will continue to use concreteoperational thinking. Instruction should begin at the concrete level, with emphasis placed onexperiential learning that involves the use of manipulatives and hands-on activities. A thoughtfullydesigned math lab will provide opportunity for students to use a variety of tactile and visualmaterials. As students use these materials, they should be encouraged to observe, verbalize anddiscuss the relationships being investigated, and to translate these relationships into symbolic andabstract forms.

There are many commercially produced math kits available, but these can be expensive and maycontain items that are not really needed It is suggested that teachers set up their math labs usingitems they have borrowed, collected, purchased or made. The lab may contain:

assorted measuring devicestape measures/rulers/metre sticksmeasuring cupsgraduated cylindersscales for measuring mass/weightassorted thermometersprotractors

set of cuisenaire rodsbase-ten blockspaper money and plastic coinagebanking formscash register tapes and order formsgraph papergeoboardstangram piecesfraction circlesLOGO computer programother manipulative materials such as popsicle sticks, coloured paper, buttons.

The activities that support an experiential approach to mathematics and involve the use ofmanipulative materials which have been included in this section of the manual are:

Number Systems and OperationsRatio, Proportion and PercentGeometry and MeasurementProject Work.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (206)



Base-ten blocks provide a concrete representation of arithmetical operatic Is and process with bothwhole numbers and decimals. A description of their use is included in the "Computational Facilityand Estimation" section of this manual.

Puzzles and games also provide a worthwhile method of reinforcing arithmetical process and basicnumber facts.


Have a group of students play the game of Buzz. Students count from one in a clockwise/counterclockwise direction. Each time the number seven or a multiple of seven is reached,thestudent must say "Buzz" instead of the number. If a student makes an error and says the numberinstead of "Buzz", that student is out of the game. The counting starts over again with the nextplayer. The last player left in the game is the winner.

Note:This game reinforces basic multiplication facts. The teacher may vary the rules to this game,and choose numbers other than seven as the subject of the game


Students may benefit from designing/solving letter puzzles in addition or subtraction

In the following puzzle, each letter represents a digit:


The solution is:

9 5 6 7+ 1 0 8 51 0 6 5 2

Letter puzzles may also be used to develop and reinforce problem-solving strategies and numberproperties In the example that follows, each letter again represents a digit:


Ask students to identify the number, which when doubled, yields itself Students will recognizethe multiplicative property of zero, and should then be able to solve the rest of the puzzle

The solution is:


TAlberta Education. Let Problem Solving Be The Focus For The 1980's, 1983.

Using a Math Lab 2 2 I I

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Another problem:



The solution is:

6060x 2


Relate the use of letters in these puzzles to the use of variables in algebra


Percent-Decimal Dominoes (2 players)

Shuffle the deck (20 cards) and place cards face down on the table. Each player takes 4 cardsfrom the table.

Play alternates.

Player 1 begins play by placing a domino face up on the table.

Player 2 plays a domino on any edge of the first domino, making sure that the touching edgesname the same number. If unable to play, the player draws one card from the face-down cardsand plays it if possible. If it is not possible to play, the other person takes a turn.

The first person to play all of their cards wins the game.

Note:The game may be extended to more than one dealing. Score one point for each card left at theend of each game. The first person to reach 10 points loves the game.

0.07 I 13%

0.13 I 8%

0.08 I 40%

0 4 I 0.05

5% I_ 20%oi

0.2 I 80%

0.8 I 70%



0.7 L 18% 1 [7.5

0.18 1 3%

0.03 I 2%



3 `21.:

I 4% 0.9

I 50% 0.6

6% 0.31

I 10% 0.09

I 90% 0.01

I 60%


I 9%

I 1%

Using a Math Lab

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (208)

Money Dominoes (2 players)

Shuffle the deck of 20 cards and place cards face down on the table. Each player takes four cardsfrom the table.

Play alternates.

Player 1 begins play by placing a domino face up on the table.

Player 2 plays a domino on any edge of the first domino, making sure that the touching edgesname the same number. If unable to play, the player draws one card from the face-down cardsand plays it if possible If it is not possible to play, the other person takes a turn.

The first person to play all of their cards wins the game.

Note:The game may be extended to more than one dealing. Score one point for each card left at theend of each game The first person to reach 10 points loses the game.

1 dime 1 4/100

4 pennies I 50/100

2 quarters I 35/100

7 nickels I 1/100

1 penny 30/100

3 dimes { 3 quarters

75/100 6 dimes

60/100 121 pennies

21/100 I 4 nickels

20/100 4 dimes i

40/100 I 1 nickel

5/100 1 90/100

9 dimes 1 25,100

1 quarter 1 55/100

21 :,

Using a Math Lab 4

11 nickels 1 3/100

3 pennies I 79/100 1

79 pennies 1 70/100

7 dimes 1 15/100

3 nickels 1 6/100

6 pennies 1 10/100

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (209)

Fraction -Decimal Dominoes ( 4 players)

The rules are similar to those for Money Dominoes, except 28 cards are used and each player startswith seven dominoes (cards). Play goes around the table in a clockwise direction

2 13.5


0 75 1216

2.1 _Z53C. 100


100 10

025 30



1 125 40 100 .°75

1 12100 4 20 100


2507 I


5 2L








Using a Math Lab

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Distribute one copy of this grid to each student in the class Instruct students to cut out the 16pieces and assemble the puzzle so that touching edges name the same number (i e., decimal-percent equivalents).

The finished puzzle will be a 4 x 4 square.

Note:Other variations of this puzzle aye easily made using a3 x 3, 4 x 4 or 5 x 5 grid




0.1 1%



52% 5%



0.8 0.05




70% 9% 0.61 0.6

80% 0.29 10% 15% 39% 5% 29% 33%

0.38 3% 0.32 4%

0.06 72% 49% 13%

0.18 8% 17% 0.52 0.02 81% 0.08 25%

61% 0.31 60% 0.23

0.4 38% 0.07 27%

0.39 0.05 0 25 0.01 0.2 0 17 0 16 2%

6% 9% 30% 0.7

Using a Math Lab 6

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Place the numerals 1 through 9 in a square like the one below so that you may add the threenumerals in any direction and the sum will always be 15.

Note:Magic squares may also be constructed using decimals and fractions:

1 1

10 ' 10.1

' 5 ' 2

1 1 .1' 10

7 45 ' 10

(the sum in any direction will be 1+)' 5 ' 5 '_2

0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 (the sum in any direction will be0.75)

2,7 Using a Math Lab

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Integer concepts should be developed through a variety of real life applications. Provideopportunities for students to demonstrate addition of simple pairs of integers through concretemanipulation and di agramatic representation.

1. Positive and negative integers can be represented to students through the analogy of havingmoney (positive integers) and owing money (negative integers).


Frank makes $7.00 cutting the lawn. He uses this money to pay back a debt of $10.00which he owes his father. How much money does Frank owe his father after repayinghim $7.00?- 10 + 7 = -3

2. Integer addition may be represented as moves on the number line. Moves to the right arepositive, while moves to the left are negative.


-5+ 6=?

start move 6 spaces to the right

5 4 3 2 1

1 1 1

0 2 3

Start at 5 Because 6 is positive, move 6 spaces to the right.-5 + 6 = 1

i 51 61


3. Use the thermometer to demonstrate integer addition in the same way that the number line isused. Positive integers represent a rise in temperature, while negative integers wil represent adrop in temperature.

4. Coloured cards may be used to demonstrate the addition of integers. Represent positive integerswith cards of one colour (e.g., black), and negative integers with cards of another colour (e.g.,red).


Black cards are positive.Red cards are negative.

-4 + 2=?


Pairs of red and black cards cancel each other.

The answer is two red or - 2.

Using a Math Lab 8 2 h.)

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Integer addition can also be demonstrated using a regular deck of playing cards. Representpositive integers with black cards and negative integers with red cards. Pairs of red and blackcards with the saw_ number will cancel each other.


10 + -6 = ?

lnit ally, the problem could be represented as:




--). Black

).- Red6


iThese cards do not cancel each other. Replace the 10 with a six and a four. Theproblem becomes:



The answer is a black 4.10 + -6 = 4


1. Develop the concept of a fraction through the use of objects, pictures and diagrams. Planactivities that include concrete manipulation and pictorial representation. Describe patterns andrelationships with numbers and symbols


92 '

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2. Fraction circles provide a useful method of developing the concept of a fraction and anunderstanding of equivalence among fractions A variety of blackline masters for producingfraction circles have been provided as Resource 1: Fraction Circles.


Draw a diagram that illustrates the relationship between 4/4 and 1.


= 1

Draw the diagram that illustrates the relationship between 2/4 and 1/2.

_Z_ 1

4 2

Investigate the relationship between improper fractions and mixed numbersusing pieces of a fraction circle.



= 1+

2 1 :

using a Math Lab 10

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3. Cuisenaire rocs provide another opportunity for developing an understanding of fractions in thetactile and visual mode. Teachers unfamiliar with the use of cuisenaire rods are encouraged toreference related instructional materials obtained from local media centres or from commercialpublishers.



A variety of activities similar to the one illustrated below can be used in developing fraction concepts



purple pu pie

red red red red

w w w w w w w w


Colourof train

Numberof rods Fraction sentence

a) purple 2I

of brown = red.4

b) red 4i7 of brown .. purple

c) white 8i

of brown = white8


Cuisenaire rods provide opportunity for manipulative and visual experience in working withequivalent fractions and ratios.

dark green

green green

red red red

w w w w w w


dark green

1 3

red 1

2)dark green D. = 6

3)white li El

dark green 6 12


Cuisenaire rods will provide concrete suppc* for the process of adding and subtractingfractions with like/unlike denominators

w w w w w w

dark green

green green

red red red

i 1+--

red + white = 3 whites or green

\I \I1 1

+ = Or3 6

Using a Math Lab

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4. The concept of equivalent fractions (ratios) can be developed through paper folding activities, orthrough diagramatic representation with graph paper/geoboards. Encourage students totranslate the relationships discovered into number sentences, and to look for patterns in theratios obtained.


Paper Folding







Diagramatic Representation






Students can also investigate multiplication of fractions through paper folding activities.Encourage students to discover their own strategies for multiplying fractions that are based onthe patterns and relationships discovered.


This piece of paperis folded intofourths.

f of the grey hasbeen shaded black


What isfofi?

2',..., i

Using a Math Lab 12

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5 The multiple board is a worthwhile tool for investigating equivalent fractions


To generate equivalent fractions using the multiple board, locate the originalfraction in the first column. Numbers that are in the same position throughout thenine remaining columns will represent fractions that are equivalent to the originalfraction.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

N4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80

9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

6. The "Inch" unit provides a useful vehicle for developing/reinforcing fraction concepts Designactivities involving fractional parts of an inch that will develop the concepts illustrated below Ablack line master of the inch unit is provided as Resource 2: Using the Inch Unit


Order of Fractions on the Number Line

1 1 .3_ a a4 2 4 8 2 4

13t..) _,...."

Usirg a Mat,. Lab

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Equivalent Fractions


1 2

2 2

1 2 3 4

4 4 4 4

1 2 4 5 6 7 8

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


Addition and Subtraction of Fractions



1 111111111

11 if







1. The concept of "prime" is abstract, and should be developed using concrete ideas. Thefollowing strategy may be worthwhile in developing an understanding of prime numbers:(a) Provide students with a set of square blocks or square tiles. (Pieces of square paper will be

sufficient.)(b) Select a number of blocks (square tiles) equal to a number which is to be factored.(c) Form as many rectangles as possible with this number of bloc{ s (square tiles). Record

your results.(d) The number being factored is prime if only one rectangle can be formed with the given

number of blocks (square tiles).

Using a Math Lab 14


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Factor the number "5":




The factors are 1 and 5. Since only one rectangle was formed, the number "5" isprime.

Factor the number "12" :




LLI 11111111112



The factors are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. Since more than one rectangle was formed,the number "12" is not prime.

2. Students may not recognize the importance of being able to identify factors and primenumbers. Encourage students to practise these skills by designing games that require theiruse


List the numbers from 1 to 50.

-'"1-,, .--2-, ------3-..... 4 5 ---6---..... 7 8 .....--9-...._ 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

The first player selects a number (e.g., 18) and crosses it out. The second player crossesout all the factors of 18 and scores their total (e.g., 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 21). This processis then repeated, with the second player selecting a number and the first playercrossing out its factors. Once a number has been crossed out it cannot be used again.

Exchange turns until all numbers have been crossed out. The player with the highestpoint total is declared the winner.

2.-.:.,,15 Using a Math Lab

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3. Computer programs can also be used by students to generate sets of factors for givennumbers.


Basic Program


100 END

Using a Math Lab 16


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1. Provide opportunities for students to write ratios that describe and compare collections of realobjects (e.g., blocks, coins, pieces of coloured paper, buttons). Students should use the threeforms for expressing ratios interchangeably when describing their collections:

"a" is to "b"a:ba/ba



2. Encourage students to discover number relationships that are present in equivalent ratios '.)ymapping a correspondence between objects in one collection and objects present in anothercollection. Through discussion, develop an understanding of how the equivalence of two ratioscan be verified using common factors or multiples.


I -1l 1I I I I



I I I 1

I I 1 1




=2. "...A.-





3. Students frequently fail to understand that the relationship between the two parts of a ratio ismultiplicative rather than additive. The multiplicative relationship in ratios must be frequentlyillustrated and explained to students.

Using a Math Lab

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Students may incorrectly reason that:

Emphasize the multiplicative relationship:4


Students who continue to experience difficulty with this concept should be given additionalexperience in working with collections of real objects, and in mapping a correspondence betweenobjects in one collection with objects in another.

4. Cuisenaire rods provide an effective means for developing ratio concepts through concreteexperience. Teachers unfamiliar with the use of cuisenaire rods are encouraged to referencerelated instructional materials available from local media centres or from commercial publishers.

The activity illustrated on the next page uses cuisenaire rods to provide a visual base for makingcomparisons with ratio Similar activities are provided in Resource 3: Introduction to Ratios, andin Resource 4: Equal Ratios.

Using a Math Lab 18

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16111---I A

_ -


1 B I


D..--..--... _ _ _ _ .1 E I



Write the ratios of the following rectangles in two ways:

1. C to G

2. B to D

3. F to G

4. G to H

5. H to D

6. A to G

7. A to F

8. D to G

9. C to F

10. B to G

11. G to F

12. H to B

13. E to D

14. A to D

15. E to H

16. G to D

......., ,

19 Using a Math Lab

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5. Keep number relationships simple when working with ratio and proportion. When applying ratioconcepts to practical problems, select problem situations that involve both integral and non-integral ratios:

1 = 4 (integral)3 N

4= N (non-integral).

5 15

6. Discuss the use of certain words in making comparisons that can be described with ratios:six books for each studentsix books per studentsix for a dollar.

7. When finding the missing component in a proportion, ensure that students use the commonmultiple/common factor methods. Do not encourage the use of cross products at this level ofdevelopment.


Common Multiple Method

Common Factor Method

Numerator and denominator are multiplied by 3.

Numerator and denomfr ltor are divided by 4.

8. Develop the concept of percent through visual representation on the "100 grid". Ask students toillustrate given percents (and their equivalent ratios) by drawing and shading on a piece of10 x 10 grid paper. A blackline master for the "100 grid" is provided in Resource 5: The 100 Grid.

Using a Math Lab 20

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Provide concrete experiences that will enable students to conceptualize the meaningof percent. Begin with diagrams containing 100 sections, and then proceed todiagrams having other than 100 sections.

32_ = 32%100

memo PM

4:0 qtVk$r

12 48= = 48%

25 100

9. Use a variety of procedures to reinforce understanding of common fraction, decimal and percentequivalents:

number line activitiesfraction-decimal-percent dominoes.

Triangular drill cards similar to the one illustrated below will be useful in developing studentability to recall equivalents that are commonly used.


Construct a set of triangular cards. The vertices of each card will name a ratio, itsequivalent decimal, and its equivalent percent.


percent decimal

Encourage students to make their own set of triangular cards for fractions, decimalsand percents that they frequently use. Students can cover one or two vertices on eachtriangle, and practise naming the missing equivalents.

921 Using a Ma..h Lab

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1. Students may experience difficulty in remembering the names of line relationships Teach handsignals for horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel and intersecting lines Then play "SimonSays". Locate examples of these line relationships in the classroom.

2. Develop an understanding of the properties of basic two-dimensional shapes by:identifying/discussing the properties of two-dimensional shapes present in the classroommaking a list of the two-dimensional shapes observed in a photograph/filmstrip/movie, orafter taking a short walkmaking a collage using various two-dimensional shapes.

3. Provide abundant opportunities for students to draw and construct the one-, two- and three-dimensional figures being studied using compass/protractor/straightedge/ruler

Many geometric concepts and skills can be developed/reinforced as students construct geometriclogos or patterns as shown in Resource 6: Geometric Patterns. Line design and string art projectsare also useful vehicles for delivering skills in geometry as found in Resource 7: Line Design.


Encourage students to be creative in the designs and patterns they produce Displays of studentwork in the classroom and hallway will enhance student motivation and effort.

Additional ideas for geometric patterns, line design and string art projects can be obtained froma variety of resources available on these topics.

4. Use a LOGO computer program to produce geometric figures and designs A list of LOGOcommands is provided in the "Use of Technology" section of the manual Encourage students tobe creative in the designs they generate. Provide direction to students as to which linerelationships/geometric figures to incorporate into the designs that are produced.

5. Ask students to create a wallpaper pattern, fabric pattern or linoleum design based on repetitionof a line design/geometric pattern that has been constructed

6. Ask students to construct the 60 attribute shapes that are required to play "Attribute Dominoes"Directions for making the shapes and playing the game are provided in Resource 8: AttributeDominoes.

Using a Math ,ab 22

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7. Provide frequent opportunities for students to solve puzzles that require the recognition ofspatial patterns and relationships. Puzzles might involve experimentation with:

tangramstessellationsmazespaper folding.

Sample activities involving tangrams and tessellations are provided as Resource 9: TheTangram and Resource 10: TessellaCons.

A variety of books containing recreational problems and activities in mathematics can beobtained from local media centres and libraries.



A farmer has 4 turkeys, but only three triangular pens in which to cage them. How caneach turkey be put in a cage of its own, using the three triangular pens?


This pen is formed by theother three pens.

How many pens could be formed using 3, 4 or 5 additional triangles?


2 3.fUsing a Math Lab

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1. Provide abundant opportunities for hands-on experience in estimating and measuring thelength, mass and capacity of familiar objects.

One method of developing familiarity with frequently used units is through the use of "mindpictures" or referents. Some examples include:

millimetre thickness of a dimecentimetrewidth of little fingerkilometredistance from school to ?

gram weight of a small paper clipkilogram weight of (subject) textbook.

Encourage students to use these referents in making estimates, and to check their estimatesthrough actual measurement. Coach students to select units that are appropriate to each item orobject being measured. Students can record their work in tables similar to those illustratedbelow.





2. Another method of estimating measurements is through the use of a strategy called "chunking".The object being measured is divided into portions or chunks whose measure the student isfamiliar with. The measures of individual portions are then added in order to obtain an estimateof the total measurement. This strategy is particularly effective when the object being measuredis large.

Using a Math Lab 243 .:

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Example:If you wish to measure the height of a room, divide the height into two parts:

the height of the doorwaythe distance between the doorway and the ceiling.

3. Students may also find the strategy of "unitizing" to be an effective method of estimating themeasure of a large object. Ask students to divide the object being measured into equal portions.After estimating the measure of one of the equal portions, multiply the estimate by the numberof parts into which the object was divided.

4. Encourage students to recognize the importance of measurement in everyday life Make acollage of pictures collected from newspapers and magazines that depict the use of:

length perimeter/areamass timecapacity temperature.

5. Plan a "scavenger hunt" that will require students to use their skills of estimation andmeasurement. Divide the class into small groups, and provide each group with the same list ofmeasurements. Each group must go on a scavenger hunt and find objects that haveapproxirr3tely the same measureme; its as those on the list. No measuring devices may be used.At lclusion of the hunt, wit each group of students to measure the objects collected.De .e the difference between the estimated and actual measurements. The team with thelowk._. ,mulative total error is c'eclared the winning team.

6. Develop concepts of perimeter and area through the use of tactile and manipulative materials:geot Jardsdot papertiles/tessellations

Compare the concept of perimeter to "distance around" and the concept of area to "surfacecovered".


Form a rectangle on a geoboard or piece of dot paper. Determine its perimeter bycounting units (spaces) around the outside Determine its area by counting thesquare units conta;ned within the rectangle.

Compare the area of the rectangle to its perimeter.

7. Encourage students to develop "mind pictures" for the square centimetre and square metre. Askstudents to draw on paper and cut ,,ut each of these units

Provide opportunities for students to initially verify estimates of area they make by fillingrectangular figures with tiles or square cut-outs, and -nunting the number of squares needed tofill the region. Once the concept of area is understood, encourage students to develop their ownformulas for determining the area of familiar geometric figures.

25 2 .1 Using a Math Lab

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Project work in mathematics class often increases student motivation and provides opportunity forthe application and maintenance of skills and processes When effectively planned, a project willintegrate mathematical skills with skills learned in other subject areas. Opportunity for group workwill foster the development of social skills and responsibility,

Topics around which projects might be developed inc ude:

Planning a Vacation Designing the Ideal BedroomThe Cost of Having a Pet Orienteering in the OutdoorsPreparing a Personal Time Schedule Operating a Simple Retail BusinessDeveloping a Budget Designing Wood/Metal/Cloth Projects


Assume that a friend and yourself have decided to take a one- or two-week vacation. After selectingyour destination, decide on a method of travel, plan the route, determine the costs and obtain anyother information necessary to ensure an enjoyable time. Maps, brochures, pictures and otheravailable materials should be included in your report.


A. Your Destination

What is the geographical location? Are there any time-zone changes?

How long will your stay be?

What will the weather be like at the time of year yuu will be making your trip?

B. Methods of Travel and Route

Obtain information on all methods of travel that will be used during your vacation (e.g., howyou are getting there, other travel methods you will use while there)

Describe y-,ur route. Use maps and name any major cities through which you will be travelling.

C. Your Stay

What kind of accommodation will you choose?

What special attractions will you see? Include pictures or brochures if possible.

What special things will you do there?

2 3 .:Using a Math Lab 26

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D. Costs

Determine the cost of your trip:


Accommodation (cost per night times the number of nights)

Approximate cost of food (cost per day times the number of days)

Miscellaneous costs such as special tours, shows, etc.

E. Vacation Needs

Considering the clothing and personal items you now own, prepare a list of the wardrobe,accessories and other necessities you will take on your trip.

List additional items that you feel you must buy before you leave. Estimate their cost.

Will you need additional medical insurance? How much will it cost?

Will you need a passport, How do you get it?

How much money will you need to take on your trip (e.g , cash, traveller's cheques),

F. Additional Activities

Calculate the total cost of the trip, based on individual iosts and estimates.

Calculate the average cost per day.

Estimate/calculate the total distance that you will travel.

Present your vacation plan to the class. Include pictures posters, slides, travel brochures, maps,displays, etc.

23.27 Using a Math Lab

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Skills from other subject areas that might be integrated with this projectare identified below.


problem solvingestimationcalculator skillsreading and interpreting the 12- and 24-hour clockreading and interpreting tables and chartsdetermining the "best buy"calendar skills

Social Studies:

personal development and personal organizationinterpersonal skillsdecision makingcommunity awarenessCanadian geographypersonal economicscurrent events.

Personal and Public Services:

personal and interper:onal skillsbody knowledge and caresafetyinterpretation of visual data

Business Education:

management skillsbusiness ethicsbusiness communicationspersonal skillsinterpersonal shillspersonal finances.


problem solvingdecision making.

Language Arts:

exploring/expressing meaningdeveloping interactiongathering informationwriting business letters.


Using a Math Lab 28

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Using a Math Lab




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8/5 l = 8/EL = I

"L = 8/8 = H "8/L = 9 'V/£ = 8/9 = A "8/s = 3"Z/L = 8/V = CI "8/C = 0 "V/L = 8/Z = 8 "8/1. = V

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MATERIALS: cuisenaire rods (one of each colour)


1. Examine the red rod. Which rod is half the length of the red rod?

red = white

white = red.

The ratio of red to ,white is 2 to 1, which can also be written as 2:1 or as 2/1.

The ratio of white to red is 1 to 2. Write this ratio in two other ways:

2, Examine the red and light green rods What is the relationship between the lengths of theserods?

red =

light green =

light green


The ratio of red to light green is to . This ratio can also be written as:


Write a rule for making equal ratios.

Test your rule. What is the ratio of light green to b:ue?

Name two sets of coloured rods that make the same ratio:

Do these sets of coloured rods follow your rule?

Using a Math Lab 32

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MATERIALS: cuisenaire rods


The ratio of purple to brown is 4 to 8, which can also be written as 4:8 or as 4/8.

Could this ratio also be written as 1 to 2? Explain.

We say that 4:8 and 1:2 are equal ratios. They can be written in this way:

4 1

8 2 .

Use your cuisenaire rods to find other ratios that are equal to 1:2. Record your results in the chartbelow.


1. Purple to brown 4/8

33 2 (I:, Using a Math Lab

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Using a Math Lab 34

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The constructions of inscribed equilateral triangles, regular hexagons, squares and regular octagonscan be used to p. oduce a variety of geometric designs.


Follow the instructions for inscribing an equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon in a circle. Byjoining various points and colouring or shading parts of the figures, create geometric designssimilar to those illustrated in the examples

1. Inscribing an Equilateral Triangle

a) With a compass draw a circle with centre 0b) In this circle draw a diameter AB.c) With centre A and radius AO, draw an arc intersecting the circle at C and D.d) Connect B, C, and D to form an equilateral triangle

2. Inscribing a Regular Hexagon

a) With a compass draw a circle with centre 0b) In this circle draw a diameter AB

c) With centre A and radius AO, draw arcs intersecting the circle at C and D. Similarly, withcentre at B and radius BO, draw arcs intersecting the circle at E and F

d) Connect the six points on the circle to form a regular hexagon

(see diagram on next page)

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3. Examples of Designs

Js"..g a Ya." ...a b 36

c- ..

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Follow the instructions for inscribing a square and a regular octagon in a circle. By joiningvarious points and colouring or shading parts of the figures, create geometric designs similar tothose illustrated in the examples.

1. Inscribing a Square

a) Draw a circle with centre 0 and draw a diameter AB.

b) Construct another diameter CD which is the perpendicular bisector of AB.

c) Connect the four points on the circle to form a square.

2. Inscribing a Regular Octagon

a) Draw a circle with centre 0 and locate points A, B, C and D as in the construction of asquare above

b) Bisect z. AOC, z. COB, 4 BOD, t.D0A to obtain poi nts E, F, G and H on the circlerespectively

c) Connect A, E, C, F, B, G, D and H, in order, to form a regular octagon.



,,s ng a Va;* _a:

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3. Examples of Designs


Using a Math Lab 38

2 4::

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The construction of line segments can produce interesting geometric patterns and designs.

A. Draw a righ, angle and mark off from the verte. eight segments of equal length along each armof the angle. (Use either a compass or a ruler to obtain equal lengths ) Label the end points ofthe segments as in the following diagram and connect A to 8, 8 to 7, . , and H to 1

s 2 3 4 S 6 7 '4

8. Try the procedure outlined above with an acute angle and an obtuse angle.

s 2 3 1. S 6 7 I

C. Draw a line segment Construct a second line segment with the same length as the first in such away that each segment is a perpendicular bisector of the other. Use the four angles formed tocreate this design.

L;smg a Marl Lao

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D. More involved designs can be obtained by bisecting angles and using the angles formed foradditional designs The following example makes use of angle bisectors as well as some shading.

E. Corstruct additional line designs using the procedures you have learned. The illustrations belowmay give you some ideas.

Using a vath 40


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Construct a set of 60 attribute shapes using:three different colours of paper (e.g., blue, green, red)five large geometric shapes

large square

large rectangle

large isosceles-right triangle

five small geometric shapes circle

EI small square 0 small circle

small equilateral triangle

large equilateral triangle

small rectangle

N-smallisosceles right triangle

striped and non-striped shapes in each size and colour.

The set of 60 attribute shapes will consist of 20 blue shapes, 20 green shapes and 20 red shapes. Thechart below illustrates the attributes that will be common to each set of coloured shapes.

20 blue shapes

Ii I

10 large 10 small

5 3 non-striped 5 5 non-striped

I Isquare square square square

circle circle circle circle

rectangle rectangle rectangle rectangle

equilateral equilateral equilateral equilateraltriangle triangle triangle triangle

isosceles isosceles isosceles isoscelestriangle triangle triangle triangle

424 Using a Math Lab

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The game can be played with two to four players, each of whom receives ten attribute shapes. Thefirst player places one game piece in the centre of the table. The other players take turns placing apiece in one of four directions, building from the previous piece In order to play an attribute shape,it must differ from the piece it is placed beside by only one attribute. If a player cannot play, he mustdraw a new attribute shape from a container holding the extra pieces. If the player cannot play thisshape, the play passes to the next person. The first player to play all of their attribute shapes isdeclared the winner.

A sample game pattern is illustrated below:

Key: B Blue; G - Green; R - Red

NOTE: Attribute shapes can be varied according to the geometric figures that are being studiedStudents in grade nine may wish to use the parallelogram, hexagon and octagon in conjunction withtwo other geometric shapes.

Using a Math Lab 42

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This exercise involve!" making a variety of geometric figures by rearranging pieces of a puzzle


If tangram pieces are not available, a set may be constructed by following these directions.

1. On cardboard draw a square ABCD with each sideat least 10 cm in length.

2. Locate midpoints E and F of sides AB i and BCrespectively.

3. Draw EF and AC.

4. Draw the portion of DB from D to EF (shown in thediagram as DG ). Let H be the point of intersectionof DG and AC.

5. Locate!, the midpoint of AH, and .1, the midpoint

of CH Draw El and G1.

6. Cut out the seven pieces.


Using the seven tangram pieces, arrange them in such a way as to form:

1. a square

2. a triangle

3. a rectangle which is not a square

4 a parallelogram which is not a rectangle5. a trapezoid

6. a convex polygon (a polygon in which each of the diagonals fall within its interior; 13 suchpolygons can be formed with the tangram pier.:.1s)

2ii.43 usirg a Math Lab

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6. One convex polygon can be made inthis way. See if you can make theother 12 convex polygons. Recordyour results




Give the small square, EGHI, an area of one square unit. Compute the area of each of the other sixtangram pieces using the square as the unit of measure.

Using a Math Lab 44

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A. A tessellation is a pattern that can completely "fill" a surface or region without overlapping orleaving spaces. The word "tesseilation" comes from an ancient Latin word which means "tocover with tiles". Some tessellations which we encounter in our everyday life are tiled floors andwallpapers. Name some other examples of tessella :;ons.

B. Construct tiles identical to those shown in Part C using a piece of cardboard. You will requireseveral tiles of each shape. Your tiles will include the following shapes:- equilateral triangle - square (three different sizes)- isosceles right triangle - rhombus- parallelogram - trapezoid- rectangle - regular hexagor.

C Using only the tiles that have the shape of an equilateral triangle or an isosceles right triangle,cover each of the following shapes. Give the name of the polygon you have covered.

" 2 rig a Vath _ao

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e. 9. 10.

D. Make a sketch to illustrate your use of equilateral triangles to form the hexagon in Cs.

Make another sketch to show how a !age equilateral triangle can be made from several smallones.

E. Can the following shapes from Point C produce tessellations?



Yes No

Sketch the tessellations produced by each of these shapes.

in each of these tessellations, can you find a larger version of the basic shape used to make thetessellation? If you can, outline it on your sketch Which shapes can produce tessellations butcannot be put together to make larger versions of themselves,

^g a Ma ..ab 46

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The mathematics program emphasizes the understanding of concepts/skills, problem solving andapplication. Any assessment of understanding and problem solving must go beyond determining thepercent of correct responses on a test based on mathematical facts It should also provideinformation about how students approach doing mathematics, the level of conceptualunderstanding students have, and their ability to apply mathematics in new situations The role ofassessment should be to provide feedback and evidence of progress toward desired instructionalgoals. A singular assessment technique cannot provide this evicence.

In a report of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Curriculum and Evaluation Standardsfor School Mathematics, the following statement is made about assessment and evaluation withinthe mathematics program:

"A common form of assessment is testing for the purpose of assigning grades. Butassessment should be conceived of as a much broader and basic task than just testingand grading. Its basic purpose is to determine what and how students think aboutmathematics. Assessment should involve the biography of students' learning as well asthe continual impact of the instructional program. Such assessment should provide thebasis for improving the quality of instruction. Indeed, assessment has no raison d'êtreunless it is clear how assessment can and will improve instruction"'

Fx-thermore, it is important to understand that through the prccess of evaluation we evaluatestudents' performance and not students themselves. This understanding helps one avoidpermanently classifying a student as a good student or a poor student. Performance can and doeschange, and the teacher should be alert to significant changes.

Some evaluation strategies have been included in this section of the manual.

ObservationInterviewsInventories/ChecklistsAnecdotal RecordsWritten Assignments

Paper-and-Pencil TestsDiagnostic Writing Assignments.

These strategies are not intended to be discrete and should be used with other strategies. Forexample, a checklist may be used to document desirable problem-solving behaviour in the classroom,or to guide discussion and evaluate performance in an interview. The applications of these strategiesshould not be restricted to the suggestions provided.

Reproduced with permission from Curriculum and Evaluation Standards For School Mathematics:Working Draft. Copyright 1987 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


2 5

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Teachers observe all the time. When observations are documented, their eUectiveness as anevaluation strategy increases immensely. Documented observations often provide the raw datarequired for analysis and diagnosis, and provide the basis on which to make remediation orenrichment decisions.

Mathematics lessons usually have a component in which students work on assignments and projectsindividually or in small groups. At this time teachers can observe students at work, looking forspecific behaviours or outcomes, asking questions and making suggestions. Elements of the learningprocess that might be monitored through observation include:

understanding of concepts/skillsmethod of attacking problemswork habitslevel of independence with workinterpersonal skills and social growth

Documentation of behaviours that are observed may occur in the form of anecdotal records orchecklists. File anecdotal records and checklists in a student folder where samples of daily work,project reports and other artifacts are also placed


Anecdotal Record

Name Date Situation Behaviour Comment

John 1/17 group lesson, quick to helpdeveloping meaning neighbouringof fractions with studentsgraph paper

understands basicfraction concepts

1/25 computation game unable to use mental redevelop andnithmetic when practise strategies formultiplying by multiplying bypowers of 10 powers of 10

A sample ,hecklist that might be used in observing student behaviours has been provided as Resource1: Observational Checklist of Student Behaviours.

Sometimes audiotapes or videotapes can be used to provide records that can be analyzed in moredetail at a later time. Photographs are also useful in providing a record of project work. In additionto providing the tangible kinds of things that parents like to see at conference time, these records ofstudent performance enable the teacher to measure progress with more objectivity tnan simplythrough memory of what was done.

Evaluation 2

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A planned interview with a student or group of students i- an effective technique for assessingknowledge, understanding, thinking style, attitude or personal interests An interview removes therestriction of writing, and enables the teacher to delve more deeply into how a student goes aboutfinding an answer or solving a problem. Although written responses on an assignment may indicateareas of concern, more information is often required before appropriate remediation can beprovided. Remediation strategies that are based solely upon the analysis of written responses may infact be inappropriate at times Holding interviews with students can reveal both unsuspectedweaknesses and surprising strengths in their mathematical thinking.

Some guidelines for conducting interviews include:

Establish an atmosphere of acceptance. The student must feel comfortable enough to freelyverbalize his or her ideas. By accepting the student's responses without judgement, but withencouragement to elaborate further, you are communicating not only respect for the student'sthinking but also a curiosity to learn more.. Each response, whether right or wrong, has thepotential of providing information about the student's level of understanding.Ask probing questions. During the interview, ask questions and introduce materials that willcause the student to extend and apply concepts/skills to new areas Rephrase questions usingvocabulary familiar to the student, so as to clarify both your intent and the student's thinking.Although some of the questions you ask should be planned, others should be inventedspontaneously in order to test your hunches about the student's thinking. Questions asked maytake some of the following forms:

How did you ...?Why did you ...?How do you know that . ?

Have you ...?How did you decide whether ...?Can you describe ..?Are you sure that ...?How do you feel about ...?

Pace the interview appropriately. By allowing an adequate pause following each question beforerepeating or rephrasing it, you are giving the student time to interpret the question andconstruct the response. On some tasks, the student may need more than a thirty-second pause,whereas on others, three seconds will suffice. Also, by allowing an adequate pause following thestudent's response, you are indirectly encouraging him or her to elaborate on his or her initialresponseBe prepared to coax and encourage the student to make a response. A frequent response givenby the student may be "I don't know" or "I forgot". Sometimes an extended pause can coax outproductive thinking. At other times, the teacher can encourage a response to questions aboutwhich the student is unsure by saying:

"I know it's not easy to think about. Just give me your best idea.""Pretend that you did know How do you think it might be done?"

Interviews should have a definite purpose and both teacher and student should be aware of thepurpose. Interviews must be planned in advance In preparing for an interview, the teacher shouldconsider:

What questions will I ask?What basic understandings will I initially assess?How can I incorporate the use of manipulative materials?How can I vary the task and questions to obtain different perspectives on the student's ability'


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Maximum benefits can be gained from an interview by reflecting on your interaction after listeningto an audiotape playback. Considerable value can also be gained from sharing your tape with acolleague. By discovering how students interpret and view a problem, the teacher will be better ableto make effective on-the-spot decisions in the classroom.

Several guides for interviewing have been included at the end of this section of the manual:

Resource 2: Sample Protocol for Student InterviewsResource 3: Interview Guide for Problem SolvingResource 4: Interview Guide for Project Work.

2 9

Evaluation 4

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Inventories and checklists are documentation strategies that are used conjunctively with otherevaluation strategies. They can be easily designed and customized to meet many different needs andsituations. Generally a matrix is created, with indicators of desirable behaviours/outcomes on oneside, and ratings/skill levels along another side. As teachers note a particular behaviour, they needonly check the appropriate column that evaluates or rates the behaviour

Checklists lend themselves very well to documenting such elements of the program as:

comprehension of a concept when using a manipulativemastered knowledge, skills or processwork habitsproblem-solving strategiessocial skills.


Checklist/lnventory of Social Skills

Behaviour to be Observed






Is sensitive to the needs and problems of others.

Willingly shares Ideas/materials.

Accepts suggestions and help.

Adheres to group plans/decisions.

Works cooperatively with others.-......

Respects the property of others.

Appears to like group work.

A variety of inventories/checklists useful in monitoring the development of problem-solving skills areprovided in the "Problem Solving" section of this manual:

Attitude Inventory ItemsObservational Checklist of Problem-Solving Attitudes and BehavioursObservational Rating Scale of Problem-Solving Attitudes and BehavioursChecklist of Problem-Solving StrategiesProblem-Solving Strategy Inventory.

Similar checklists can be developed to monitor and evaluate other components of the mathematicsorograme.g., - use of estimation strategies

- facility with mental arithmetic.

';lia -arc

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Anecdotal records refer to the spontaneous documentation of notable behaviour, effort andachievement. These records provide specific and dated information that can form the basis forconclusions and asse-sments. Anecdotal records often prove invaluable in clarifying assessments andadd credibility to c.. nervations and recommendations being offered in student, parent and/or teachermeetings.

Anecdotal records may include observations on:

attitude/work habitssocial skillseffort and homeworkchanges in performancespecific strengths/deficienciescommunication skills.


Anecdotal Record Card

Student: Sue Jones Date: 04/10


- knows how and when to look for a pattern in problem solving- keeps trying even when she has trouble finding a solution

shows interest in helping others

- often enters numbers into the calculator in the wrong order when dividing

Anecdotal records may be kept in a daily or weekly diary, in student files, in the marks record book, orin a common file of short, dated notes.

Evaluation 6

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Traditional paper-and-pencil tests are probably the most widely used method of evaluating studentperformance. While effective in assessing factual and procedural knowledge, these tests often elicitfeelings of inadequacy and self-doubt for students who have experienced previous difficulty orfailure. These negative feelings affect test performance, and may cause a cycle of repeated failure tocontinue.

Students may have learned the information presented in class, but are unable to demonstrate theknowledge because of poor reading skills, visual perception problems, inadequate reasoning andcomprehension, fine-motor difficulties or other related deficiencies. Special needs of the student canbe met through minor alterations in the construction of teacher-made tests. Constructing testsaccording to special needs can mean the difference between success and failure for some students.

The suggestions which follow will assist teachers to construct their tests according to the needs ofindividual studcnt:


Keep directions simple and avoid unnecessary words.Define words that are unfamiliar or abstract.Give an example of how the student is to respond.



Add the fractions.Give the answer in lowest terms.

Example: 1 2

3 6

1 3

2 6


6 iSome teachers fee! that providing a model invislidates a test designed to measure knowledgeof mathematical process. However, some students may never be able fo remember a formulaor complex set of processes without visual prompts. For them, failure is almost a certaintywithout modifications.

Avoid oral directions as the only means of communication Read directions orally as well as clearlywriting them on the test

2 6

7 Evaluation

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Provide manipulative objects that make the problems more concrete.When using computation problems, avoid nixing different problem formats in the same section.


A student with organizational or visual tracking problems may have difficulty in"changing gears" from problem A to problem B. It might be better to put thesequestions in two different sections of the test.

Problem A

468+ 31


Problem B

670 + 40 + 861 =

Provide visual prompts for computational problems.


73+ 69 OR

Provide formulas and explain the meaning of special symbols (e.g., A =1 xw, < means "lessthan").Provide a set of written steps for applying difficult algorithms.


Long Division

1. Divide2. Multiply3. Subtract4. Check5. Bring down


Incorporate we use c-f the calculator into cornpu1.ational problems that are not intended toassess understanding of paper and- pencil processDesign wo d problems that:

are relevant to the student's personal experienceconsist of simple sentences and familiar words.

Underline or circle key words in word problems (e.g., less,Ask students to circle the correct response in multiple choice items. This reduces the possibilityof copying er-ors when transferring letters to blanks. Arrange the answer and distractorsvertically on the page.

Evaluation 8 D

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You have a board 48 centimetres lonq If you cut off a 6-centimetre piece, how much isleft?

a. 38 centimetres

b. 42 centimetres

c. 48 centimetres

Keep all matching items brief, and have only one correct answer for each item Use no more thanten items in the matching lists If you have more than ten items, group them by concepts inclusters of ten


Construct the test in logical sequential order, from simple to complex problems.Jse test items that reflect the content taught and techniques used to teach.Prepare a study guide for the test that matches the design of the actual test.Design the test to reflect the student's knowledge, rather than ability to follow complicateddirections, to use difficult vocabulary, or to work under time constraints.

6 Adjust the readability level of the test to meet student needs.Prepare the test in short sections that can be administered individually if necessary.Use graph paper for paper-and-pencil compu.ational problems. The squares may help thestudent to keep figures aligned.


Diagnostic writing assignments require the student to respond to specific mathematical questions inan expressive writing style. Written responses often force the student to examine their ownunderstanding of concepts and will communicate to teachers how much students really know about aconcept. Written responses also provide insight into how the student thinks. These assignments haveproven successful as a diagnostic tool. Appropriate remedial and enrichment activities may bedetermined on the basis of the understanding demonstrated for a given concept.


Comparing Perimeter and Area

What is wrong with each of the following statements about the rectangle'

8 cm

4 cm

The area is 32 cm.The perimeter is 12 cm.The area is 12 cm2.If the length is increased by 2 cm, the area will be increased by 2 cm?.If the perimeter is doubled, the area will be doubled.The perimeter of any rectangle is always smaller than the area.


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Written assignments at this grade level should be short. They should not be graded for a mark butrather, assessed for understanding (diagnosis) Students might be awarded bonus points based ontheir effort and presentation.


0 points no effort1 point mediocre attempt with little or no uncle: standing2 points good attempt, but with some lack of understanding3 points high level of effort and understanding

Diagnostic writing assignments can be kept in a student diary or logbook, and might be assigned on aregular basis (once or twice a week), or in lieu of a regular quiz


EvahntIon 1U

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Settles down to work upon entering class

Spends time on task; has satisfactory attention span.

Takes respons; bility `or making up work after absences.

Takes responsibility for supplies and equipment.

Follows directions; completes tasks with minimal assistance.

Asks for and accepts help when needed.

Accepts a challenge; works productively on tasks of incrPasing difficulty.

Displays self-confidence and pride in work.


Uses the necessary vocabulary and concepts.

Uses appropriate operations, strategies and principles. I

Asks questions, volunteers answers.

Answers questions that involve thought (e.g., What do you think?).

Demonstrates understanding through ability to generalize and apply.

Displays curiosity about concepts, relationships and applications.

Works independently on projects and research.

2E11 Evaluation

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wzUnderstands and defines problems.

Develops a systematic plan of attack.

Gather, information using a variety of sources.

Carries cut plans and procedures, seeking help when necessary.

e Uses appropriate strategies and processes

Considers alternatives before reaching a solutic-adecision.

Evaluates solutions to the problem and decisions made.

Considers other ideas/opinions/solutions.


Resists aggressive and impulsive behaviours.

Volunteers to work in group situation.

Cooperates and contributes to group goals.

Listens to peers; considers the opinions of others.

Participates in oral discussions

Helps others willingly.

Evaluation 12

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Sample interview questions that might be used in assessing the student's understanding ofoperations, basic facts and algorithmic procedures are provided It is not suggested that everyquestion be used during each interview. Their purpose is simply to illustrate how carefully sequencedand well-phrased questions can provide worthwhile information about the student's understandingof process and skill.


The following questions and tasks relate to the operation of division. Similar questions and taskscould be developed for other operations These questions will indicate:

how students interpret the operationwhether the action can be identified znd simulatedwhether the operation can be related to personal experience.


1. Rea6 "56 :.- 7" for me.

2. Do you know other ways of reading this Students may frequently read statements like 56 + 7 orequivalent subtraction statements (e.g , 56 7) in either direction.

3. Do you know other names for " ÷ "? (Point to the symbol, or use terminology from the student'sresponse to the previous task.)

4. Use counters (or draw a sketch) to show 12; 3.Is the student able to simulate the action for 12 -:. 3 with counters,Is the student's preferred division interpretation one of measurement or partition, and willthe student be consistent throughout the interview?

5. Make up a word problem for 12 ÷ 3.


The following examples deal with multiplication facts. Similar strategies could be developed for basicfacts related to other operations. Through appropriate interview questions, the teacher can assessthe student's ability to:

recall simple basic factsuse known facts to derive answers for other factsapply the properties of "zero" and "one"use strategies for checking answers or finding an answer for a fact that is not known

I Reprinted with permission from The Arithmetic Teacher Copyright 1988 by the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics.


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1. Give the answer for 4 x 0.

2. What is your rule for finding the answer when a number is multiplied by zero? Use your rule for25x0.

3. Give the answer for 6 x 1.

4. What is your rule for finding the answer when a number is multiplied by one? Use your rule for37 x 1.

5. If the answer for 7 x 9 is 63, how could you use this answer to find the answer for 8 x 9?

6. Pretend you forgot the answer for 7 x 8. How would you find or calculate this answer?

7. As I show you a flash card, tell me, without calculating the answer, whether you think the fact iseasy or hard. (After the cards have been sorted as "easy" and "hard", answers are solicited andchecked by turning the appropriate cards over, first for the facts classified as easy and then forthose identified as hard.)


Subtraction is used to illustrate a possible protocol for an algorithmic procedure during an interview.These procedures can be adapted for other operations. Questions posed during the interview shouldrelate to:

the order of "attack" used by the studentthe reasons for "moves" made during the calculationthe meaning of the digits that are being manipulated


1. Show me how you would find the answer for 57 - 34 = . Talk to me as you are doing it

Explanations provided by the student should provide answers for the following questions:Why did you record one number below the other?

- Why did you begin "here"?- You said "5 - 3". What do these digits really mean?

2. Explain to me what you are thinking as you find the answer for 71 - 48 =

3. Show me how you would explain how to find the ansv:er for 4003 897 = to a studentin a lower grade (or to a younger brother or sister).

4. Use these base-ten blocks to show how you would find the answer for 605 - 67 =



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1. Establish rapport to help the student feel comfortable.

2. Ask the student to "talk about what he or she is doing or thinking" while solving the problem.Explain that this will enable you to hei o the student to become a better problem solver.

3. Give this problem to the student:

At an amusem*nt park, Mike and his 5 friends decided to take enough roller coaster rides so thateach person woul i take a side with every other person exactly once. How many rides were tz.kenif only 2 students went on each ride?

4. As the student attempts to understand the problem question and conditions, observe the studentand ask questions such as the following, if appropriate:

a. What did you do first when given the problem, Next?b. What question is asked in the problem, What are the important facts and conditions in the

problem? Do you need any information not given in the problem?c. Is there anything you don't understand about the problem?

5. As the Student works on a solution to the problem, remind him or her again to talk about it, andask questions such as the following, if appropriate:

a. What strategy are you using? Do you think it will lead to a solution? Have you thought aboutusing other strategies? Which ones?

b. Where are you having difficulty? What are your ideas about where to go from here?

6. As the student finds an answer to the proolem, observe the ways, if any, in which he or she checksthe answer and its reasonableness as a solution. Ask questions such as:

a. Are you sure this is the correct answer to the problem? Why?b. Do you think it is important to check your answer? Why,

7 After the student has solved the problem, ask questions such as:

a. Can you describe the solution to the problem and how you found it?b Is this problem like any other problem you've solved? How?c. Do you think this problem could be solved in another way? What are your ideas?d. How did you feel while you were solving this problem? How do you feel now that you have

found a solution,

Reprinted with permission from How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving. Copyright 1987 bythe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


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1. How did you select this investigation/project?

2. Are you interested in it?very somewhat not at all

3. What did the teacher do when giving out the assignment?

Examples: give verbal guidelinesgive written guidelinesselect the topicprovide a strategyincrease your interest

4. Who do you expect will examine the results of your investigation/project?


5. Have you undertaken an investigation/project like this before,yes no

6. What did you know about this topic before you started?

7. Which of the following mathematical ideas/processes did you use in carrying out yourinvestigation/project,

geometric shapes large numbersorder of operations decimalsfractions estima',.ionrounding numbers calculator usagemental arithmetic graphs and tablesunits of measure budgetingbanking skills comparative shoppingscale drawing patterns and designs

For permission to reprint copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgement is made to thefollowing: Division for Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Focus for the material adaptedfrom "Alternative in the Assessment of the Learning Disabled Adolescent: A Learning StrategiesApproach" by Judith Wiener, Spring 1986.

Evaluation 16

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (267)



8. How did you plan your investigation/project?

9. Did you make an outline of the steps you would take?yes no

What kind of thinking did you do first?

10. Did you do any research? yes no

kVhat sources of information did you use?


11. What strategies did you find most helpful in completing your investigation/project?

Examples: reading and researchfollowing directions receivedexplanations from the teacherstudying diagram's/modelsreceiving help from parentsstudying with a partnerexplaining problems to classmateshaving group discussions about solutionsother

12. Explain three ways that you might make use of the results of your investigation in everyday life.


13. What have you learned ir completing this investigation/project,

14. What grade did you think you would get?


15. What was the teacher's evaluation?

How was this evaluation different from your anticipated grade,

17 EvaluationCS t-4 / .. .,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (268)


Alberta Education wishes to thank the following authors, publishers, and agents for grantingpermission to include copyrighted materials:

Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs for the excerpts from Expense Diary, 1986.

Alberta Education for the excerpts from Let Problem Solving be the Focus in the 1980's, 1983.

Alberta Education for the excerpts from Problem Solving Chalknge for Mathematics, 1985.

Alberta Vocational Centre/Community Vocational Centres for the excerpts from Mathematics:Applications and Information for the Adult consumer, An Adult Basic Education Project by AlbertaVocational Centre/Community Vocational Centres, 1986.

Boston, Allyn and Bacon for excerpts from Strategies for Teaching Students With Learning andBehaviour Problems, 1988, by Dr. C. Bos and S. Baughn.

Division For Learning Disabilities for the material adapted from Learning Disabilities Focus, Spring1986.

The Edmonton Sun for excerpts from The Edmonton Sun, 1988.

Federated Co-operatives Limited for the excerpts from Consumer's Guide Co-op ConsumerCounsellor, 1983.

Health and Welfare Canada for excerpts from Canada's Food Guide, 1983. Reproduced withpermission of the Minister of Supply and Services Canada

Mulcahy, Marlo and Peat for the adaptation From A Strategies Program for Effective Learning/Thinking, 1987, by permission of the authors

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for the excerpts from The Arithmetic Teacher, February1985.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for the excerpts from Curriculum and EvaluationStandards for School Mathematics, Working Draft prepared by the Working Groups of theCommission on Standards for School Mathematics, 1987.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for the excerpts from How to Evaluate Progress inProblem Solving, 1987, by Randall Charles et al Reprinted by permission of the publishers, NationalCouncil of Teachers of Mathematics.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 237 SE 051 046 AUTHOR Dawson, Jon, Ed. TITLE Mathematics 8 and 9: Teacher Resource Manual. Curriculum, Interim 1989. INSTITUTION - [PDF Document] (2024)


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